The Jayhawks

The Jayhawks    제이혹스
2000s -
1985년 / 미국,Minneapolis, MN


[Disc 1]
1. Falling Star / 2. Tried And True / 3. Let The Critics Wonder / 4. Let The Last Night Be The Longest (Lonesome Memory) / 5. Behind Bars / 6. Cherry Pie / 7. The Liquor Store Came First / 8. People In This Place On Every Side / 9. Misery Tavern / 10. (I'm Not In) Prison / 11. King Of Kings / 12. Good Long Time / 13. Six Pack On The Dashboard
[Disc 1]
1. Blue / 2. I'D Run Away / 3. Miss Williams' Guitar / 4. Two Hearts / 5. Real Light / 6. Over My Shoulder / 7. Bad Time / 8. See Him On The Street / 9. Nothing Left To Borrow / 10. Ann Jane / 11. Pray For Me / 12. Red's Song / 13. Ten Little Kids
[Disc 1]
1. The Man Who Loved Life / 2. Think About It / 3. Trouble / 4. It's Up To You / 5. Stick In The Mud / 6. Big Star / 7. Poor Little Fish / 8. Sixteen Down / 9. Haywire / 10. Dying On The Vine / 11. Bottomless Cup / 12. Sound Of Lies
[Disc 1]
1. Smile / 2. I'M Gonna Make You Love Me / 3. What Led Me To This Town / 4. Somewhere In Ohio / 5. A Break In The Clouds / 6. Queen Of The World / 7. Life Floats By / 8. Broken Harpoon / 9. Pretty Thing / 10. Mr. Wilson / 11. (In My) Wildest Dreams / 12. Better Days / 13. Baby, Baby, Baby
[Disc 1]
1. Waiting For The Sun / 2. Crowded In The Wings / 3. Clouds / 4. Two Angels / 5. Take Me With You (When You Go) / 6. Sister Cry / 7. Settled Down Like Rain / 8. Wichita / 9. Nevada, California / 10. Martin's Song
[Disc 1]
1. Two Angels / 2. She's Not Alone Anymore / 3. Will I Be Married / 4. Dead End Angel / 5. Commonplace Streets / 6. Ain't No End / 7. Five Cups Of Coffee / 8. The Baltimore Sun / 9. Red Firecracker / 10. Sioux City / 11. I'M Still Dreaming Now I'M Yours / 12. Martin's Song / 13. Fingernail Moon / 14. Two Minute Pop Song / 15. Nightshade
[Disc 1]
1. Stumbling Through The Dark / 2. Tailspin / 3. All The Right Reasons / 4. Save It For A Rainy Day / 5. Eyes Of Sarahjane / 6. One Man's Problem / 7. Don't Let The World Get In Your Way / 8. Come To The River / 9. Angelyne / 10. Madman / 11. You Look So Young / 12. Tampa To Tulsa / 13. Will I See You In Heaven / 14. Stumbling Through The Dark (Reprise)

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