John Eliot Gardiner [지휘]

John Eliot Gardiner [지휘]    
2000s -
1943년 04월 20일 / 영국

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Handel:: Messiah -- Amen   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- And He Shall Purify   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- And The Angel Said Unto Them   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- And The Glory Of The Lord   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- But Wh May Abide   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- Comfort Ye, My People   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- For Unto Us A Child Is Born   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- Hallelujah   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- He Shall Feed His Flock   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- He That Dwelleth In Heaven   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- I Know That My Redeemer Liveth   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- O Thou That Tellest Good Tidigns To Zion   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- Rejoice Greatly   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
Handel:: Messiah -- Why Do The Nations?   John Eliot Gardiner
from John Eliot Gardiner - Handel@Messiah (0000)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 1. 주 우리 지배자시여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 11. 당신을 매질하는 자 누구입니까   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 13. 아리아: 아, 내 마음 어디에서   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Neill Archer
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 3. 아 위대한 사랑이여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 7. 내 죄의 사슬에서 나를 풀어주시려고   Anthony Robson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Michael Chance
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 15. 그리스도, 축복하신 주   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 17. 아, 위대하신 왕이여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 19. 보아라, 내 영혼   Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 20. 아, 나의 예수여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Rufus Muller
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 22. 하느님의 아들이여, 당신이 갇히심으로   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 24. 어서 가라, 불쌍한 영혼들아   Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 26. 내 마음 깊은 곳에서   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 30. 다 이루었다   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Michael Chance, Richard Campbell
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 32. 나의 귀한 구원자여 여쭈오니   Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 34. 내 마음이여, 온 세상이 예수의 고통을 고통스러워 하네   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Neill Archer
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 35. 내 마음에 눈물이 흐르고   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Nancy Argenta
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 37. 도우소서, 하느님의 아들 그리스도여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 39. 편히 잠드소서, 거룩한 몸이여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 40. 아 주님, 당신의 사랑하는 천사들로 하여금   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach: St. John Passion - Arias & Choruses (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 1. 주 우리 지배자시여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 10. 이 제자는 대제사장을 알고 있었다   Andrew Murgatroyd, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, Gill Ross
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 11. 당신을 매질하는 자 누구입니까   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 12. 안나스는 예수를 묶은 채   Andrew Murgatroyd, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 13. 아리아: 아, 내 마음 어디에서   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Neill Archer
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 14. 상기하지 못한 베드로가   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 2. 예수께서 제자들과 함께 가셨다   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 3. 아 위대한 사랑이여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 4. 이는 전에 당신께서 하신 말씀이 이루어지게 하려는 것이다   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Stephen Varcoe
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 5. 주 하느님, 당신의 뜻이 이루어지소서   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 6. 그 때 천부장과 유대사람   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 7. 내 죄의 사슬에서 나를 풀어주시려고   Anthony Robson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Michael Chance
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 8. 시몬 베드로가 예수를 따랐다   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부 - 9. 나 주를 따르리   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Ruth Holton
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 15. 그리스도, 축복하신 주   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 16. 사람들이 예수를 끌고 갔다   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 17. 아, 위대하신 왕이여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 18. 그때 빌라도가 말하길   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 19. 보아라, 내 영혼   Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 20. 아, 나의 예수여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Rufus Muller
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 21. 저 군인들 가시로   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 22. 하느님의 아들이여, 당신이 갇히심으로   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 23. 그러나 유대인들은 외치며 말했다   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 24. 어서 가라, 불쌍한 영혼들아   Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 25. 저희가 거기에서   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 26. 내 마음 깊은 곳에서   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 27. 군인들이 예수를 십자가에 못 박고   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 28. 최후의 순간까지도   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 29. 그때부터 그 제자가   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Stephen Varcoe
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 30. 다 이루었다   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Michael Chance, Richard Campbell
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 31. 머리 숙인 후 들어가셨다   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 32. 나의 귀한 구원자여 여쭈오니   Cornelius Hauptmann, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 33. 그리고 보라   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 34. 내 마음이여, 온 세상이 예수의 고통을 고통스러워 하네   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Neill Archer
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 35. 내 마음에 눈물이 흐르고   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Nancy Argenta
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 36. 유대인들이 소리질러 가로되   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 37. 도우소서, 하느님의 아들 그리스도여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 38. 그 뒤에 아리마태아 출신 요셉이   Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 39. 편히 잠드소서, 거룩한 몸이여   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부 - 40. 아 주님, 당신의 사랑하는 천사들로 하여금   English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir
from Bach, J.S.: St. John Passion (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 1 - Air. "O toi qui prolongeas mes jours" - Choeur. "Quand verrons-nous tarir nos pleurs?"   Carol Hall, Diana Montague, Jane Armstrong, Jean Knibbs
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 1 - Ballet - Scène 5. Choeur. "Il nous fallait du sang"   John Eliot Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon, René Schirrer
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 1 - Introduction et choeur. "Grands Dieux ! soyez-nous secouables"   Carol Hall, Diana Montague, Jane Armstrong, Jean Knibbs
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 1 - Récitatif. "Iphigénie, ô ciel!" - Choeur. "O songe affreux!" - Récitatif. "O race de Pélops!&quo   Carol Hall, Diana Montague, Jane Armstrong, Jean Knibbs
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 1 - Scène 2. Récitatif. "Dieux! le malheur en" - Air. "De noir pressentiments"   Diana Montague, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon, René Massis
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 1 - Scène 3. Choeur. "Les Dieux apaisent" - Récitatif. "Dieux! étouffez en moi" - Scène 4. Récitatif. &q   Diana Montague, John Eliot Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 2 - Air et choeur. "O malheureuse Iphigénie!"   Carol Hall, Diana Montague, Jane Armstrong, Jean Knibbs
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 2 - Air. "Dieux qui me poursuivez" - Récitatif. "Quel langage accablant"   John Aler, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon, Thomas Allen
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 2 - Air. "Le calme rentre dans mon coeur"   John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon, Thomas Allen
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 2 - Air. "Unis dès la plus tendre enfance"   John Aler, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 2 - Récitatif. "Honorez avec moi" - Choeur. "Contemplez ces tristes apprêts" - Air. "O mon frère"   Carol Hall, Diana Montague, Jane Armstrong, Jean Knibbs
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 2 - Scène 1. Récitatif. "Quel silence effrayant!"   John Aler, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon, Thomas Allen
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 2 - Scène 2. Récitatif. "Etrangers malheureux" - Scène 3. Récitatif. "Dieux protecteurs"   John Aler, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon, René Schirrer
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 2 - Scène 4. Pantomime - Choeur et danse. "Vengeons et la nature et les Dieux"   John Eliot Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon, Thomas Allen
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 2 - Scène 5. Récitatif. "Je vois toute" - Scène 6. Choeur. "Patrie infortunée"   Carol Hall, Diana Montague, Jane Armstrong, Jean Knibbs
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 3 - Air. "Ah! mon ami, j'implore ta pitié" - Duo. "Pylade! - Ah! mon ami, j'implore ta pitié"   John Aler, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon, Thomas Allen
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 3 - Duo. "Et tu prétends encore que" - Récitatif. "Quoi! je ne vaincrai pas "   John Aler, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon, Thomas Allen
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 3 - Récitatif. "Je cède à vos" - Air. "D'une image, hélas! trop" - Scène 2. Récitatif. "   Diana Montague, John Aler, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 3 - Scène 5. Récitatif. "Malgré toi, je saurai" - "Quoi? toujours à mes voeux" - Scène 6. Récitat   Diana Montague, John Aler, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 3 - Scène 7. Air. "Divinité des grands âmes"   John Aler, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 3 - Trio. "Je pourrais du tyran tromper la" - Scène 4. Récitatif. "O moment trop heureux!"   Diana Montague, John Aler, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 4 - Hymne. "Chaste fille de Latone"   Carol Hall, Jane Armstrong, Jean Knibbs, John Eliot Gardiner
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 4 - Récitatif. "Quel moment! Dieux puissants" - Scène 3. Récitatif. "Tremblez! tremblez!"   Carol Hall, Danielle Borst, Diana Montague, Jane Armstrong
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 4 - Scène 1. Récitatif. "Non, cet affreux devoir" - Air. "Je t'implore et je tremble"   Diana Montague, John Eliot Gardiner, Orchestre De L'Opéra National De Lyon
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)
Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride / Act 4 - Scène 2. Choeur. "O Diane sois-nous" - Récitatif. "La force m'abandonne"   Carol Hall, Diana Montague, Jane Armstrong, Jean Knibbs
from Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride (2 CDs) (1986)

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