Vision Of Disorder

Vision Of Disorder    
1990s -
1994년 / Vision of Disorder/Loyal to None Split 7


[Disc 1]
1. Vertigo - Disorder / 2. Deadline (Reid Speed's Deadline Remix,remix) - Disorder
[Disc 1]
1. Living To Die / 2. Southbound / 3. Itchin' To Bleed / 4. Sunshine / 5. On The Table / 6. From Bliss To Devastation / 7. Downtime Misery / 8. Pretty Hate / 9. Without You / 10. Overrun / 11. Done In / 12. Regurgitate / 13. Walking The Line / 14. In The Room (New Ver.) [Bonus Tracks For Korea Only] / 15. Blacktoned Child [Bonus Tracks For Korea Only]
[Disc 1]
1. Choke / 2. Adelaide / 3. Watch Out / 4. 713 / 5. For The Bleeders / 6. N Regret / 7. Formula For Failure / 8. Beneath The Green / 9. Take Them Out / 10. In The Room
[Disc 1]
1. What You Are / 2. Twelve Steps To Nothing / 3. Landslide / 4. By The River / 5. Imprint / 6. Colorblind / 7. Rebirth Of Tragedy / 8. Locust Of The Dead Earth / 9. Up In You / 10. Clone / 11. Jada Bloom
[Disc 1]
1. Element / 2. Watering Disease / 3. Through My Eyes / 4. Viola / 5. Liberation / 6. Divide / 7. Ways To Destroy One's Ambition / 8. Suffer / 9. Zone Hero / 10. D.T.O. / 11. Excess / 12. Gloom

Trackback ::


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