Cold War Kids

Cold War Kids    콜드 워 키즈
2000s -
2004년 / 미국,Fullerton, California
2005년 / 미니앨범 'Mulberry Street'


[Disc 1]
1. Mine Is Yours / 2. Louder Than Ever / 3. Royal Blue / 4. Finally Begin / 5. Out Of The Wilderness / 6. Skip The Charades / 7. Sensitive Kid / 8. Bulldozer / 9. Broken Open / 10. Cold Toes On The Cold Floor / 11. Flying Upside Down / 12. Don't Look Down On Me (bonus track) / 13. Goodnight Tennessee (bonus track)
[Disc 1]
1. Against Privacy / 2. Mexican Dogs / 3. Every Valley Is Not A Lake / 4. Something Is Not Right With Me / 5. Welcome To The Occupation / 6. Golden Gate Jumpers / 7. Avalanche In B / 8. I'Ve Seen Enough / 9. Every Man I Fall For / 10. Dreams Old Men Dream / 11. On The Night My Love Broke Through / 12. Relief / 13. Cryptomnesia / 14. Cwk Footage Part 1 / 15. Cwk Footage Part 2 / 16. Cwk Footage Part 3 / 17. Cwk Footage Part 4
[Disc 1]
1. We Used To Vacation / 2. Hang Me Up To Dry / 3. Tell Me In The Morning / 4. Hair Down / 5. Passing The Hat / 6. Saint John / 7. Robbers / 8. Hospital Beds / 9. Pregnant / 10. Red Wine, Success! / 11. God, Make Up Your Mind / 12. Rubidoux

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artist: 281,459 | album: 582,008 | song: 5,463,032 | CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 KR
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