The King's College Choir Of Cambridge

The King's College Choir Of Cambridge    
2000s -
Choir Of King'S College, Cambridge/James Bowman/Ro

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Messiah Hwv56: Sinfony (Grave - Allegro Moderato)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: Comfort Ye My People (Tenor Accompagnato: Larghetto E Piano)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: Ev'Ry Valley Shall Be Exalted (Tenor Air: Andante)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: And The Glory Of The Lord (Chorus: Andante)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: Thus Saith The Lord (Bass Accompagnato)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: But Who May Abide? (Alto Air: Larghetto - Prestissimo)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: And He Shall Purify (Chorus)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: Behold! A Virgin Shall Conceive (Alto Recitative)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: O Thou That Tellest (Alto Air: Andante)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: O Thou That Tellest (Chorus)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth (Bass Accompagnato: Andante Larghetto)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: The People That Walked In Darkness (Bass Air: Larghetto)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: For Unto Us A Child Is Born (Chorus: Andante Allegro)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: Pifa (Pastoral Symphony: Larghetto E Mezzo Piano)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field (Soprano Recitative)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: Glory To God (Chorus: Allegro, Da Lontano E Un Poco Piano)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion (Soprano Air: Allegro)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind (Alto Recitative)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: He Shall Feed His Flock ... Come Unto Him All Ye That Labour (Soprano & Alto Duet: Larghetto E Piano)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 1: His Yoke Is Easy (Chorus: Allegro)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Behold The Lamb Of God (Chorus: Largo)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: He Was Despised (Alto Air: Largo)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs (Chorus: Largo E Staccato)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: And With His Stripes (Chorus: Alla Breve, Moderato)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: All We Like Sheep (Chorus: Allegro Moderato - Adagio)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: All They That See Him (Tenor Accompagnato: Larghetto)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: He Trusted In God (Chorus: Allegro)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (Tenor Accompagnato: Largo)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Behold, And See (Tenor Arioso: Largo E Piano)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: He Was Cut Off (Tenor Recitative)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: But Thou Didst Not Leave (Tenor Air: Andante Larghetto)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Lift Up Your Heads (Chorus: A Tempo Ordinario)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Unto Which Of The Angels (Tenor Recitative)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Let All The Angels Of God (Chorus: Allegro)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Thou Art Gone Up On High (Alto Air: Allegro Larghetto)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: The Lord Gave The Word (Chorus: Andante Allegro)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: How Beautiful Are The Feet (Soprano Air: Larghetto)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Their Sound Is Gone Out (Chorus: A Tempo Ordinario)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Why Do The Nations (Bass Air: Allegro)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder (Chorus: Allegro E Staccato)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: He That Dwelleth In Heaven (Tenor Recitative)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Thou Shalt Break Them (Tenor Air: Andante)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 2: Hallelujah (Chorus: Allegro)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 3: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Soprano Air: Larghetto)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 3: Since By Man Came Death (Chorus: Grave - Allegro)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 3: Behold I Tell You A Mystery (Bass Accompagnato)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 3: The Trumpet Shall Sound (Bass Air: Pomposo, Ma Non Troppo)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 3: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass (Alto Recitative)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 3: O Death, Where Is Thy Sting (Alto & Tenor Duet: Andante)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 3: But Thanks Be To God (Chorus: Andante)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 3: If God Is For Us (Soprano Air: Larghetto)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 3: Worthy Is The Lamb (Chorus: Largo - Andante - Laghetto)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
Messiah Hwv56, Part 3: Amen (Chorus: Allegro Moderato)   James Bowman/Robert Tear/Benjamin Luxon/Choir Of K
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Handel - Messiah (2005)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: The Representation of Chaos (orchestra)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: In the beginning (bass & tenor recit. with chorus)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: Now vanish before the holy beams (tenor with chorus)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: And God made the firmament (bass recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: The marv'llous work behold amazed (chorus with soprano)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: And God said, Let the waters (soprano recitative)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: Rolling in foaming billows (bass)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: And God said, Let the earth (soprano recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: With verdure clad (soprano)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: And the heavenly host (tenor recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: Awake the harp (chorus)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: And God said, Let there be lights (tenor recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: In splendour bright (tenor recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part I: The heavens are telling (chorus with trio)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: And God said, Let the waters (soprano recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: On mighty pens uplifted (soprano)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: And God created great whales (bass recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: And the angels (bass recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: Most beautiful appear (trio)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: The Lord is great (chorus with trio)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: And God said, Let the earth (bass recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: Straight opening her fertile womb (bass recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: Now heaven in fullest glory shone (bass)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: And God created Man (tenor recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: In native worth (tenor)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: And God saw everything (bass recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: Achieved is the glorious work (chorus) -   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: On Thee each living soul awaits (trio) -   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part II: Achieved is the glorious work (chorus)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part III: In rosy mantle appears (tenor recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part III: By Thee with bliss (soprano & bass with chorus)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part III: Our duty we have now performed (soprano & bass recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part III: Graceful consort (soprano & bass)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part III: O happy pair! (tenor recit.)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
The Creation H XXI:2, Part III: Sing the Lord (chorus with trio)   Heather Harper/Robert Tear/John Shirley-Quirk/Choi
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Insanae et vanae curae   Choir Of King'S College, Cambridge/English Chamber, Franz Joseph Haydn
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9: Kyrie (chorus, sop, alto, tenor, bass)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9, Gloria: Gloria in excelsis Deo (chorus)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9, Gloria: Qui tollis peccata mundi (bass, chorus) (Keith Harvey, cello)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9, Gloria: Quoniam tu solus sanctus (chorus, sop)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9, Credo: Credo in unum Deum (chorus)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9, Credo: Et incarnatus est (bass, sop, tenor, alto, chorus)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9, Credo: Et resurrexit tertia die (chorus, quartet)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9, Credo: Et vitam venturi saeculi (chorus, quartet)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9: Sanctus (alto, chorus, tenor)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9: Benedictus (quartet, chorus)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)
Mass No. 10 in C 'Missa in tempore belli' (Paukenmesse) H XXII:9, Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi (chorus)   Heather Harper/Pamela Bowden/Alexander Young/John
from The King's College Choir Of Cambridge - Haydn: The Creation . Missa In Tempore Belli (2006)

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