The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones    롤링 스톤즈 / Rolling Stones
1960s -
1963년 01월 / 영국,London
1964년 / 앨범 'The Rolling Stones'
Rolling Stones

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Carol   작곡:Chuck Berry The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - England's Newest Hit Makers [single] (1964)
Not Fade Away   작곡:Buddy Holly,Charles Hardin,Norman Petty The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - England's Newest Hit Makers [single] (1964)
Tell Me (Full Ver.)   작곡:Keith Richards,Mick Jagger The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - England's Newest Hit Makers [single] (1964)
(Get Your Kicks On) Route 66   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
Can I Get A Witness   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
Carol   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
Honest I Do   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
I Just Want To Make Love To You   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
I Need You Baby (Mona)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
I'm A King Bee   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
Little By Little   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
Now I've Got A Witness (Like Uncle Phil And Uncle Gene)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
Tell Me   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
Walking The Dog   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
You Can Make It If You Try   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - The Rolling Stones (UK) (1964)
Bye Bye Johnnie   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - The Rolling Stones [ep] (1964)
Money   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - The Rolling Stones [ep] (1964)
Poison Ivy (2nd Version)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - The Rolling Stones [ep] (1964)
You Better Move On   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - The Rolling Stones [ep] (1964)
2120 South Michigan Avenue (Original Single Mono Version)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - Five by Five [ep] (1964)
Around And Around   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - Five by Five [ep] (1964)
Confessin' The Blues   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - Five by Five [ep] (1964)
Empty Heart   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - Five by Five [ep] (1964)
If You Need Me   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - Five by Five [ep] (1964)
(Get Your Kicks On) Route 66   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Can I Get A Witness   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Carol   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Honest I Do   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
I Just Want To Make Love To You   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
I'm A King Bee   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Little By Little   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Not Fade Away   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Now I've Got A Witness (Like Uncle Phil And Uncle Gene)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Tell Me   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Walking The Dog   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
You Can Make It If You Try   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 1집 - England's Newest Hitmakers [Remaster Ver] (1964)
2120 South Michigan Avenue   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
2120 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
2120 South Michigan Avenue   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
2120 South Michigan Avenue   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
2120 South Michigan Avenue (Long Version)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Around And Around   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Around And Around   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Around And Around   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Around And Around   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Confessin' The Blues   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Confessin' The Blues   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Confessin' The Blues   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Confessin` The Blues   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
CONGRADULATIONS   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Congratulations   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Congratulations   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Congratulations   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Empty Heart   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Empty Heart   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Empty Heart   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Empty Heart   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Good Times, Bad Times   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Good Times,Bad Times   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Grown Up Wrong   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Grown Up Wrong   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Grown Up Wrong   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Grown Up Wrong   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
If You Need Me   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
If You Need Me   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
If You Need Me   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
If You Need Me   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
It'S All Over Now   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
It'S All Over Now   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
It's All Over Now (Mono Version)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
IT`S ALL OVER NOW   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
It`S All Over Now   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Susie Q   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Susie Q   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Susie Q   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Suzie Q   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Time Is On My Side   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Time Is On My Side   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Time Is On My Side (Mono Version 1 / Organ Intro)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Under The Boardwalk   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Under The Boardwalk   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Under The Boardwalk   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
Under The Boardwalk   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones - 12X5 (1964)
2120 South Michigan Avenue (Long Version)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Around And Around   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Confessin' The Blues   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Congratulations   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Empty Heart   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Good Times, Bad Times   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Grown Up Wrong   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
If You Need Me   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
It's All Over Now (Mono Version)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Susie Q   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Time Is On My Side (Mono Version 1 / Organ Intro)   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
Under The Boardwalk   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 2집 - 12 X 5 [Remaster Ver] (1964)
(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 5집 - Out Of Our Heads (1965)
Cry To Me   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 5집 - Out Of Our Heads (1965)
Good Times   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 5집 - Out Of Our Heads (1965)
Hitch Hike   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 5집 - Out Of Our Heads (1965)
I'm All Right   The Rolling Stones
from The Rolling Stones 5집 - Out Of Our Heads (1965)

Trackback ::

Trackback from :: 半長의 생각들과 기타 잡스러운... :: 2011-09-25 19:53:43

Subject : Paint It Black by Gate Flowers

※ Gate Flowers 이전 글 - 꽃잎 by Gate Flowers - My Way by Gate Flowers 2011년 9월 24일 KBS에서 방송되었다. Rolling Stones의 원곡 분위기를 해치지 않으면서도 Gate Flowers만의 색깔을 아주 잘 입힌 편곡이라는 생각이다. 개인적으로는 '역시'라는 판단이 들면서 아울러 마음에 꼭 드는 편곡과 연주였다. 크리에이티브 커먼즈 라이센스이 저작물은 크리에이티브 커먼즈 코리아 저작자표시......

Trackback from :: 소년의 눈, 소녀의 귀 :: 2008-09-06 01:50:48

Subject : Shine A Light, 구르는 돌엔 이끼가 끼지 않는다.

그날은 방송사 서류 전형 발표가 있는 날이었다. 공부를 시작한 지 얼마 되지 않았지만 나이가 취직 적령기를 넘어서고 있었기에 많이 불안했다. 아주 많이. 소문에 의하면 40%정도만 통과한다고 했다. 두달 전 있었던 다른 방송사 시험에서 낙방했었기에 불안감은 더 컸다. 자기소개서를 작성하기 전에 생각하고 또 생각했으며, 제출하기 전에 읽고 또 읽으며 가다듬었지만, 막상 발표날이 되니 다리는 120BPM의 속도로 후들거리고 있었다. 그래서 영화를 봐야......


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