Richard Harvey [작곡]

Richard Harvey [작곡]    리차드 하비
1970s -
1953년 09월 25일 / 영국,London
1977년 / Hospital Radio Moorfields 테마음악



[Disc 1]
1. Arco Noir / 2. Hidden Forces / 3. Lost In Solitude / 4. Into The Darkness / 5. The Last Waltz / 6. Dark Journeys / 7. Endless Longing / 8. Into The Light / 9. Dark Landscapes / 10. Deep Thoughts / 11. A Tale Of Sorrow / 12. The Procession / 13. Brooding Skies / 14. Lost Hope / 15. Uneasy Calm / 16. Final Tragedy / 17. Obsession / 18. Fin De Jour
[Disc 1]
1. Midnight Sun / 2. The Search / 3. Strange Days / 4. End Of Days / 5. Distant Spirits / 6. L'aura / 7. Night Shadow / 8. L'ouverture / 9. Lost In Dreams / 10. L'histoire / 11. Chanson Du Soir / 12. The Last Farewell / 13. Here
[Disc 1]
1. The Long Journey / 2. A Fond Farewell / 3. Heaven's Warriors / 4. Journey Through The Unknown / 5. Across The Oceans / 6. Engage / 7. Let The Battle Commence / 8. Ancient Heroes / 9. Vengeance / 10. Our Destiny / 11. Far Away / 12. Blood Feud / 13. Behind Closed Doors / 14. Dark Shadow / 15. Age Of Empires / 16. Return Of The Hero
[Disc 1]
1. Song of Old / 2. Carolan`s Receipt / 3. Blackbird / 4. Carrick Fergus / 5. Carolan`s Favourite / 6. Londonderry Air / 7. Carolan`s Farewell to Music / 8. Coulin / 9. Whiskey / 10. Sir Arthur / 11. Fanny`s Air / 12. Sally Gardens / 13. Lark In The Clear Air / 14. Bridget Cruise / 15. She Moved / 16. Londonderry Air (New Arrange) / 17. Fanny`s Air (New Arrange) / 18. Lark In The Clear Air (New Arrange) / 19. She Moved (New Arrange)
[Disc 1]
1. Concerto In C Major Op. 44 No. 11-allegro-largo-allegro Molto / 2. Variatons From Gooden Flut Hemel / 3. Sonata In Fr Major Op.1, No.11-larghetto-allegro-siciliano-allegro / 4. Divisions On A Ground / 5. Variations On Amarilli Mia Bella / 6. Sonata In G Minor Op.3, No. 3-affettuoso Et Grave-allegro-adagio-allegro
[Disc 1]
1. Shroud For A Nightingale / 2. Hostages / 3. The Assam Garden / 4. Doctor Finlay - Mission Of Mercy/End Titles / 5. G.B.H. Prefume / 6. G.B.H. From A Cold Land / 7. Defence Of The Realm / 8. A Small Dance / 9. Doomsday Gun / 10. Jake's Progress - Jake's Story / 11. The Wimbledon Poisoner / 12. To Each His Own / 13. Dancing With The Dead / 14. Shape Of The World / 15. Deadly Advice / 16. Game, Set & Match - The Bridge / 17. Game, Set & Match - The End Game

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