Rubin Steiner

Rubin Steiner    루빈 슈타이너
1990s -
1999년 / Lo-Fi Nu Jazz Vol.2



[Disc 1]
1. Style - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner / 2. Wack Freestyle - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner / 3. Come Back To Me - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner / 4. Who Killed Charly Brown - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner / 5. The Luckiest Man - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner / 6. Get Your Hands Off My Records - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner / 7. Taco Truck On Route 73 - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner / 8. Weird Electro Hop - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner / 9. Gay And Proud - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner / 10. Andy Warhol Vampire - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner / 11. Noise In The City - Ira Lee, Rubin Steiner
[Disc 1]
1. Lo-Fi Nu Jazz #11 / 2. Lo-Fi Nu Jazz #6 / 3. Lo-Fi Nu Jazz #13 / 4. Fresh Casino / 5. Lo-Fi Nu Jazz #5 / 6. Soul Music / 7. Lo-Fi Nu Jazz #8 / 8. Easy Tune / 9. Bild Einz / 10. Lo-Fi Nu Jazz #12 / 11. Home Disco Karakoke / 12. No Rest for Boulez Republic / 13. Rubin Steiner Plays Jaz
[Disc 1]
1. Your Life Is Like A Tony Conrad Concert / 2. Raw Breaks (Shit Sounds For Open Ears) / 3. Nylon Part Two (Revival 1994 Alcoholic Club Mix) / 4. Your Life Is Like An Autocover (Electrorock Must Be Lo-Fi) / 5. Turn Off The Lights
[Disc 1]
1. Please Listen To This Record / 2. Guitarlandia / 3. Tango / 4. Battle Of The Cave (Part Two) / 5. Espagnolade / 6. An Interlude For Charles Mingus / 7. New Bossa / 8. Saoul Jazz / 9. Wunderlande / 10. Midi Jazz / 11. Revox & Trompette / 12. Minellos (Part Two) / 13. Some Strings For John Coltrane

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