Rise Against

Rise Against    라이즈 어게인스트
2000s -
1999년 / 미국,Chicago, Illinois
2001년 / The Unraveling


[Disc 1]
1. The Great Die-Off / 2. I Don’t Want To Be Here Anymore / 3. Tragedy + Time / 4. The Black Market / 5. The Eco-Terrorist In Me / 6. Sudden Life / 7. A Beautiful Indifference / 8. Methadone / 9. Zero Visibility / 10. Awake Too Long / 11. People Live Here / 12. Bridges
[Disc 1]
1. Architects / 2. Help Is On The Way / 3. Make It Stop (September's Children) / 4. Disparity By Design / 5. Satellite / 6. Midnight Hands / 7. Survivor Guilt / 8. Broken Mirrors / 9. Wait For Me / 10. A Gentlemen's Coup / 11. This Is Letting Go / 12. Endgame
[Disc 1]
1. Audience Of One / 2. Boy's No Good
[Disc 1]
1. Collapse (Post-Amerika) / 2. Long Forgotten Sons / 3. Re-Education (Through Labor) / 4. The Dirt Whispered / 5. Kotov Syndrome / 6. From Heads Unworthy / 7. The Strength To Go On / 8. Audience Of One / 9. Entertainment / 10. Hero Of War / 11. Savior / 12. Hairline Fracture / 13. Whereabouts Unknown / 14. Historia Calamitatum
[Disc 1]
1. Obstructed View / 2. But Tonight We Dance / 3. Like The Angel (Warped Tour 2006) / 4. State Of The Union (Warped Tour 2006) / 5. Everchanging (Acoustic Version) / 6. Minor Threat / 7. Nervous Breakdown (Album Version (Explicit))
[Disc 1]
1. Alive And Well / 2. My Life Inside Your Heart / 3. Great Awakening / 4. Six Ways 'Til Sunday / 5. 401 Kill / 6. Art Of Losing / 7. Remains Of Summer Memories / 8. Unraveling / 9. Reception Fades / 10. Stained Glass And Marble / 11. Everchanging / 12. Sometimes Selling Out Is Giving Up / 13. 3 Day Weekend / 14. 1000 Good Intentions / 15. Weight Of Time / 16. Faint Resemblance / 17. Join The Ranks / 18. Gethsemane
[Disc 1]
1. Black Masks & Gasoline / 2. Heaven Knows / 3. Dead Ringer / 4. Halfway There / 5. Like The Angel / 6. Voices Off Camera / 7. Blood-Red, White & Blue / 8. Broken English / 9. Last Chance Blueprint / 10. To The Core / 11. Torches / 12. Amber Changing / 13. Anyway You Want It
[Disc 1]
1. Intro/Chamber The Cartridge / 2. Injection / 3. Ready To Fall / 4. Bricks / 5. Under The Knife / 6. Prayer Of The Refugee / 7. Drones / 8. The Approaching Curve / 9. Worth Dying For / 10. Behind Closed Doors / 11. Roadside / 12. The Good Left Undone / 13. Survive / 14. Boy's No Good
[Disc 1]
1. State Of The Union / 2. The First Drop / 3. Life Less Frightening / 4. Paper Wings / 5. Blood To Bleed / 6. To Them These Streets Belong / 7. Tip The Scales / 8. Anywhere But Here / 9. Give It All / 10. Dancing For Rain / 11. Swing Life Away / 12. Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated / 13. Fix Me
[Disc 1]
1. Alive and Well / 2. My Life Inside Your Heart / 3. Great Awakening / 4. Six Ways 'Till Sunday / 5. 401 Kill / 6. The Art of Losing / 7. Remains of Summer Memories / 8. The Unraveling / 9. Reception Fades / 10. Stained Glass and Marble / 11. Everchanging / 12. Sometimes Selling Out Is Giving Up / 13. 3 Day Weekend / 14. 1000 Good Intentions / 15. Weight of Time / 16. Fainst Resemblance

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P135230


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