Sanford Sylvan

Sanford Sylvan    
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. Das Wandern / 2. Wohin? / 3. Halt! / 4. Danksagung An Den Bach / 5. Am Feierabend / 6. Der Neugierige / 7. Ungeduld / 8. Morgengrub / 9. Des Mullers Blumen / 10. Tranenregen / 11. Mein! / 12. Pause / 13. Mit Dem Grunen Lautenbande / 14. Der Jager / 15. Eifersucht Und Stolz / 16. Die Liebe Farbe / 17. Die Bose Farbe / 18. Trockne Blumen / 19. Der Muller Und Der Bach / 20. Des Baches Wiegenlied
[Disc 1]
1. Chanler: Eight Epitaphs; 1. Alice Rodd / 2. Chanler: Eight Epitaphs; 2. Susannah Fry / 3. Chanler: Eight Epitaphs; 3. Three Sisters / 4. Chanler: Eight Epitaphs; 4. Thomas Logge / 5. Chanler: Eight Epitaphs; 5. A Midget / 6. Chanler: Eight Epitaphs; 6. "No Voice To Scold" / 7. Chanler: Eight Epitaphs; 7. Ann Poverty / 8. Chanler: Eight Epitaphs; 8. "Be Very Quiet Now" / 9. Barber: Hermit Songs; I. At Saint Patrick's Purgatory / 10. Barber: Hermit Songs; Ii. Church Bell At Night / 11. Barber: Hermit Songs; Iii. St. Ita's Vision / 12. Barber: Hermit Songs; Iv. The Heavenly Banquet / 13. Barber: Hermit Songs; V. The Crucifixion / 14. Barber: Hermit Songs; Vi. Sea-Snatch / 15. Barber: Hermit Songs; Vii. Promiscuity / 16. Barber: Hermit Songs; Viii.The Monk And His Cat / 17. Barber: Hermit Songs; Ix. The Praises Of God / 18. Barber: Hermit Songs; X. The Desire For Hermitage / 19. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 1. Nature, The Gentlest Mother / 20. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 2. There Came A Wind Like A Bugle / 21. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 3. Why Do They Shut Me Out Of Heaven? / 22. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 4. The World Feels Dusty / 23. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 5. Heart, We Will Forget Him / 24. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 6. Dear March, Come In! / 25. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 7. Sleep Is Supposed To Be / 26. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 8. When They Come Back / 27. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 9. I Felt A Funeral In My Brain / 28. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 10. I'Ve Heard An Organ Talk Sometimes / 29. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 11. Going To Heaven! / 30. Copland: Twelve Poems Of Emily Dickinson; 12. The Chariot

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