Lewis Black

Lewis Black    
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. Wisconsin / 2. The Fall, Hurricanes and Weathermen / 3. The Ozone, Sunblock, The Flu and Nyquil / 4. Miami and Las Vegas / 5. F**k, New York, Los Angeles / 6. Tv Pilot / 7. Ihop [The International House of Pancakes] / 8. Heaven's Gate / 9. Bill Clinton and Oral Sex / 10. The Impeachment / 11. Education In Arkansas / 12. Other Idiots In Arkansas
[Disc 1]
1. Atlanta / 2. After September 11 / 3. Environmental Terrorism Or Global Warming? / 4. Coke and Pepsi and The Super Bowl of 2001 / 5. Halftime At The Super Bowl of 2001 / 6. The End of The Universe / 7. Tax Rebates and Common Sense / 8. Airport Security / 9. Tv News and Jerry Falwell / 10. What I've Learned
[Disc 1]
1. Superbowl Redux / 2. Mtv / 3. Halftime '04 / 4. What Sex��Are They? / 5. Gay Marriage / 6. Justin And Janet / 7. America Loses It's Mind / 8. Nipple Clamps / 9. One Nation Under God / 10. Michael Jackson, Arnold Schwarzenegger And Ronald Reagan / 11. Voting / 12. Iraq, An Idiots Delight
[Disc 1]
1. Minnesota Winters / 2. The Settling Of Minnesota / 3. The Coldest Winter Ever! / 4. International Travel / 5. Ireland & Health / 6. Health Clubs / 7. Small Pox / 8. Greed / 9. Who's F**King Who / 10. Homeland Security / 11. Bringing Democracy To Iraq / 12. The War In Iraq / 13. A Sense Of Humor

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P146942


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