Marco Praschberger

Marco Praschberger    


[Disc 1]
1. Be Mine In Tears / 2. The Letter / 3. Lips / 4. I Don't Care / 5. Her Occasion Of Sin / 6. A Plea / 7. Not For Love / 8. The Fear Of Being Alone / 9. My Little Fear / 10. Side / 11. Dead Hearts Serenade / 12. No Matter Where You Shoot Me Down
[Disc 1]
1. Again It´S Over (Single Version) / 2. Gallowsong (Non-Albumtrack) / 3. Supreme Surrender (Non-Albumtrack) / 4. Again It´S Over (Album Version) / 5. To Watch Her While She Wipes Her Eyes (Non-Albumtrack) / 6. To Love Her On Knees (Album Version)
[Disc 1]
1. One Hope's Evening / 2. Ave End / 3. To Bleed Or Not to Be / 4. Sarah Lou / 5. Amber Girl / 6. Testified / 7. Astronautumn / 8. Evade / 9. Wake Down / 10. Black / 11. Come, Solitude
[Disc 1]
1. For Bad Times / 2. Adorertwo / 3. Last / 4. Did It For You / 5. Sear Me Pale Sun / 6. The Nothingship / 7. Liquid / 8. Under Your... / 9. ...And Her Enigma / 10. Fornever
[Disc 1]
1. Melantroduction / 2. Without / 3. Adorer And Somebody / 4. A Summer's End / 5. Solicitude, Silence / 6. 2 Sec. And A Tear / 7. Lastdance / 8. Morning... Grey / 9. Diotima / 10. Re-Silence
[Disc 1]
1. Infinity / 2. Helplessness / 3. ...And How To Drown In Your Arms / 4. Black Swans / 5. Reminiscence / 6. The Crown Of Leaving / 7. All Your Radiance... / 8. The Embrace And The Eclipse / 9. The Fate Of Equilibrium
[Disc 1]
1. A Fairy's Breath / 2. Priamus / 3. Lilienmeer / 4. The Gesture Of The Gist / 5. An Orchild For My Withering Garden / 6. Enchanted And In Silent Beauty / 7. The Meadows Of Light / 8. Eternal Sleep (Ochestral Version)

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