Stephen Warbeck

Stephen Warbeck    스티븐 워벡
1990s -



[Disc 1]
1. Proof / 2. Hope / 3. Catherine / 4. The Kiss / 5. Writing The Proof / 6. The Chapel / 7. Lost Days / 8. Testing The Proof / 9. You Imagined You Wrote It / 10. The Airport / 11. Line By Line
[Disc 1]
1. The Two Brothers - Nick Ingman / 2. In The Forest - Nick Ingman / 3. The Search For Kumal - Nick Ingman / 4. The Raft - Nick Ingman / 5. La Vergine Degli Angeli - Ezio Pinza / 6. Aidan & Kumal - Nick Ingman / 7. Chasing The Truck - Nick Ingman / 8. The Hunt - Nick Ingman / 9. The Tiger Broken - Nick Ingman / 10. Goodnight Story - Nick Ingman / 11. Havoc - Nick Ingman / 12. Sangha The Outcast - Nick Ingman / 13. Aidan & Raoul - Nick Ingman / 14. Recognition - Nick Ingman / 15. Kumal & Sangha - Nick Ingman / 16. Through The Flames - Nick Ingman / 17. To Freedom - Nick Ingman / 18. Return To The River - Nick Ingman / 19. Goodbye - Nick Ingman
[Disc 1]
1. Cosmic Dancer / 2. Boys Play Football / 3. Get It On / 4. Mother's Letter / 5. I Believe / 6. Town Calle Mailce / 7. The Sun Will Come Out / 8. I Love To Boogie / 9. Burning Up / 10. Royal Ballet School / 11. London Calling / 12. Children Of The Revolution / 13. Audition Panel / 14. Shout To The Top / 15. Wall / 16. Ride A White Swan / 17. Cosmic Dancer [Reprise]
[Disc 1]
1. The Beginning Of The Partnership / 2. Viola's Audition / 3. A Plague Of Both Your Houses / 4. The De Lesseps' Dance / 5. A Daughter's Duty / 6. In Viola's Room / 7. A New World / 8. Love & The Rehearsal / 9. The Arrival Of Wessex / 10. Greenwich / 11. The Brawl / 12. News Of Marlowe's Death / 13. Love & The End Of The Tragedy / 14. The Missing Scene / 15. The Fight / 16. The Play & The Marriage / 17. Wessex Loses A Bride / 18. The Prologue / 19. The Play [Part 1] / 20. The Play [Part 2] / 21. Curtain Call / 22. Farewell / 23. The End

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