Simon Lebon

Simon Lebon    
1958년 10월 27일 / 영국,Bushey, Hertfordshire, England
1981년 / 듀란듀란 Duran Duran
아내, 슬하 3녀


[Disc 1]
1. Girls On Film / 2. Planet Earth / 3. Fame / 4. Careless Memories / 5. Anyone Out There / 6. Sound Of Thunder / 7. Is There Something I Should Know / 8. Like An Angel / 9. Hold Back The Rain / 10. Save A Prayer / 11. My Own Way / 12. Rio / 13. New Religion / 14. The Chauffeur (Blue Silver) / 15. Hungry Like The Wolf / 16. Lonely In Your Nightmare / 17. Last Chance On The Stairway / 18. Make Me Smile (Come Up & See Me)
[Disc 1]
1. Notorious (45 Mix) / 2. Winter Marches On / 3. Notorious (Extended Mix) / 4. Notorious (Latin Rascals Mix) / 5. Skin Trade (Radio Cut) / 6. We Need You / 7. Skin Trade (Stretch Mix) / 8. Skin Trade (Album Version) / 9. Meet El Presidente ("7"" Remix") / 10. Vertigo (Do The Demolition) / 11. Meet El Presidente / 12. Meet El Presidente (Meet El Beat) / 13. I Don't Want Your Love (Shep Pettibone 7'' Mix) / 14. I Don't Want Your Love (Lp Version) / 15. I Don't Want Your Love (Big Mix) / 16. All She Wants Is (45 Mix) / 17. I Believe (Medley) / 18. All She Wants Is (Us Master Mix) / 19. All She Wants Is (Euro Dub Mix) / 20. Skin Trade (Parisian Mix) / 21. Do You Believe In Shame? / 22. The Krush Brothers Lsd Edit / 23. God (London) / 24. This Is How A Road Gets Made / 25. Palomino (Edit) / 26. Drug (It's Just A State Of Mind) / 27. Notorious (Live) / 28. Burning The Ground / 29. Decadance / 30. Decadance (Extended Mix) / 31. Violence Of Summer (7" Mix) / 32. Violence Of Summer (The Story Mix) / 33. Violence Of Summer (Power Mix) / 34. Violence Of Summer (Love's Taking Over) / 35. Violence Of Summer (The Rock Mix) / 36. Violence Of Summer (The Dub Sounds Of A Powerful Mix) / 37. Violence Of Summer (Love's Taking Over) (The Power Cut Down) / 38. Throb / 39. Serious (7'' Edit) / 40. Yo Bad Azizi / 41. Water Babies / 42. All Along The Water / 43. Ordinary World (Single Version) / 44. My Antarctica / 45. Ordinary World / 46. Save A Prayer (Single Version) / 47. Skin Trade / 48. The Reflex (7'' Version) / 49. Hungry Like The Wolf / 50. Girls On Film / 51. Come Undone (Edit) / 52. Ordinary World (Acoustic Version) / 53. Come Undone (Fgi Phumpin' 12'') / 54. Come Undone (La Fin De Siecle) / 55. Come Undone (Album Version) / 56. Rio / 57. Is There Something I Should Know / 58. A View To A Kill / 59. Too Much Information / 60. Come Undone (Live) / 61. Notorious (Live) / 62. Too Much Information (Ben Chapman 12'' Mix) / 63. Drowning Man (D:Ream 12'' Mix) (D:Ream 12' Mix) / 64. Drowning Man (D:Ream Ambient Mix) (D:Ream Ambient Mix) / 65. Too Much Information (Ben Chapman 12'' Instrumental Dub) / 66. Too Much Information (Deptford Dub) / 67. Too Much Information (Album Version Edit) / 68. Come Undone (12'' Mix Comin' Together) / 69. Perfect Day / 70. Femme Fatale (Alternative Mix) / 71. Love Voodoo (Remix) / 72. The Needle And The Damage Done / 73. 911 Is A Joke (Alternative Version) / 74. Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) (Live) / 75. Perfect Day (Acoustic Version) / 76. White Lines (Don'T Do It) / 77. None Of The Above (Drizabone Mix) / 78. White Lines (Don'T Do It) (70's Club Mix) (70's Club Mix) / 79. White Lines (Don'T Do It) (Oakland Fonk Mix) (Oakland Fonk Mix) / 80. White Lines (Don'T Do It) (Junior Vasquez Mix) (Junior Vasquez Mix)
[Disc 1]
1. Planet Earth (Single Ver.) / 2. Late Bar / 3. Planet Earth (Night Ver.)
[Disc 2]
1. Careless Memories (Single Ver.) / 2. Khanada / 3. Fame
[Disc 3]
1. Girls On Film / 2. Faster Than Light / 3. Girls On Film (Night Ver)
[Disc 4]
1. My Own Way (Single Ver.) / 2. Like An Angel / 3. My Own Way (Night Ver)
[Disc 5]
1. Hungry Like The Wolf / 2. Careless Memories (Live) / 3. Hungry Like The Wolf (Night Ver)
[Disc 6]
1. Save A Prayer (7" Edit) / 2. Hold Back The Rain (Remix) / 3. Hold Back The Rain (12'' Remix)
[Disc 7]
1. Rio (Part I) / 2. The Chauffeur / 3. Rio (Part II) / 4. My Own Way
[Disc 8]
1. Is There Something I Should Know / 2. Faith In This Colour / 3. Is There Something I Should Know (Monster Mix) / 4. Faith In This Colour (Alternate Slow Mix)
[Disc 9]
1. Union Of The Snake / 2. Secret Oktober / 3. Union Of The Snake (The Monkey Mix)
[Disc 10]
1. New Moon On Monday / 2. Tiger Tiger / 3. New Moon On Monday (Dance Mix)
[Disc 11]
1. The Reflex (7" Ver.) / 2. Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) (Live) / 3. The Reflex (Dance Mix)
[Disc 12]
1. The Wild Boys / 2. (I'm Looking For) Cracks In The Pavement / 3. The Wild Boys (Wilder Than Wild Boys) (Extended Mix)
[Disc 13]
1. A View To A Kill (That Fatal Kiss) / 2. A View To A Kill
[Disc 1]
1. Planet Earth (Single Version) / 2. Late Bar / 3. Planet Earth (Night Version) / 4. Careless Memories (Single Version) / 5. Khanada / 6. Fame / 7. Girls On Film / 8. Faster Than Light / 9. Girls On Film (Night Version) / 10. My Own Way (Single Version) / 11. Like An Angel / 12. My Own Way (Night Version) / 13. Hungry Like The Wolf / 14. Hungry Like The Wolf (Night Version) / 15. Save A Prayer / 16. Hold Back The Rain (Remix) / 17. Hold Back The Rain (12'' Remix) / 18. Rio / 19. The Chauffeur (Blue Silver) / 20. Rio (Part Ii) / 21. My Own Way / 22. Is There Something I Should Know / 23. Faith In This Colour / 24. Is There Something I Should Know (Monster Mix) / 25. Faith In This Colour (Alternate Slow Mix) / 26. Union Of The Snake / 27. Secret Oktober / 28. Union Of The Snake (The Monkey Mix) / 29. New Moon On Monday / 30. Tiger Tiger / 31. New Moon On Monday (Dance Mix) / 32. The Reflex / 33. Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) (Live) / 34. The Reflex (Dance Mix) / 35. The Wild Boys / 36. (I'M Looking For) Cracks In The Pavement / 37. The Wild Boys (Wilder Than Wild Boys Extended Mix) / 38. A View To A Kill / 39. View To A Kill (That Fatal Kiss)
[Disc 1]
1. Planet Earth (Night Mix) / 2. Girls On Film (Night Version) / 3. My Own Way (Night Version) / 4. Hungry Like The Wolf (Night Version) / 5. Hold Back The Rain (Remix) / 6. Rio (Carnival Version) / 7. New Religion (Carnival Version) / 8. Is There Something I Should Know? (Monster Mix) / 9. Union Of The Snake (The Monkey Mix) / 10. New Moon On Monday (Extended Mix) / 11. The Reflex (Dance Mix) / 12. The Wild Boys (Wilder Than Wild Boys Extended Mix) / 13. Notorious (Extended Mix) / 14. Skin Trade (Stretch Mix) / 15. Meet El Presidente (12` Version) / 16. American Science (Chemical Reaction Mix) / 17. I Don`T Want Your Love (Dub Mix) / 18. All She Wants Is (Us Master Mix) / 19. The Violence Of Summer (Love`s Taking Over) - The / 20. Come Undone (Come Undub) / 21. Love Voodoo (Sidney Street 12` Mix) / 22. Too Much Information (12` Jellybean Mix) / 23. None Of The Above (Drizabone 12` Mix) / 24. Drowning Man (D:ream Ambient Mix)
[Disc 1]
1. Is There Something I Should Know? / 2. The Reflex / 3. A View To A Kill / 4. Ordinary World (Single Version) / 5. Save A Prayer (US Single Version) / 6. Rio (US Edit) / 7. Hungry Like A Wolf / 8. Girls On Film / 9. Planet Earth (Single Version) / 10. Union Of The Snake / 11. New Moon On Monday / 12. Wild Boys / 13. Notorious / 14. I Don't Want Your Love (Shep Pettibone 7-in Mix) (Shep Pettibone 7-In Mix) / 15. All She Wants Is (45 Mix) / 16. Electric Barbarella (Edit) / 17. Serious (Edit) / 18. Skin Trade (Radio Cut) / 19. Come Undone (Edit)
[Disc 1]
1. Planet Earth / 2. Girls On Film / 3. Hungry Like The Wolf / 4. Rio / 5. Save A Prayer / 6. Is There Something I Should Know? / 7. Union Of The Snake / 8. The Reflex / 9. Wild Boys / 10. A View To Kill / 11. Notorious / 12. Skin Trade / 13. I Don’T Want Your Love / 14. All She Wants Is

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