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from Zen X Zen (2003) | |||||
4:15 | ||||
from Scent Of Wine: Rosetta (2005)
This night
I awoke Out from dreams Of tall cascading fontains Of love I'm floating like a dove Covered from above With fountains of love And you Fly with me Through a scene Of deep caressing rivers Of love Soft as a dove It's you i'm dreaming of With rivers of love Flowing from above Knowing only of Rivers of love |
3:45 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Oppna upp ditt fonster
sla upp din dorr slapp in ljuset och min alskling lat allting bli som forr lat honom veta an finns en vag tillbaks lat honom veta att han ar den enda du vill ha visst kan du valja att bryta nu men han finns alltid dar i ditt hjarta det vet du sa varfor inte lata honom vara dar du kan anda aldrig glomma den ditt hjarta haller kar Oppna upp ditt fonster sla upp din dorr slapp in ljuset och min alskling lat allting bli som forr lat honom veta an finns en vag tillbaks lat honom veta att han ar den enda du vill ha Ropa ner i granden hogt sa han hor ropa att den karlek ar inget man forgor ropa att den karlek aldrig kan ta slut ropa honom in igen och om han inte hor spring da ut visst kan du valja att bryta nu men han finns alltid dar i ditt hjarta det vet du sa varfor inte lata honom vara dar du kan anda aldrig glomma den ditt hjarta haller kar Ropa ner i granden hogt sa han hor ropa att den karlek ar inget man forgor ropa att den karlek aldrig kan ta slut ropa honom in igen och om han inte hor jag sager om han inte hor spring da ut Star han ej att finna sok som besatt sag till hans vanner att det ska jag halsa att fonstret ar oppet och dorren star pa glant ack vad som hander ar han alltid det finaste som hant visst kan du valja att bryta nu men han finns alltid dar i ditt hjarta det vet du sa varfor inte lata honom vara dar du kan anda aldrig glomma den ditt hjarta haller kar Star han ej att finna sok som besatt sag till hans vanner att det ska jag halsa att fonstret ar oppet och dorren star pa glant ack, vad som hander ar han alltid det finaste som hant Oppna upp ditt fonster sla upp din dorr slapp in ljuset lat allt bli som forr lat allt bli som forr ropa ner i granden ropa hogt sa han hor ropa att den karlek ar inget man forgor nej, det ar inget man forgor Oppna upp ditt fonster sla upp din dorr slapp in ljuset och min alskling lat allt bli som forr lat allt bli som forr lat allt bli som forr lat allt bli som forr |
3:26 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Jag vill inte frklara mig
vill inte st upp fr mina idealer inte heller frsvara mig vill varken vara svr eller hal s vad vill jag d det r enkelt att frst jag vill bara sitta hr med benen i kors och varfr vill jag det det r inte svrt att se fr att du sitter bredvid frsts Jag vill inte beveka dig att gra ngonting du inte vill men inte heller frneka mig och pst att jag inte duger till s vad vill jag d det r enkelt att frst jag vill bara sitta hr med benen i kors och varfr vill jag det det r inte svrt att se fr att du sitter bredvid frsts Jag vill inte stressa dig och jag vill inte pressa dig men jag vill sga hgt och klart vad jag finner underbart och du r det sknaste jag vet Jag vill inte frklara mig vill inte st upp fr mina ideal inte heller frsvara mig vill varken vara svr eller hal s vad vill jag d det r enkelt att frst jag vill bara sitta hr med benen i kors och varfr vill jag det det r inte svrt att se fr att du sitter bredvid frsts Jag vill inte stressa dig och jag vill inte pressa dig men jag vill sga hgt och klart vad jag finner underbart och du r det sknaste jag vet men jag vill inte beveka dig att gra ngonting du inte vill men inte heller frneka mig och pst att jag inte duger till s vad vill jag d det r enkelt att frst jag vill bara sitta hr med benen i kors och varfr vill jag det det r inte svrt att se fr att du sitter bredvid frsts |
2:28 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Nu i tveksamhetens tid
har i fragornas land ber jag dig komma hit far jag halla din hand far jag luta min panna mot ditt trygga brost vagar jag be dig att stanna far jag hora din rost Lat mig lana din kraft jag kan dampa mitt fall med tankarna pa vad vi haft och allt som komma skall far jag luta min panna mot ditt trygga brost vagar jag be dig att stanna far jag hora din rost Nar tveksamhet gror da jag ar langt fran beslut da ingenting ar som man tror inget ar som det ser ut far jag da luta min panna mot ditt trygga brost vagar jag be dig att stanna far jag hora din rost far jag hora din rost far jag hora din rost |
2:42 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Jag skrek
men du horde aldrig riktigt vad jag sa jag sag in i dina ogon men du sag nog aldrig riktigt vem jag var och jag sa det har ar hur jag ar jag kommer alltid att vara sa har sa kom och och ta mej eller lat bli for san har ar jag och det vill jag forbli Vi slet vi slet men inte alls at samma hall och jag skrek jag horde hur jag skrek att du har spelat ut din roll och jag sa det har ar hur jag ar jag kommer alltid att vara sa har sa kom och och ta mej eller lat bli for san har ar jag och det vill jag forbli Ja, jag skrek men du horde aldrig riktigt vad jag sa jag sag in i dina ogon men du sag nog aldrig riktigt vem jag var och jag sa det har ar hur jag ar jag kommer alltid att vara sa har sa kom och och ta mej eller lat bli for san har ar jag och det vill jag forbli Och vi slet vi slet men inte alls at samma hall och jag skrek jag horde hur jag skrek att du har spelat ut din roll och jag sa det har ar hur jag ar jag kommer alltid vara san har sa kom och och ta mej eller lat bli for san har ar jag och det vill jag forbli jag sa kom och och ta mej eller lat bli for san har ar jag och det vill jag forbli |
2:58 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Ah Gud
ah Gud ah Gud vad han ar skon ah Gud ah Gud jag faller i trans och i djupaste bon for hans sinne ar som solen hans ogon den djupaste brunn och hans mun talar sa vackert jag ar forford och forundrad han gor mig stum Han kom han sag han sag mig sag in i min sjal han kom han sag han sag vad jag ville och det alltfor val for hans sinne ar som solen hans ogon den djupaste brunn och hans mun talar sa vackert jag ar forford och forundrad han gor mig stum han gor mig stum han gor mig stum han gor mig stum Ah Gud ah Gud ah Gud vad han ar skon ah Gud ah Gud jag faller i trans och i djupaste bon for hans sinne ar som solen hans ogon den djupaste brunn och hans mun talar sa vackert jag ar forford och forundrad han gor mig stum han gor mig stum han gor mig stum han gor mig stum |
2:26 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
En dag sag hon sanningen i vitogat
da vande hon om och sprang hem en enda gang motte hon sanningen och aldrig vill hon se honom igen for inte sanningen vacker nej, snarare ar han grotesk inte ar sanningen ljuvlig och ren nej, snarare bitter och besk sa vande hon hem till lognen igen han slot henne i sin famn dar glommer hon genast sanningen da lognen viskar hennes namn En dag sag hon sanningen i vitogat da vande hon om och sprang hem en enda gang motte hon sanningen och aldrig vill hon se honom igen En dag sag hon sanningen i vitogat den dagen har hon glomt en enda gang motte hon sanningen den gangen har hon fordomt for vem vill inte fordoma det som ar hart att ta sin sanning ville hon glomma sa nu vet hon inte vem han var nej, hon vande hem till lognen igen han slot henne i sin famn dar glommer hon genast sanningen da lognen viskar hennes namn En dag sag hon sanningen i vitogat da vande hon om och sprang hem en enda gang motte hon sanningen och aldrig vill hon se honom igen nej, nej, aldrig vill hon se honom igen nej, nej, nej, nej, nej aldrig vill hon se honom igen |
1:50 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Hennes hud minns dina hander
an blossar hennes kind av din kyss och hennes lapppar minns dina lappar for jag horde henne tala i somnen nyss och hon sa allt det dar hon standigt fornekar hon talade om dig och om era vackra lekar hon sa passion av det slaget ar en nad som drabbar fa det ar en nad att fa san karlek och ett brott att lata den ga det ar en nad att fa san karlek och ett brott att lata den ga Hennes hud minns dina hander ett minne fyllt av valbehag det har hon sagt mig i somnen om natten men hon nekar bestamt nasta dag hennes nekan ar intelligent och verbal men da hon talar i somnen ar hon langt ifran sval hon sa passion av det slaget ar en nad som drabbar fa det ar en nad att fa san karlek och ett brott att lata den ga det ar en nad att fa san karlek och ett brott att lata den ga det ar en nad att fa san karlek och ett brott att lata den ga |
3:07 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Du är en saga för god för att vara sann
Det är en saga i sig att vi funnit varann Vi kunde lika gärna aldrig någonsin mötts eller var vårt möte redan bestämt långt innan vi fötts Vem vet, inte du Vem vet, inte jag Vi vet ingenting nu Vi vet inget idag Vem vet, inte du X2 Vem vet, inte jag Vi vet ingenting nu Vi vet inget idag Du är en saga för god för att vara sann Det är en saga i sig att vi funnit varann Vi kunde lika gärna aldrig någonsin mötts eller var vårt möte redan bestämt långt innan vi fötts Vem vet, inte du Vem vet, inte jag Vi vet ingenting nu Vi vet inget idag Vem vet, inte du Vem vet, inte jag Vi vet ingenting nu Vi vet inget idag --o-- |
2:41 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Det kallades hat det jag kande da
men jag var bara radd kan du nagonsin forsta om du kan forsta och om du kan forlata om vi kan forenas for att minnas, glomma allt och grata sa grat grat sa lange du vill men vet att det onda kommer aldrig hit en gang till for sa ar det sagt och det sades med sakerhet och det ar ingenting jag bara tror, nej, jag bara vet Jag gjorde dig ont och jag vet det ar svart nog tog det hart och jag sag det redan da ja, jag sag allting klart men jag gick som i trans forlamad och blind fann jag att inga utvagar fanns sa grat grat sa lange du vill men vet att det onda kommer aldrig hit en gang till for sa ar det sagt och det sades med sakerhet och det ar ingenting jag bara tror, nej, jag bara vet Jag bara vet jag bara vet ja, jag bara vet ja, jag bara vet jag bara vet jag bara vet jag bara vet |
2:00 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Flyg vilda fagel
flyg du som kan hade jag dina vingar da flog jag min vag och forsvann for en tid for att besinna besinna vad jag i mitt hjarta vill men jag har ingen vild fagels vingar sa jag star dar jag star, jag star still Flyg vilda fagel flyg du som kan hade jag dina vingar da flog jag min vag och forsvann Dar ovan traden ar sikten fri hogt ovan marken fjarran fran disharmoni uppifran sett fran molnen syns allting i en annan dimension uppifran sett fran molnen synes problemen anta mindre proportion Flyg vilda fagel flyg du som kan hade jag dina vingar da flog jag min vag och forsvann flog jag min vag och forsvann flog jag min vag och forsvann flog jag min vag och forsvann |
3:38 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Hon ar pa jakt efter solen
hon ar pa flykt fran sin skugga hon har nagot hon vill lara dig hon sager for att kunna svalja maste du tugga for att kunna lara maste du kanna annars blir din kunskap gra och platt hon sager: manniskan skall inte vara ensam sa kom, lat oss dela denna alltfor morka natt Hon ar pa jakt efter solen hon har seger i sitt steg hon gar rakt in i ljuset hon ma vara radd men aldrig feg hon vagar vinna over radslan hon kan se sin radslas grund hon sager: manniskan skall inte vara ensam sa kom, lat oss dela denna alltfor morka stund Hon ar pa jakt efter solen hon har seger i sitt steg hon gar rakt in i ljuset hon ma vara radd men aldrig feg hon vagar vinna over radslan hon kan se sin radslas grund hon sager: manniskan skall inte vara ensam sa kom, lat oss dela denna alltfor morka stund |
2:49 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Jag grater for dig, for mig, for allt vi sa var vart
jag grater for dig, for mig, for att inget ar sjalvklart och mycket svart jag grater over det fina, det enkla och allt som var rent jag grater for nu ar allt skitigt och kanske ocksa forsent kunde jag vrida tiden tillbaka om det stod i min makt da gjorde jag sa mycket ogjort och an mera osagt Men det som ar gjort ar gjort, det kan aldrig forsvinna och do sa mycket kan vaxa sig stort om du sa planterar det minsta fro mina ord var fa men onda och djupt in i dig slog de rot jag grater for nu forstar jag att det som ar gjort ar gjort kunde jag vrida tiden tillbaka om det stod i min makt da gjorde jag sa mycket ogjort och an mera osagt Men det som ar gjort ar gjort, det kan aldrig forsvinna och do sa mycket kan vaxa sig stort om du sa planterar det minsta fro mina ord var fa men onda och djupt in i dig slog de rot jag grater for nu forstar jag att det som ar gjort ar gjort kunde jag vrida tiden tillbaka om det stod i min makt da gjorde jag sa mycket ogjort och an mera osagt |
4:04 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001)
Du salde mitt hjarta
pa realisation och du salde min stolthet pa narmaste auktion du salde min vardighet och min innersta hemlighet av allt det jag gav har du ingenting kvar jag ger vad jag har men du ger ingenting tillbaks Jag lamnar dig har jag maste ga nu ja, jag lamnar dig har for jag vill aldrig, aldrig, aldrig bli som du For du salde ditt hjarta du salde din sjal sa inte kanner du smarta nar jag tar mitt farval inget smartar en hjartlos man sag vad en man utan hjarta inte kan av allt det jag gav har du ingenting kvar jag ger vad jag har men du ger ingenting tillbaks Sa jag lamnar dig har jag maste ga nu ja, jag lamnar dig har for jag vill aldrig, aldrig, aldrig bli som du Du salde mitt hjarta och allt som var vart jag undrar an hur du kunde du sa det var inte svart nej, inget smartar en hjartlos man sag vad en man utan hjarta inte kan av allt det jag gav har du ingenting kvar jag ger vad jag har men du ger ingenting tillbaks Sa jag lamnar dig har jag maste ga nu ja, jag lamnar dig har for jag vill aldrig, aldrig, aldrig bli som du for du salde vara hjartan du salde vara hjartan ja, du salde vara hjartan du salde vara hjartan |
0:24 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl (2001) | |||||
6:00 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
When did you leave heaven
Why did they let you go How is ev'rything in heaven Tell me, 'cause I want to knowWhy did you trade heaven For all these earthly things What did you do with your halo Where did you leave your wings Do they miss you Could you get back in If I kissed you Would it be a sin I am only human But you're so divine When did you leave heaven Angel of mine |
3:22 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
They're writing songs of love
but not for me A lucky star's above but not for me With love to lead the way I've found more clouds of gray Than any Russian play could guaranteeI was a fool to fall and get that way Hi ho alas and also lackaday Although I can't dismiss The memory of his kiss I guess he's not for me I was a fool to fall and get that way Hi ho alas and also lackaday Although I can't dismiss The memory of his kiss I guess he's not for me |
5:04 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
Now you say you're lonely
You cried the long night through Well, you can cry me a river Cry me a river I cried a river over youNow you say you're sorry For being so untrue Well, you can cry me a river Cry me a river I cried a river over youYou drove me, Nearly drove me out of my head While you never shed a tear Remember? I remember all that you said Told me love was to plebeian Told me you were through with me Now you say you love me Well, just to prove you doCry me a river Cry me a river I cried a river over youYou drove me Nearly drove me out of my head While you never shed a tear Remember? I remember all that you said Told me love was to plebeian Told me you were through with me... And now you say you love me Well, just to prove that you do... Come on! Come on! Cry me a river... Cry me a river... I cried a river over you I cried a river over you... |
4:18 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
When the only sound in the empty street,
Is the heavy tread of the heavy feet That belong to a lonesome cop I open shop. When the moon so long has been gazing down On the wayward ways of this wayward town. That her smile becomes a smirk, I go to work.Love for sale, Appetising young love for sale. Love that's fresh and still unspoiled, Love that's only slightly soiled, Love for sale. Who will buy? Who would like to sample my supply? Who's prepared to pay the price, For a trip to paradise? Love for sale Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way, I know every type of love Better far than they. And if you want the thrill of love, I've been through a mill of love; Old love, new love Every love but true love Love for sale.Appetising young love for sale. If you want to buy my wares. Follow me and climb the stairs Love for sale. Love for sale. |
3:16 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
I used to visit all the very gay places
Those come-what-may places Where one relaxes on the axis of the wheel of life To get the feel of life From jazz and cocktailsThe girls I knew had sad and sullen gray faces With distingue traces That used to be there You could see where they'd been washed away By too many through the day Twelve o'clock talesThen you came along with your siren song To tempt me to madness I thought for awhile that your poignant smile Was tinged with the sadness Of a great love for me Ah yes, I was wrong Again, I was wrongLife is lonely again And only last year Everything seemed so sure Now life is awful again A trough full of hearts could only be a boreA week in Paris could ease the bite of it All I care is to smile in spite of itI'll forget you, I will While yet you are still Burning inside my brain Romance is mush Stifling those who strive So I'll live a lush life in some small dive And there I'll be, while I rot with the rest Of those whose lives are lonely too |
2:26 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you
I'll make you love me, wait and see Both day and night and night and day You're gonna see a lot of meI'm gonna haunt you, I'm gonna haunt you Oh what a pest I'm gonna be Both day and night and night and day You're gonna see a lot of meI'll be the spoon in your coffee The knife that butters your bread If I sound a little bit off it That's because because because you've gone to my headIf you're in China, I'll go to China I'll never never let you free Both day and night and night and day You're gonna see a lot of me |
2:48 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
It was just one of those things
Just one of those crazy flings One of those bells that now and then rings Just one of those things It was just one of those nights Just one of those fabulous flights A trip to the moon on gossamer wings Just one of those things If we'd thought a bit, of the end of it When we started painting the town We'd have been aware that our love affair Was too hot, not to cool down So farewell, dear, and amen Here's hoping we meet now and then It was great fun But it was just one of those things It was just one of those things Just one of those crazy flings One of those bells that now and then rings Just one of those things It was just one of those nights Just one of those fabulous flights A trip to the moon on gossamer wings Just one of those things If we'd thought a bit, of the end of it When we started painting the town We'd have been aware that our love affair Was too hot, not to cool down So farewell-bye, dear, and amen Here's hoping we meet now and then It was great fun But it was just one of those Great fun But it was just one of those Great fun But it was just one of those things |
3:55 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
How can I ignore
The boy next door? I love him more than I can say. Doesn't try to please me, doesn't even tease me, And he never sees me glance his way.And though I'm heart-sore The boy next door affection for me won't display, I just adore him, so I can't ignore him, The boy next door.I just adore him, so I can't ignore him, The boy next door. |
2:58 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
I'm a fool to want you
Such a fool to want you To want a love that can't be true A love that's there for others tooI'm a fool to hold you Such a fool to hold you To share a kiss not mine alone To share a kiss the Devil has knownTime and time again I ought to leave you Time and time again I went away But then it would come the time when I would need you And once again these words I had to sayI'm a fool to want you Such a fool to want you I know it's wrong, it must be wrong But right or wrong I can't get alongI can't get along Without you |
2:52 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
While tearing off a game of golf
I may make a play for the caddy But when I do, I don't follow though 'Cause my heart belongs to DaddyIf I invite a boy some night To dine on my fine finnan haddie I just adore his asking for more But my heart belongs to DaddyYes my heart belongs to Daddy So I simply couldn't be bad. Yes, my heart belongs to daddy Da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da--ad So I want to warn you laddie, Though I think you're perfectly swell That my heart belongs to Daddy 'Cause my daddy he treats it so well. |
5:15 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
If I expected love when first we kissed,
Blame it on my youth. If only just for you I did exist, Blame it on my youth. I believed in everything, Like a child of three. You meant more than anything, All the world to me.If you were on my mind both night and day, Blame it on my youth. If I forgot to eat and sleep and pray, Blame it on my youth. And if I cried a little bit when first I learned the truth, Don't blame it on my heart, Blame it on my youth. |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Parlor Av Glas (2006) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
When did you leave heaven
Why did they let you go How is ev'rything in heaven Tell me, 'cause I want to knowWhy did you trade heaven For all these earthly things What did you do with your halo Where did you leave your wings Do they miss you Could you get back in If I kissed you Would it be a sin I am only human But you're so divine When did you leave heaven Angel of mine |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
They're writing songs of love
but not for me A lucky star's above but not for me With love to lead the way I've found more clouds of gray Than any Russian play could guaranteeI was a fool to fall and get that way Hi ho alas and also lackaday Although I can't dismiss The memory of his kiss I guess he's not for me I was a fool to fall and get that way Hi ho alas and also lackaday Although I can't dismiss The memory of his kiss I guess he's not for me |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
Now you say you're lonely
You cried the long night through Well, you can cry me a river Cry me a river I cried a river over youNow you say you're sorry For being so untrue Well, you can cry me a river Cry me a river I cried a river over youYou drove me, Nearly drove me out of my head While you never shed a tear Remember? I remember all that you said Told me love was to plebeian Told me you were through with me Now you say you love me Well, just to prove you doCry me a river Cry me a river I cried a river over youYou drove me Nearly drove me out of my head While you never shed a tear Remember? I remember all that you said Told me love was to plebeian Told me you were through with me... And now you say you love me Well, just to prove that you do... Come on! Come on! Cry me a river... Cry me a river... I cried a river over you I cried a river over you... |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
When the only sound in the empty street,
Is the heavy tread of the heavy feet That belong to a lonesome cop I open shop. When the moon so long has been gazing down On the wayward ways of this wayward town. That her smile becomes a smirk, I go to work.Love for sale, Appetising young love for sale. Love that's fresh and still unspoiled, Love that's only slightly soiled, Love for sale. Who will buy? Who would like to sample my supply? Who's prepared to pay the price, For a trip to paradise? Love for sale Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way, I know every type of love Better far than they. And if you want the thrill of love, I've been through a mill of love; Old love, new love Every love but true love Love for sale.Appetising young love for sale. If you want to buy my wares. Follow me and climb the stairs Love for sale. Love for sale. |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
I used to visit all the very gay places
Those come-what-may places Where one relaxes on the axis of the wheel of life To get the feel of life From jazz and cocktailsThe girls I knew had sad and sullen gray faces With distingue traces That used to be there You could see where they'd been washed away By too many through the day Twelve o'clock talesThen you came along with your siren song To tempt me to madness I thought for awhile that your poignant smile Was tinged with the sadness Of a great love for me Ah yes, I was wrong Again, I was wrongLife is lonely again And only last year Everything seemed so sure Now life is awful again A trough full of hearts could only be a boreA week in Paris could ease the bite of it All I care is to smile in spite of itI'll forget you, I will While yet you are still Burning inside my brain Romance is mush Stifling those who strive So I'll live a lush life in some small dive And there I'll be, while I rot with the rest Of those whose lives are lonely too |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you
I'll make you love me, wait and see Both day and night and night and day You're gonna see a lot of meI'm gonna haunt you, I'm gonna haunt you Oh what a pest I'm gonna be Both day and night and night and day You're gonna see a lot of meI'll be the spoon in your coffee The knife that butters your bread If I sound a little bit off it That's because because because you've gone to my headIf you're in China, I'll go to China I'll never never let you free Both day and night and night and day You're gonna see a lot of me |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
It was just one of those things
Just one of those crazy flings One of those bells that now and then rings Just one of those things It was just one of those nights Just one of those fabulous flights A trip to the moon on gossamer wings Just one of those things If we'd thought a bit, of the end of it When we started painting the town We'd have been aware that our love affair Was too hot, not to cool down So farewell, dear, and amen Here's hoping we meet now and then It was great fun But it was just one of those things It was just one of those things Just one of those crazy flings One of those bells that now and then rings Just one of those things It was just one of those nights Just one of those fabulous flights A trip to the moon on gossamer wings Just one of those things If we'd thought a bit, of the end of it When we started painting the town We'd have been aware that our love affair Was too hot, not to cool down So farewell-bye, dear, and amen Here's hoping we meet now and then It was great fun But it was just one of those Great fun But it was just one of those Great fun But it was just one of those things |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
How can I ignore
The boy next door? I love him more than I can say. Doesn't try to please me, doesn't even tease me, And he never sees me glance his way.And though I'm heart-sore The boy next door affection for me won't display, I just adore him, so I can't ignore him, The boy next door.I just adore him, so I can't ignore him, The boy next door. |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
I'm a fool to want you
Such a fool to want you To want a love that can't be true A love that's there for others tooI'm a fool to hold you Such a fool to hold you To share a kiss not mine alone To share a kiss the Devil has knownTime and time again I ought to leave you Time and time again I went away But then it would come the time when I would need you And once again these words I had to sayI'm a fool to want you Such a fool to want you I know it's wrong, it must be wrong But right or wrong I can't get alongI can't get along Without you |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
While tearing off a game of golf
I may make a play for the caddy But when I do, I don't follow though 'Cause my heart belongs to DaddyIf I invite a boy some night To dine on my fine finnan haddie I just adore his asking for more But my heart belongs to DaddyYes my heart belongs to Daddy So I simply couldn't be bad. Yes, my heart belongs to daddy Da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da--ad So I want to warn you laddie, Though I think you're perfectly swell That my heart belongs to Daddy 'Cause my daddy he treats it so well. |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - When Did You Leave Heaven (1999)
If I expected love when first we kissed,
Blame it on my youth. If only just for you I did exist, Blame it on my youth. I believed in everything, Like a child of three. You meant more than anything, All the world to me.If you were on my mind both night and day, Blame it on my youth. If I forgot to eat and sleep and pray, Blame it on my youth. And if I cried a little bit when first I learned the truth, Don't blame it on my heart, Blame it on my youth. |
3:33 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Hey there baby make up your mind
'Cause I've been waiting such a long, long time Now baby or never 'cause I been so good to you Now baby or never 'cause I've been so lonesome, too Now baby or never if I mean anything to you Now baby or never 'cause I've wasted so much time Now baby or never and you must make up your mind Now baby or never it ain't no fault of mineIt's got to be yes or no It's either you stay or go You can't leave me on the shelf You gotta commit yourself It's either you will, or you won't fall In love with meI'm gonna call you once more on the telephone I'll give you till twelve then I'll be goneNow baby or never 'cause I been so good to you Now baby or never I've been so lonesome, too Now baby or never if I mean anything to you Now baby or never 'cause I've wasted so much time Now baby or never and you must make up your mind Now baby or never it ain't no fault of mineIt's got to be yes or no It's either you stay or go You can't leave me on the shelf You gotta commit yourself It's either you will, or you won't fall In love with me: It's got to be yes or no It's either you stay or go You can't leave me on the shelf You gotta commit yourself :It's either you will baby or won't You do baby or don't Will baby or won't fall in love with me |
4:48 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
There was a boy,
a very small enchated boy. They say he wandered very far, very far, over land and sea. A little shy and sad of eye, but very wise was he.And then one day. One magic day he came my way. And as we spoke of many things, fools and kings, this he said to me. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. |
3:41 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Some fools don't know what's right from wrong,
But somehow those folks belong. Me, I travel all I'm worth, But I still remain a stranger on this earth.Some people gloom, other folks fly. Me, I got to struggle to keep alive. Ever since the day of my birth, I've been a stranger on earth.I try to be what all folks should, Forgetting the bad and doing good. But no matter how I try, My troubles always multiply. I've been living the best I can Ever since my life began. The day is gonna come when I don't have to prove my worth I won't be a stranger on earth.I've been living the best I can Ever since my life began. The day's gonna come when I don't have to prove my worth And I won't be no stranger, Won't be no stranger Won't be no stranger On this earth. |
6:11 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
I've a beau, his name is Jim,
He loves me and I love him, But he tells me I'm too prim, That means I'm too slow. I let him rant, I let him rave, I let him muss my permanent wave, But when he says "Let's misbehave," My reply is "No!"It's not 'cause I wouldn't, It's not 'cause I shouldn't, And, Lord knows, it's not 'cause I couldn't, It's simply becasue I'm the laziest gal in town. My poor heart is achin' To bring home the bacon, And if I'm alone and forsaken, It's simply because I'm the laziest gal in town. Though I'm more than willing to learn How these gals get money to burn, Ev'ry proposition I turn down, 'Way down, It's not 'cause I wouldn't It's not 'cause I shouldn't, And, Lord knows, it's not 'cause I couldn't, It's simply because I'm the laziest gal in town.Nothing ever worries me, Nothing ever hurries me. I take pleasure leisurely Even when I kiss. But when I kiss they want some more, And wanting more becomes a bore, It isn't worth the fighting for, So I tell them this:It's not 'cause I wouldn't, It's not 'cause I shouldn't, And, Lord knows, it's not 'cause I couldn't, It's simply becasue I'm the laziest gal in town. My poor heart is achin' To bring home the bacon, And if I'm alone and forsaken, It's simply because I'm the laziest gal in town. Though I'm more than willing to learn How these gals get money to burn, Ev'ry proposition I turn down, 'Way down, It's not 'cause I wouldn't It's not 'cause I shouldn't, And, Lord knows, itc12 |
3:08 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
It had to be you
It had to be you I wandered around and finally found somebody who could make me be true, could make me be blue, and even be glad just to be sad thinkin' of you. : Some others I've seen might never been mean might never been cross or tried to be boss, but they wouldn't do. 'Cause nobody else gave me that thrill. With all your faults, I love you still. It had to be you, had to be you, had to be you : |
1:36 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Down with love
With flowers and rice and shoes Down with love The root of all midnight blues Down with things That give you that well-known pain Take that moon And wrap it in cellophaneDown with love let's liquidate All it's friends Like moon, June, roses And rainbow's ends Down with songs That mourn about night and day Down with love Take it away, awayTake it away, take it away Give it back to the birds To bees and the VienneseDown with eyes romantic and stupid Down with sighs, down with cupid Brother let's stuff that doveTake it away, take it away Give it back to the birds To bees and the VienneseDown with eyes romantic and stupid Down with sighs, down with cupid Brother let's stuff that doveDown down down Down with love |
5:04 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
I was a hum-drum person
Leading a life apart When love flew in through my window wide And quickened my hum-drum heart Love flew in thorugh my window I was so happy then But after love had stayed a little while Love flew out againWhat is this thing called love? This funny thing called love? Just who can solve its mystery? Why should it make a fool of me?: I saw you there one wonderful day You took my heart and threw it away That's why I ask the Lord in Heaven above What is this thing called love? : |
5:28 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Picture me upon your knee,
Just tea for two and two for tea, Just you for me and me for you, alone!Nobody near us, to see us or hear us, No friends or relations on weekend vacations We won't have it known, dear, That we own a telephone.Day will break and you'll awake and I will bake sugar cake for you to take for all the boys to see. : We will raise a family, a girl for you, a boy for me, Oh, can't you see how happy we would be? : |
3:21 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
There is a very quiet girl
They call the lonely one The sorrow in her face And sadness in her eyes And if you look into the heart Within the lonely one You'll find it's been deceived That broken was in liesIs it good to have cried? With the longing to hide On your heartaches and fears Is it wise to be cold, to struggle, to hold back with tears If you could only see the girl They call the lonely one You'd know that since you're gone The lonely one is meIs it good to have cried? With the longing to hide On your heartaches and fears Is it wise to be cold, to struggle, to hold back with tears If you could only see the girl They call the lonely one You'd know that since you're gone The lonely one is me |
3:18 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
My story is much to sad to be told
But practically everything leaves me totally cold The only exception I know in this case When I'm out in a quiet spree, fighting vainly the old ennui Then I suddenly turn and see Your fabulous faceI get no kick from champagne Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all So tell me why should it be true That I get a kick out of you Some like the bop-type refrain I'm sure that if, I heard even one riff That would bore me terrifically too But I get a kick out of you: I get a kick every time I see you standing there before me I get a kick though it's clear to see, you obviously don't adore me I get no kick in a plane Flying too high with some gay in the sky Is my idea of nothing to do Yet I get a kick out of you : |
3:24 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Just for a thrill
You turned the sunshine to rain Just for a thrill You filled my heart with pain To me you were my pride and joy To you, I was mere little toy A plaything, that you could toss around at willJust for a thrill You made my life one sad song Just for a thrill You just led me along Although you are gone and havin' your fun To me you're still the only one 'Cause you made my heart stand still It was just for a thrill You made my heart stand still Just for a thrillJust for a thrill You made my life one sad song Just for a thrill You just left me alone Although you're free and havin' your fun To me you're still the only one Cause you made my heart stand still It was just for a thrill Yes you made my heart stand still Just for a thrill |
4:31 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Like the beat beat beat of the tom-tom
When the jungle shadows fall Like the tick tick tock of the stately clock As it stands against the wall Like the drip drip drop of the raindrops When the summer shower is through So a voice within me keeps ing you, you, youNight and day, you are the one Only you beneath the moon and under the sun Whether near to me, or far There's no matter darling where you are I think of you night and day,Night and day, why is it so That this longing for you follows wherever I go In the roaring traffic's boom In the silence of my lonely room I think of you night and day,Night and day Under the hide of me There's an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of me And this torment won't be through Til you let me spend my life making love to you Day and night, night and day |
6:20 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005) | |||||
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Hey there baby make up your mind
'Cause I've been waiting such a long, long time Now baby or never 'cause I been so good to you Now baby or never 'cause I've been so lonesome, too Now baby or never if I mean anything to you Now baby or never 'cause I've wasted so much time Now baby or never and you must make up your mind Now baby or never it ain't no fault of mineIt's got to be yes or no It's either you stay or go You can't leave me on the shelf You gotta commit yourself It's either you will, or you won't fall In love with meI'm gonna call you once more on the telephone I'll give you till twelve then I'll be goneNow baby or never 'cause I been so good to you Now baby or never I've been so lonesome, too Now baby or never if I mean anything to you Now baby or never 'cause I've wasted so much time Now baby or never and you must make up your mind Now baby or never it ain't no fault of mineIt's got to be yes or no It's either you stay or go You can't leave me on the shelf You gotta commit yourself It's either you will, or you won't fall In love with me: It's got to be yes or no It's either you stay or go You can't leave me on the shelf You gotta commit yourself :It's either you will baby or won't You do baby or don't Will baby or won't fall in love with me |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
There was a boy,
a very small enchated boy. They say he wandered very far, very far, over land and sea. A little shy and sad of eye, but very wise was he.And then one day. One magic day he came my way. And as we spoke of many things, fools and kings, this he said to me. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Some fools don't know what's right from wrong,
But somehow those folks belong. Me, I travel all I'm worth, But I still remain a stranger on this earth.Some people gloom, other folks fly. Me, I got to struggle to keep alive. Ever since the day of my birth, I've been a stranger on earth.I try to be what all folks should, Forgetting the bad and doing good. But no matter how I try, My troubles always multiply. I've been living the best I can Ever since my life began. The day is gonna come when I don't have to prove my worth I won't be a stranger on earth.I've been living the best I can Ever since my life began. The day's gonna come when I don't have to prove my worth And I won't be no stranger, Won't be no stranger Won't be no stranger On this earth. |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
I've a beau, his name is Jim,
He loves me and I love him, But he tells me I'm too prim, That means I'm too slow. I let him rant, I let him rave, I let him muss my permanent wave, But when he says "Let's misbehave," My reply is "No!"It's not 'cause I wouldn't, It's not 'cause I shouldn't, And, Lord knows, it's not 'cause I couldn't, It's simply becasue I'm the laziest gal in town. My poor heart is achin' To bring home the bacon, And if I'm alone and forsaken, It's simply because I'm the laziest gal in town. Though I'm more than willing to learn How these gals get money to burn, Ev'ry proposition I turn down, 'Way down, It's not 'cause I wouldn't It's not 'cause I shouldn't, And, Lord knows, it's not 'cause I couldn't, It's simply because I'm the laziest gal in town.Nothing ever worries me, Nothing ever hurries me. I take pleasure leisurely Even when I kiss. But when I kiss they want some more, And wanting more becomes a bore, It isn't worth the fighting for, So I tell them this:It's not 'cause I wouldn't, It's not 'cause I shouldn't, And, Lord knows, it's not 'cause I couldn't, It's simply becasue I'm the laziest gal in town. My poor heart is achin' To bring home the bacon, And if I'm alone and forsaken, It's simply because I'm the laziest gal in town. Though I'm more than willing to learn How these gals get money to burn, Ev'ry proposition I turn down, 'Way down, It's not 'cause I wouldn't It's not 'cause I shouldn't, And, Lord knows, itc12 |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
It had to be you
It had to be you I wandered around and finally found somebody who could make me be true, could make me be blue, and even be glad just to be sad thinkin' of you. : Some others I've seen might never been mean might never been cross or tried to be boss, but they wouldn't do. 'Cause nobody else gave me that thrill. With all your faults, I love you still. It had to be you, had to be you, had to be you : |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Down with love
With flowers and rice and shoes Down with love The root of all midnight blues Down with things That give you that well-known pain Take that moon And wrap it in cellophaneDown with love let's liquidate All it's friends Like moon, June, roses And rainbow's ends Down with songs That mourn about night and day Down with love Take it away, awayTake it away, take it away Give it back to the birds To bees and the VienneseDown with eyes romantic and stupid Down with sighs, down with cupid Brother let's stuff that doveTake it away, take it away Give it back to the birds To bees and the VienneseDown with eyes romantic and stupid Down with sighs, down with cupid Brother let's stuff that doveDown down down Down with love |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
I was a hum-drum person
Leading a life apart When love flew in through my window wide And quickened my hum-drum heart Love flew in thorugh my window I was so happy then But after love had stayed a little while Love flew out againWhat is this thing called love? This funny thing called love? Just who can solve its mystery? Why should it make a fool of me?: I saw you there one wonderful day You took my heart and threw it away That's why I ask the Lord in Heaven above What is this thing called love? : |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Picture me upon your knee,
Just tea for two and two for tea, Just you for me and me for you, alone!Nobody near us, to see us or hear us, No friends or relations on weekend vacations We won't have it known, dear, That we own a telephone.Day will break and you'll awake and I will bake sugar cake for you to take for all the boys to see. : We will raise a family, a girl for you, a boy for me, Oh, can't you see how happy we would be? : |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
There is a very quiet girl
They call the lonely one The sorrow in her face And sadness in her eyes And if you look into the heart Within the lonely one You'll find it's been deceived That broken was in liesIs it good to have cried? With the longing to hide On your heartaches and fears Is it wise to be cold, to struggle, to hold back with tears If you could only see the girl They call the lonely one You'd know that since you're gone The lonely one is meIs it good to have cried? With the longing to hide On your heartaches and fears Is it wise to be cold, to struggle, to hold back with tears If you could only see the girl They call the lonely one You'd know that since you're gone The lonely one is me |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
My story is much to sad to be told
But practically everything leaves me totally cold The only exception I know in this case When I'm out in a quiet spree, fighting vainly the old ennui Then I suddenly turn and see Your fabulous faceI get no kick from champagne Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all So tell me why should it be true That I get a kick out of you Some like the bop-type refrain I'm sure that if, I heard even one riff That would bore me terrifically too But I get a kick out of you: I get a kick every time I see you standing there before me I get a kick though it's clear to see, you obviously don't adore me I get no kick in a plane Flying too high with some gay in the sky Is my idea of nothing to do Yet I get a kick out of you : |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Just for a thrill
You turned the sunshine to rain Just for a thrill You filled my heart with pain To me you were my pride and joy To you, I was mere little toy A plaything, that you could toss around at willJust for a thrill You made my life one sad song Just for a thrill You just led me along Although you are gone and havin' your fun To me you're still the only one 'Cause you made my heart stand still It was just for a thrill You made my heart stand still Just for a thrillJust for a thrill You made my life one sad song Just for a thrill You just left me alone Although you're free and havin' your fun To me you're still the only one Cause you made my heart stand still It was just for a thrill Yes you made my heart stand still Just for a thrill |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005)
Like the beat beat beat of the tom-tom
When the jungle shadows fall Like the tick tick tock of the stately clock As it stands against the wall Like the drip drip drop of the raindrops When the summer shower is through So a voice within me keeps ing you, you, youNight and day, you are the one Only you beneath the moon and under the sun Whether near to me, or far There's no matter darling where you are I think of you night and day,Night and day, why is it so That this longing for you follows wherever I go In the roaring traffic's boom In the silence of my lonely room I think of you night and day,Night and day Under the hide of me There's an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of me And this torment won't be through Til you let me spend my life making love to you Day and night, night and day |
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from Lisa Ekdahl - Back To Earth (2005) | |||||
3:15 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
Daybreak And the moon's
still floating high What a wonderful surprise I close my eyes And dream of you I'm dreaming at daybreak And the world's so far behind That's why i always find at daybreak I'm still dreaming of you You're from above My one and only love There's no other at daybreak All i want is you forever That's why it's true whenever daybreaks I'm still dreaming of you Daybreak All i want is you forever That's why it's true whenever daybreaks I'm still dreaming of you I'm still dreaming of you |
4:12 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
This night
I awoke Out from dreams Of tall cascading fontains Of love I'm floating like a dove Covered from above With fountains of love And you Fly with me Through a scene Of deep caressing rivers Of love Soft as a dove It's you i'm dreaming of With rivers of love Flowing from above Knowing only of Rivers of love |
3:31 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
Sunny weather
Tastes much less sweeter Since you went away Sunny weather ain't no sunny anymore Sunny weather Seemed so much brighter Now colors just fade Sunny weather ain't no sunny anymore all day Rain falls And i'll fall like a feather 'Till i can kiss you once again This sunny weather Feels colder than winter My heart's turned to snow Since you had to go Sunny weather ain't no sunny anymore all day Rain falls And i'll fall like a feather 'Till i can kiss you once again This sunny weather Feels colder than winter My heart's turned to snow Since you had to go Sunny weather ain't no sunny anymore Sunny weather |
4:28 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
Only you
Can make me feel The world can disappearOnly you Make my heart heal And make it oh so clearWe can talk in circles Going round in a million ways And never understand'Cause our words are whispers Hidden up in a distant haze Like diamonds next to sandI don't even know What it's all about But i get all blissed out And then i know It's only you |
3:40 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
Blue is the color of love
When your lover has gone from you Your heart is filled with longing to have new What came once from othersWhen you open your heart for two But now it's true and you realize What illusion can do If you close your eyes But the dreaming is over nowSo blue is the color of you When you're waiting for someone who Will always make your dreams come trueBut now it's true and you realize What illusion can do If you close your eyes But the dreaming is over nowSo blue is the color of you When you're waiting for someone who Will always make your dreams come true |
3:29 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
How many more times must i cry
How many more times must i say goodbye To you I've opened all the way For you It's always just somedayHow many more times must i try How many more times must i lay down and die For you I'd lose mountains And blue skies But i can't help losing my mind for you How many more timesI'd lose mountains And blue skies But i can't help losing my mind for you How many more times |
2:46 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
If the sun
Refused to shine Down on me 'Till the end of time As long as i have your caress Your tenderness I will be blessedIf the stars Refused their light Just for me They stayed out of sight If you say you love me best I won't care less I will be blessedIf the wind won't blow your name Until i'm still I will If it's whispered from above The highest hill I willIf the moon Up in the sky Turned its face From the lonely eye I could never be distressed Or love you less I will be blessed |
3:29 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
In the silence of my mind
I can see our love was just a line To a grasp of air That's nowhereAnd while i wait for love's embrace My life is but a race Since you're gone now All my light is left to wasteI never learned the rule That love can be so cruel When it's over and done Now i can't believe That what they say is true How love can be renewed Because once it's abused Then it's throughThere's no laughter in your smile And all that's left are shadows in my mind Of a different place And your faceAnd in the quiet of my heart The sadness lingers on Now i just have a different point of view Since you've been gone |
4:55 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
I've seen a million works of art
But nothing on canvas Can capture my heart I'm looking for something Even Rembrandt couldn't do I've never seen anything like you I have a million photographs Of sages and saints But thre's something they lack Now i see something Even God would approuve I've never seen anything like you Now you could say my mind is gone But i know it isn't true Now i could carry on and on all day In praise of you I've seen the stars up in the sky Like angels from heaven Or a tear in my eye But they don't shine brighter Than the light you're shinin' through I've never seen anything like you |
3:52 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
i don't miss you anymore
unless the moon light's green or on a stogy night i just might miss you a little bit i don't miss you anymore unless it's a cloudy day or if the sun shines bright i just might miss you now and then i don't miss you 'till the morning fills the air or the afternoon is fair or the evening light is barely there i don't miss you and you know it's not a lie unless the moon is floating high above a perfect midnight sky i don't miss you 'till the morning fills the air or the afternoon is fair or the evening light is barely there i don't miss you and you know it's not a lie unless the moon is floating high above a perfect midnight sky i don't miss you anymore unless I close my eyes especially open wide i see i miss you everyday |
2:10 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
If a bird sat down upon my shoulder
Would i know if it's a sparrow? Just as well now it could be a nightingaleIf i had the wealth of all the universe Would i be a pharoah? Just as well now i could use my Might to sail awayI know everything seems so real I know we're on a spinning wheel I know it wuold be so nice Almost paradise If you and i just sit togetherIf you listen close enough My song will hit you surer than an arrow Then you'll hear me singing like a Nightingale at play At play |
4:09 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001) | |||||
2:07 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
The sun rose
And i awakened Covered up in flames I was lost Like anyone knows How i was shaken Fallin' from in pain I was almost blind My hands entwined But suddenly the Sun rose right before my eyes I can't believe that i Could feel the way i do I can't believe it's true It's you and only youThe sun rose In such an hazy Sky this morning I though My soul Would fly away When it was Just barely High and dawning I though i almost died My hands were tied But suddenly the Sun rose right before my eyes I can't believe that i Could feel the way i do I can't believe it's true It's you and only you |
5:16 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001)
Tonight i'll drown
In the eye of my lover If i empty my hands I'll hold everythingI've given up my will Now you can take it all from me Or you can leave me Drowing in a wave of my conceitTonight i'll crash On the ground of my lover If i give up my soul I'll be everythingI've climbed the highest hills And traveled all the distant seas But that just leaves me Broken on the ground of my conceitThere's a secret so deep Opened up from a day When there's nothing to keep And there's nothing to let fall awayTonight i'll burn In the flame of my lover If i give you my heart I'll be everythingI died for all the thrills But always wound up on my knees That's where you'll see me Burning in the fire of my conceit. |
3:19 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Lisa Ekdahl Sings Salvadore Poe (2001) | |||||
4:24 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Olyckssyster (2004) | |||||
4:36 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Olyckssyster (2004)
Dom band som binder mig har
Ska jag langsamt losa upp Da jag vet att jag gjorde allt jag kan Ger jag mig ratten att ge upp Det blir aldrig battre Vi kommer aldrig narmre Vi ar aldrig starkare An var svagaste punkt Kedjan ar svag Da lankarna felar Och bojan runt foten vager tungt Jag vill aldrig va nagot tungt for dig Som hindrar dig fran att resa dig upp Dom band som binder mig har Ska jag langsamt losa upp Jag vill inte snarja dig, binda dig Aven om du sajer att jag far Nej jag vill bara kyssa dig pa munnen Och saja tack for allt innan jag gar Dom band som binder mig har Ska jag langsamt losa upp Da jag vet att jag gjorde allt jag kan Ger jag mig ratten att ge upp Det blir aldrig battre Jag vill alltid narmre Langtans tradar snarjer oss som vill mer Bunden till hander fotterna bundna Tyngda faller vi ner Och jag vill aldrig va nat tungt for dig Som hindrar dig fran att resa dig upp Dom band som binder mig har Ska jag langsamt losa upp Jag kan inte stanna du maste forsta Kyssar och tack men nu maste jag ga For jag vill inte vara din fangvaktarinna Kyssar och tack, Det ar hog tid for mig att forsvinna For dom band som band mig har, Har jag langsamt lost upp |
3:15 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Olyckssyster (2004)
Har du sett min olyckssyster
Fragar jag min olycksbror Vi forenas i var vanmakt, Jag min syster och min bror Sag du henne springa, Sag du vart hall hon drog Sag du hennes tarar rinna, Sag du om hon log Sag du om min oro ar befogad kare bror Tror du att det gatt sa illa Som jag anar som jag tror Vi forenas i var vanmakt over tingens existens Over dom som ser en syster Eller bror men inte nanns Stracka ut en hand Till den som trasslat in sitt nat Har nagon sett min syster Sag nagon om hon grat Har du sett min olyckssyster Kare vackra olycksbror Tror du att hon tog en genvag Dit jag anar dit jag tror Vi forenas i var vanmakt I var vanara och skam Vi ar starka i var vilja Men nar anda inte fram Var var jag da jag behovdes Var var jag da hon var svag Var var jag da hennes livsvilja Tog ledigt for ett tag Var var jag da hennes gnista Tycktes slockna och do ut Var ar min olyckssyster Lat det inte vara slut Nu blir skuggorna sa langa Och forandrar vad man ser Snart ar morkret tatt in pa oss Da ser vi inte mer Kom hit min olyckssyster Innan natten faller pa Jag ar radd for jag ar radd om dig, Det maste du forsta Om varlden ar ett slagfalt Om allting ar en strid Om vi ar latt forvirrade om allting ar pa glid Da behover jag min syster, Jag behover henne sa. Du far inte ta nagon genvag, Nej, du far inte ga. |
5:07 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Olyckssyster (2004) | |||||
3:43 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Olyckssyster (2004) | |||||
2:43 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Olyckssyster (2004) | |||||
5:57 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Olyckssyster (2004)
Sa har den drabbat mig igen
Den stora ensamheten Utan nagon synlig forankring L verkligheten Allt synes vara, som det borde Jag ser inget fel vi gjorde Allt ar som det borde vara Jag kan inte alls forklara Varfor den drabbat mig igen, Den stora ensamheten Du talade, jag lyssnade Jag horde varje ord Men om sanningen ska sajas Tror jag inte jag forstod Nej jag satt dar i min varld, Dit ingen nansin kan na in Du maste tro mig, tro nar jag sajer Att jag vill alltid, jag vill alltid vara din Trots att den drabbat mig igen, Den stora ensamheten Jag har lart mig dras ner, jag vet det ar sa Jag gav efter for morkret, det var enklare sa Jag har simmat mot ytan, Men drogs anda ner Jag ville nog upp, men formar det inte mer Dar uppe finns ljuset, dar uppe finns du Jag sajer som det ar, jag sajer det nu Jag ar radd och jag sjunger Den har sangen for dig Da den berattar om nagonting Som ansatter mig Sa har den drabbat mig igen, Den stora ensamheten Utan nagon synlig forankring I verkligheten Allt synes vara, som det borde Jag ser inget fel vi gjorde Allt ar som det borde vara Jag kan inte alls forklara Varfor den drabbat mig igen, Den stora ensamheten Du slog din hand i vaggen Vaggen fargades av blod Ja, du slog och slog i vanmakt For att jag aldrig forstod Men jag satt dar i min varld, Dit ingen nagonsin kan ga in Du maste tro mig, tro mig nar jag sajer Att jag vill alltid, jag vill alltid vara din Trots att den drabbat mig igen, Den stora ensamheten |
4:06 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Olyckssyster (2004) | |||||
4:31 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Olyckssyster (2004) | |||||
4:23 | ||||
from Lisa Ekdahl - Olyckssyster (2004) |