Throbbing Gristle

Throbbing Gristle    쓰로빙 그리슬
1970s -
1975년 09월 / 영국,London
1976년 / 앨범 Best Of.... Volume I


[Disc 1]
1. Industrial Introduction / 2. Slug Bait - Ica / 3. Slug Bait - Live At Southampton / 4. Slug Bait - Live At Brighton / 5. Maggot Death - Live At Rat Club / 6. Maggot Death - Studio / 7. Maggot Death - Southampton / 8. Maggot Death - Brighton / 9. "After Cease To Exist" - The Original Soundtrack Of The Coum Transmissions Film / 10. Zyklon B Zombie / 11. United
[Disc 1]
1. Dead Souls / 2. Guts On The Floor / 3. Circle Of Animals / 4. Looking For The Oto / 5. Vision And Voice / 6. Funeral Rites / 7. Spirits Flying / 8. Persuasion U.S.A. / 9. The Process / 10. Discipline (Reprise) / 11. Distant Dreams (Part Two) / 12. Something Came Over Me
[Disc 1]
1. Heathen Earth Track 1 / 2. Heathen Earth Track 2 / 3. Heathen Earth Track 3 / 4. Heathen Earth Track 4 / 5. Heathen Earth Track 5 / 6. Heathen Earth Track 6 / 7. Heathen Earth Track 7 / 8. Heathen Earth Track 8 / 9. Adrenalin / 10. Subhuman
[Disc 1]
1. I.B.M. / 2. Hit By A Rock / 3. United / 4. Valley Of The Shadow Of The Death / 5. Dead On Arrival / 6. Weeping / 7. Hamburger Lady / 8. Hometime / 9. Ab/7A / 10. E-Coli / 11. Death Threats / 12. Walls Of Sound / 13. Blood On The Floor / 14. Five Knukcle Shuffle / 15. We Hate You (Little Girls)
[Disc 1]
1. 20 Jazz Funk Greats / 2. Beachy Head / 3. Still Walking / 4. Tanith / 5. Convincing People / 6. Exotica / 7. Hot In The Heels Of Love / 8. Persuasion / 9. Walkabout / 10. What A Day / 11. Six Six Sixties / 12. Discipline-Berlin / 13. Discipline-Manchester
[Disc 1]
1. Tgcd 1

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