[Disc 1] 1. 목자여 일어나 따르라 / 2. 가브리엘의 메시지 (수태고지) / 3. 새로운 크리스마스 / 4. 이 아기는 누구인가? / 5. 장미 화관 / 6. 오 예쁜 아기예수, 오 순한 아기예수 / 7. 잘 자거라, 귀여운 아가야 / 8. 고요한 밤 거룩한 밤 (Stille Nacht) / 9. 조용한 마음 / 10. 저기 꽃이 있네 / 11. 기쁘다 구주 오셨네 / 12. 겨울의 세레나데 / 13. 크리스마스의 열두 날 / 14. 기뻐하라 / 15. 만백성 기뻐하여라 / 16. 북 치는 소년 / 17. 징글벨 (Jingle Bells) / 18. 크리스마스 장식
[Disc 1] 1. Chor: Jauchzet, Frohlocket! / 2. Rezitativ: Es Begab Sich Aber Zu Der Zeit / 3. Arie: Bereite Dich, Zion / 4. Rezitativ: Und Sie Gebar / 5. Choral: Ach, Mein Herzliebes Jesulein! / 6. Rezitativ: Und Es Waren Hirten / 7. Rezitativ: Und Der Engel Sprach / 8. Arie: Frohe Hirten, Eilt, Ach Eilet / 9. Rezitativ: Und Das Habt Zum Zeichen / 10. Arie: Schlafe, Mein Liebster / 11. Rezitativ: Und Da Der Engel Von Ihnen Gen Himmel / 12. Chor: Lasset Uns Nun Gehen Gen Bethlehem / 13. Rezitativ: Und Sie Kamen Eilend Und Funden Beide / 14. Arie: Schliebe, Mein Herz / 15. Rezitativ: Und Die Hirten Kehrten Wieder Um / 16. Choral: Seid Froh Dieweil / 17. Chor: Herrscher Des Himmels, Erhore Das Lallen / 18. Chor: Fallt Mit Danken, Fallt Mit Loben / 19. Rezitativ: Und Da Acht Tage Um Waren / 20. Rezitativ Mit Choral Rezitativ: Wohlan! Dein Name / 21. Arie: Ich Will Nur Dir Zu Ehren Leben / 22. Rezitativ: Da Jesus Geboren War / 23. Chor Mit Rezitativ: Wo Ist Der Neugeborne Konig / 24. Choral: Dein Glanz All Finsternis Verzehrt / 25. Arie: Erleucht Auch Meine Finstre Sinnen / 26. Rezitativ: Da Das Der Konig Herodes Horte / 27. Rezitativ: Warum Wollt Ihr Erschrecken? / 28. Rezitativ: Und Lieb Versammlen Alle Hohenpriester / 29. Rezitativ: Da Berief Herodes Die Weisen Heimlich / 30. Rezitativ: Du Falscher, Suche Nur Den Herrn Zu Fallen / 31. Arie: Nur Ein Wink Von Seinen Handen / 32. Rezitativ: Als Sie Nun Den Konig Gehoret Hatten / 33. Rezitativ: Und Gott Befahl Ihnen Im Traum / 34. Rezitativ: So Geht! Genug / 35. Rezitativ: Was Will Der Hollen Schrecken / 36. Choral: Nun Seid Ihr Wohl Gerochen
[Disc 1] 1. Swimming Over London / 2. I'm Yours / 3. Angel / 4. By The Time / 5. September 15th / Keeper Of The Seasons / 6. It's A New World / 7. Don't Let Go / 8. Hide And Seek / 9. Lazy Bones / Up A Lazy River / 10. Andromeda / 11. Recipe For Love / 12. Silent Love / 13. Straighten Up And Fly Right / 14. Home
[Disc 1] 1. Hence, Stars, Too Dim of Light [별이여, 너무 흐릿하구나] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 2. With Angel's Face and Brightness [천사의 얼굴과 함께 빛으로] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 3. Lightly She Whipped O'er The Dales [그녀는 밝게 그 골짜기를 옮겼다] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 4. Long Live Fair Oriana [오래 사세요 오리아나] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 5. All Creatures Now Are Merry-minded [모든 피조물들은 기쁜 마음이 되었다] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 6. Fair Oriana, Beauty's Queen [오리아나, 미의 여왕] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 7. The Nymphs and Shepherds Danced [요정과 양치기는 춤을 추었네] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 8. Calm Was The Air and Clear The Sky [고요함은 공기이고 하늘을 정화시킨다] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 9. Thus Bonny-boots The Birthday Celebrated [생일 축하] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 10. Sing, Shepherds All, and In Your Roundelays [노래하라 모든 양치기들이여, 그리고 그대들의 윤무로] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 11. The Fauns and Satyrs Tripping [춤추는 파우누스와 사티로스] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 12. Come, Gentle Swains [오라, 시골 젊은이] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 13. With Wreaths of Rose and Laurel [장미와 월계수의 화환으로] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 14. Arise, Awake, Awake [부활하라, 깨어나라, 깨어나라] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 15. Fair Nymphs I Heard One Telling [요정의 음성을 들었네] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 16. The Lady Oriana [레이디 오리아나] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 17. Hark! Did Ye Ever Hear So Sweet a Singing? [귀을 기울여봐! 너는 너무나 달콤하게 노래 부르는 것을 한 번이라도 들어본 적이 있는가?] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 18. As Vesta Was From Latmos Hill Descending [베스타가 라트모스 언덕으로부터 온 것처럼] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 19. Fair Orion, In The Morn [새벽녘의 오리온] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 20. Round About Her Charret - THE KING'S SINGERS / 21. Bright Phoebus Greets Most Clearly [눈부신 포이버스가 성심을 다하여 인사하네] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 22. Fair Oriana, Seeming to Wink At Folly [오리아나는 바보처럼 윙크하네] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 23. Fair Cytherea Presents Her Doves [키테레이아는 그녀의 비둘기를 선사한다] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 24. Hard by a Crystal Fountain [수정샘에 의해 굳어버렸네] - THE KING'S SINGERS / 25. Come, Blessed Byrd [오라, 축복받은 버드여] - THE KING'S SINGERS
[Disc 1] 1. The Peanut Vendor / 2. Shenandoah / 3. Cherry Ripe / 4. Summertime / 5. Time Was / 6. Scarborough Fair / 7. None But The Lonely Heart / 8. Linstead Market / 9. The Oak And The Ash / 10. Wives And Lovers / 11. Blow Away The Morning Dew / 12. The Green Leaves Of Summer / 13. What Kind Of Things
[Disc 1] 1. Lectio 1 / 2. Responsories From 1st Nocturn: In Monte Oliveti / 3. Responsories From 1st Nocturn: Tristis Est Anima Mea / 4. Responsories From 1st Nocturn: Ecce Vidimus Eum / 5. Lectio 2 / 6. Responsories From 2nd Nocturn: Amicus Meus Osculi / 7. Responsories From 2nd Nocturn: Judas Mercator Pessimus / 8. Responsories From 2nd Nocturn: Unus Ex Discipulis Meis / 9. Lectio 3 / 10. Responsories From 3rd Nocturn: Eram Quasi Agnus Innocens / 11. Responsories From 3rd Nocturn: Una Hora Non Potuistis / 12. Responsories From 3rd Nocturn: Seniores Populi Consilium / 13. Benedictus / 14. Christus Factus Est
[Disc 1] 1. Veni, Veni Emmanuel / 2. Angelus Ad Virginem / 3. This Is The Truth Sent From Above / 4. Wie Schön Leuchtet Der Morgenstern / 5. Es Ist Ein Ros' Entsprungen / 6. There Is No Rose / 7. Coventry Carol / 8. Nowell Sing We Now / 9. Remember, O Thou Man / 10. In Dulci Jubilo / 11. Lullay My Liking / 12. Bogoroditsye Dyevo / 13. The Lamb / 14. Maria Durch Ein Dornwald Ging / 15. O Little One Sweet / 16. Bethlehem Down / 17. The Crown of Roses / 18. To Us In Bethlem City / 19. Szczo to Za Prediwo / 20. There Is a Flower / 21. La Peregrinaçion / 22. Away In a Manger / 23. Noël Nouvelet / 24. Stille Nacht / 25. Born On a New Day
[Disc 1] 1. George Whitehead's Almand / 2. Kyrie From Mass For 4 Voices / 3. A Fancie / 4. Gloria From Mass For 4 Voices / 5. Ardens Est Cor Meum / 6. Civitas Sancti Tui / 7. Ave Maria Gratia Plena / 8. Credo From Mass For 4 Voices / 9. Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral / 10. O Lord How Joyful Is The King / 11. From Virgin's Womb / Rejoice, Rejoice / 12. M. Bucton's Galliard / 13. Sanctus / Benedictus From Mass For 4 Voices / 14. Master Tresham: His Ducke / 15. Agnus Dei From Mass For 4 Voices
[Disc 1] 1. C'est La Vie (You Never Can Tell) / 2. Wil Jy Dans Carina?/from A Jack To A King / 3. Gimme Hope Joanna/going Back West/achy Breaky Heart / 4. No More Boleros/honey / 5. It's Hard To Be Humble/hartseer-wals / 6. Sproetjies/rose Garden/woman, Beautiful Woman / 7. Time Is Tight/baby Come Back / 8. Living Next Door To Alice/suspicious Minds / 9. The Carnival Is Over/have I Told You Lately That I Love You / 10. Pretty Flamingo/stuur Groete Aan Mannetjies Roux/hi Lilly, Hi Lo / 11. Catch The Wind/mama, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys / 12. Beautiful Sunday/ [I'M Gonna Be]
[Disc 1] 1. Remembrance / 2. Phantom Of The Opera/all I Ask Of You/... / 3. When I Grow To Old To Dream/love Changes Everything/yesterday / 4. Vienna Life/the Blue Danube / 5. Solace / 6. My Heart Will Go On / 7. From A Distance/the Rose/the Wind Beneath My Wings / 8. Autumn Leaves/greensleaves / 9. Chopin's Nocturn/mattinata / 10. Theme From 'Love Story'/feelings/sometimes When We Touch / 11. Sondaarspoort / 12. I Knew Him So Well/to All The Girls I've Loved Before / 13. Silent Confession / 14. Silver Threads Amongst The Gold/galway Bay / 15. Too Beautiful To Last/forever And Ever / 16. Jantjie/waterblommetjies/skipskop / 17. Home Sweet Home/danny Boy/maggie / 18. Elvira Madigan/ave Maria / 19. Time To Say Goodbye
[Disc 1] 1. Let Your Love Flow/pretty Woman/green Door / 2. Wheels On Fire/living In A World Of Love/le Legionaire / 3. Wheels/the Most Beautiful Girl/yellow River / 4. Mrs. Brown You've Got A Lovely Daughter/i Love A Rainy Night / 5. Words/i've Gotta Get A Message To You/ Massachusetts / 6. Cotton Fields/proud Mary/bad Mood Rising / 7. Amoré/blanket On The Ground/i Walk The Line / 8. The French Song/red River Valley/send Me The Pillow / 9. The Lonely Bull/sloop John B/oh Julie / 10. Waltzing Maria/what Have You Done/duitswes-wals / 11. Help Me Make It Through The Night/green, Green Grass Of Home / 12. Some Broken Hearts Never Mend/please Help I'm Falling/country Roads
[Disc 1] 1. Simon:: Bridge Over Troubled Water / 2. Cetera:: If You Leave Me Now / 3. Lennon/McCartney:: Penny Lane / 4. Lennon/McCartney:: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da / 5. Lennon/McCartney:: Yesterday / 6. Lennon/McCartney:: I`ll Follow The Sun / 7. David:: You Are The New Day / 8. Richie:: Three Times A Lady / 9. What`s In A Tune / 10. Harrison:: Here Comes The Sun / 11. Manilow-Anderson:: Could It Be Magic / 12. Sedaka-Greenfield:: God Bless Joanna / 13. Gershwin:: The Real American Folk Song / 14. Gershwin:: I Got Rhythm / 15. Arlen:: Out Of This World / 16. Gershwin:: Oh, I Can`t Sit Down / 17. Goodrum:: You Need Me / 18. Carmen:: All By Myself / 19. John-Taupin:: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road / 20. Masser-Goffin:: Theme From "Mahogany" / 21. Kay:: How Did We Fall In Love [Disc 2] 1. Heymann-Gilbert:: Liebling, Mein Herz Luß Dich Grußen / 2. Arlen-Koehler:: Stormy Weather / 3. Overture Form "Il Barbiere Di Siviglia" / 4. Smicseder/Siegel:: Gitarren Spielt Aut / 5. Strauss:: Bring Einen Strauß Mit Roten Rosen (Rosen Aus Dem Suden) / 6. Strauss:: The Pigeons Of San Marco / 7. Strauss:: An Der Schonen Blauen Donau / 8. The Seeds Of Love / 9. Barbara Allen / 10. Early One Morning / 11. O Waly, Waly / 12. Bugeilo`r Gwenith Gwyn / 13. Londonderry Air / 14. Faure:: Pavane Op.50 / 15. Morley:: Now Is The Month Of Maying / 16. Hofhaimer:: Herzliebestes Bild / 17. Dowland:: Come Again / 18. Annie Laurie / 19. Greensleeves / 20. Ar Hyd Y Nos / 21. Home Sweet Home
[Disc 1] 1. Something's Coming [From "West Side Story"] / 2. You Needed Me / 3. All By Myself / 4. Short People / 5. Lost In Love / 6. Betty Grable / 7. Because / 8. Della And The Dealer / 9. Music/I Believe In Music/I'Ve Got The Music In Me/Thank You For The Music / 10. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road / 11. Theme From "Manhogany" / 12. Save Your Kisses For Me/Hasta Manana / 13. How Did We Fall In Love? / 14. At The) Copacaban [At The) Copacaban]
[Disc 1] 1. Penny Lane / 2. Mother Nature's Son / 3. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da / 4. And I Love Her / 5. Help! / 6. Yesterday / 7. A Hard Day's Night / 8. Girl / 9. Got To Get You Into My Life / 10. Back In The U.S.S.R. / 11. Eleanor Rigby / 12. Blackbird / 13. Lady Madonna / 14. I'll Follow The Sun / 15. Honey Pie / 16. Can't Buy Me Love / 17. Michelle / 18. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away / 19. I Want To Hold Your Hand