Night and stars above that shine so bright The myst'ry of their fading light That shines upon our caravan
Sleep upon my shoulder as we creep Across the sand so I may keep The mem'ry of our caravan
This is so exciting You are so inviting Resting in my arms As I thrill to the magic charms Of you beside me here beneath the blue My dream of love is coming true Within our desert caravan
<lyrics>When they begin the beguine It brings back the sound of music so tender It brings back a night of tropical splendor It brings back a memory ever green
I'm with you once more under the stars And down by the shore an orchestra's playing And even the palms seem to be swaying When they begin the beguine
To live it again is past all endeavor Except when that tune clutches my heart And there we are, swearing to love forever And promising never, never to part
What moments divine, what rapture serene Till clouds came along to disperse the joys we had tasted And now when I hear people curse the chance that was wasted I know but too well what they mean
So don't let them begin the beguine Let the love that was once a fire remain an ember Let it sleep like the dead desire I only remember When they begin the beguine
Oh yes, let them begin the beguine, please make them play Till the stars that were there before return above you Till you whisper to me once more, "Darling, I love you" Then we suddenly know what heaven we're in When they begin the, begin the, begin the beguine
When they begin the, begin the, begin the beguine When they begin the beguine
<lyrics>When they begin the beguine It brings back the sound of music so tender It brings back a night of tropical splendor It brings back a memory ever green
I'm with you once more under the stars And down by the shore an orchestra's playing And even the palms seem to be swaying When they begin the beguine
To live it again is past all endeavor Except when that tune clutches my heart And there we are, swearing to love forever And promising never, never to part
What moments divine, what rapture serene Till clouds came along to disperse the joys we had tasted And now when I hear people curse the chance that was wasted I know but too well what they mean
So don't let them begin the beguine Let the love that was once a fire remain an ember Let it sleep like the dead desire I only remember When they begin the beguine
Oh yes, let them begin the beguine, please make them play Till the stars that were there before return above you Till you whisper to me once more, "Darling, I love you" Then we suddenly know what heaven we're in When they begin the, begin the, begin the beguine
When they begin the, begin the, begin the beguine When they begin the beguine
Night and stars above that shine so bright The myst'ry of their fading light That shines upon our caravan
Sleep upon my shoulder as we creep Across the sand so I may keep The mem'ry of our caravan
This is so exciting You are so inviting Resting in my arms As I thrill to the magic charms Of you beside me here beneath the blue My dream of love is coming true Within our desert caravan
Night and stars above that shine so bright The myst'ry of their fading light That shines upon our caravan
Sleep upon my shoulder as we creep Across the sand so I may keep The mem'ry of our caravan
This is so exciting You are so inviting Resting in my arms As I thrill to the magic charms Of you beside me here beneath the blue My dream of love is coming true Within our desert caravan
Night and stars above that shine so bright The myst'ry of their fading light That shines upon our caravan
Sleep upon my shoulder as we creep Across the sand so I may keep The mem'ry of our caravan
This is so exciting You are so inviting Resting in my arms As I thrill to the magic charms Of you beside me here beneath the blue My dream of love is coming true Within our desert caravan
Night and stars above that shine so bright The myst'ry of their fading light That shines upon our caravan
Sleep upon my shoulder as we creep Across the sand so I may keep The mem'ry of our caravan
This is so exciting You are so inviting Resting in my arms As I thrill to the magic charms Of you beside me here beneath the blue My dream of love is coming true Within our desert caravan
<lyrics>When they begin the beguine It brings back the sound of music so tender It brings back a night of tropical splendor It brings back a memory ever green
I'm with you once more under the stars And down by the shore an orchestra's playing And even the palms seem to be swaying When they begin the beguine
To live it again is past all endeavor Except when that tune clutches my heart And there we are, swearing to love forever And promising never, never to part
What moments divine, what rapture serene Till clouds came along to disperse the joys we had tasted And now when I hear people curse the chance that was wasted I know but too well what they mean
So don't let them begin the beguine Let the love that was once a fire remain an ember Let it sleep like the dead desire I only remember When they begin the beguine
Oh yes, let them begin the beguine, please make them play Till the stars that were there before return above you Till you whisper to me once more, "Darling, I love you" Then we suddenly know what heaven we're in When they begin the, begin the, begin the beguine
When they begin the, begin the, begin the beguine When they begin the beguine
레스 폴 할부지의 기타 연주를 한 번쯤은 보고 싶었다. 그래서 인터넷으로 예매까지 하고 혼자서 터덜 터덜 브로드웨이에 있는
Iridium Jazz Club에 갔더랬다. 길 못찾을까봐 걱정했는데 타임스스퀘어 쪽에서 브로드웨이 따라서 좀 올라가면 나오는 클럽이어서
금방 찾을 수 있었다. 가까운 스타벅스(넘 분위기 좋던 스타벅스라 그 후에도 몇 번이나...