
2000s -
1989년 / 미국,Huntington Beach, CA

네오 펑크
얼터너티브 락


[Disc 1]
1. Camp Fire Girl #62 / 2. Scholarship In Punk / 3. Gusto / 4. Vacation / 5. Contagious / 6. Pee In The Shower / 7. Walk Of Shame / 8. My Town / 9. Contribution / 10. Foot-Long / 11. Looking Out For #1 / 12. Twins / 13. My Girlfriend / 14. Lemon Water
[Disc 1]
1. Party Of Two (Your Table Is Ready) / 2. Surfs Up Asshole / 3. Octopus Hairpiece / 4. Wasted Lives / 5. The Next Faux Mohican / 6. Season / 7. Second Dui / 8. My Neighbor's Baby / 9. Guadalahabra (The La Habra Spirit) / 10. Nraa / 11. I Read It On A Bathroom Wall In Reno / 12. Ticket To Quebec / 13. Hot Dog To The Head (A Hot Dog Is A Food Not A Penis So Get It Right Or Pay The Price)
[Disc 1]
1. That's Life / 2. Can I Borrow Some Ambition? / 3. Secure Horizons / 4. She's Got The Look / 5. Look Good Is All That Matters / 6. I'M Destroying The World / 7. Chug-A-Lug Night / 8. What You Like About Me / 9. I Won't See You In The Pit / 10. Black Enforcers / 11. Cram It Up Your Ass
[Disc 1]
1. Shave The Planet / 2. Burn It Down / 3. My Chemical Imbalance / 4. Flacidism / 5. Primate Camp / 6. 23 Things That Rhyme With Darby Crash / 7. (Mark) The Cubby Chaser / Newport Sweater Fat / 8. What Then / 9. God, Steve Mcqueen (The Work Song) / 10. Upside Down Space Cockroach

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