Charles Brett

Charles Brett    


1. Purcell : Te Deum Laudamus And Jubilate Deo In D Major Z.232 (Ed. Dennison) - I. We Praise Thee - Charles Brett, Choir Of St. John`s College Cambridge, English Chamber Orchestra, Forbes Robinson 외 / 2. Purcell : Te Deum Laudamus And Jubilate Deo In D Major Z.232 (Ed. Dennison) - II. Thou Art The King Of Glory - Charles Brett, Choir Of St. John`s College Cambridge, English Chamber Orchestra, Forbes Robinson 외 / 5. Purcell : Funeral Sentences For The Death Of Queen Mary II Z.860 / Man That Is Born Of Woman Z.27 / In The Midst Of Life Z.17B / Thou Knowest Lord Z.58B - Charles Brett, Choir Of St. John`s College Cambridge, Forbes Robinson
15. Handel : Anthem For The Foundling Hospital - O God Who From The Suckling's Mouth - Charles Brett / 16. Handel : Anthem For The Foundling Hospital - The Charitable Shall Be Had - Charles Brett
1. Blow : I Was Glad - Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Cambridge King's College Choir, Charles Brett, John Nixon 외 / 2. Blow : God Spake Sometimes In Visions - Coronation Anthem For James II (1695) - Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Cambridge King's College Choir, Charles Brett, Ian Honeyman 외 / 4. Blow : O Sing Unto The Lord A New Song - Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Cambridge King's College Choir, Charles Brett, John Nixon 외 / 5. Blow : Blessed Is The Man That Hath Not Walked (Verse Anthem, 1680-3) - Academy of St. Martin in the Fields,

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