Original Love

Original Love    오리지널 러브
1980s -


[Disc 1]
1. Yoru Wo Buttobase - Let``S Spend Night Together (夜をぶっとばせ) / 2. Scandal (スキャンダル) / 3. Let's Go To The Darkside Of The Moon (月の裏でいましょう ) / 4. Body Fresher / 5. Seppun - Kiss (接吻 / 6. Deep French Kiss / 7. Let``S Go! / 8. The Rover / 9. Jumpin`` Jack Jive (Jumpin` Jack Jive) / 10. Sunshine Romance (サンシャインロマンス) / 11. The Venus (ヴィナス) / 12. Itsuka Miageta Sorani (いつか見上げた空に) / 13. Asahi No Ataru Michi - As Time Goes By (Album Vresion) (朝日のあたる道 (Album Mix)) / 14. Teardrop (ティアドロップ) / 15. Winter``S Tale (Winter`S Tale)
[Disc 1]
1. Let``S Go To The Darkside Of The Moon (月の裏で?いましょう) / 2. Scramble (スクランブル) / 3. Seppun - Kiss (接吻) / 4. Asahi No Ataru Michi - As Time Goes By (朝日のあたる道) / 5. Jumpin`` Jack Jive (Jumpin` Jack Jive) / 6. Orange Mechanic Suicide (Orange Mechanic Suicide) / 7. The Rover / 8. The Venus (ヴィ?ナス) / 9. Scandal (スキャンダル) / 10. The Best Day Of My Life / 11. Suna No Hana - Desert Rose (砂の花) / 12. Yoru Wo Buttobase - Let``S Spend Night Together (夜をぶっとばせ) / 13. Blue Talk (Blue Talk) / 14. Body Fresher (Body Fresher) / 15. Deep French Kiss (Deep French Kiss)

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P133777


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