Capriccio Stravagante

Capriccio Stravagante    
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. Pulchra Es Amica Mea (Embellished by Francesco Rognoni) - Capriccio Stravagante / 2. Ancor Che Col Partire (Embellished by Richardo Rogniono) - Josh Cheatham, Skip Sempe / 3. In Te Domine Speravi (Recorder consort version of the original frottola) - Capriccio Stravagante / 4. Doulce M?moire (Embellished by Doron Sherwin) - Doron Sherwin, Skip Sempe / 5. O Felici Occhi Miei (Embellished by Diego Ortiz) - Capriccio Stravagante / 6. O Felici Occhi Miei (Embellished by Vincenzo Ruffo) - Capriccio Stravagante / 7. Doulce M?moire (Embellished version, Tablatures of Jan van Lublin) - Skip Sempe / 8. Doulce M?moire (Viol consort version of the original chanson) - Capriccio Stravagante / 9. L'amor, Dona, Ch'io Te Porto (Recorder consort version of the original frottola) - Capriccio Stravagante / 10. Ancor Che Col Partire (Embellished by Doron Sherwin) - Capriccio Stravagante, Doron Sherwin / 11. Ancor Che Col Partire (Viol consort version of the original madrigal) - Capriccio Stravagante / 12. Vestiva I Colli (Embellished by Francesco Rognoni) - Julien Martin, Skip Sempe / 13. Ben Qui Si Mostra'l Ciel (Embellished by Girolamo Dalla Casa) - Josh Cheatham, Skip Sempe / 14. Ancor Che Col Partire (Embellished by Giovanni Battista Spadi) - Julien Martin, Skip Sempe / 15. Cantai Mentre Nel Core / L'amor, Dona, Ch'io Te Porto (Recorder consort versions of the original frottola) - Capriccio Stravagante / 16. Io Son Ferito (Embellished by Doron Sherwin) - Capriccio Stravagante, Doron Sherwin / 17. Vestiva I Colli (Embellished by Bartolomeo de Selma y Salaverde) - Josh Cheatham, Julien Martin, Skip Sempe / 18. Cantai Mentre Nel Core (Embellished version, Intabulation of Andrea Antico) - Skip Sempe / 19. Doulce M?moire (Embellished by Diego Ortiz (Recorder, Harpsichord)) - Julien Martin, Skip Sempe / 20. Doulce M?moire (Embellished by Diego Ortiz (Viola Da Gamba, Recorder, Harpsichord)) - Josh Cheatham, Julien Martin, Skip Sempe / 21. Susanne Un Jour (Embellished by Doron Sherwin) - Doron Sherwin, Skip Sempe
[Disc 1]
1. Da Tempeste - George Friedrich Handel / 2. V`adoro, Pupille - George Friedrich Handel / 3. Lascia Ch`io Pianga - George Friedrich Handel / 4. Tra Le Flamme (4-6) - George Friedrich Handel / 5. Che Sento? Oh Dio! - George Friedrich Handel / 6. Se Pieta - George Friedrich Handel / 7. No Se Emendara Jamas (9-10) - George Friedrich Handel / 8. Torna Mi A Vagheggiar - George Friedrich Handel / 9. Si, Son Quella! - George Friedrich Handel / 10. Mi Restano Le Lagrime - George Friedrich Handel
[Disc 1]
1. Divertissement I (1-7) - Jean-Baptiste Lully / 2. Divertissement Ii (8-10) - Jean-Baptiste Lully / 3. Divertissement Iii (11-15) - Jean-Baptiste Lully
[Disc 1]
1. La Sultanne - Francois Couperin / 2. Suite Nr. 1 E-moll: Preude - Francois Couperin / 3. Suite Nr. 1 E-moll: Allemande Le - Francois Couperin / 4. Suite Nr. 1 E-moll: Courante - Francois Couperin / 5. Suite Nr. 1 E-moll: Sarabande - Grave - Francois Couperin / 6. Suite Nr. 1 E-moll: Gavotte - Francois Couperin / 7. Suite Nr. 1 E-moll: Gigue - Francois Couperin / 8. Suite Nr. 1 E-moll: Passacaille Ou Chaconne - Francois Couperin / 9. Le Dodo Ou L'amour Au Bereau - Francois Couperin / 10. Suite Nr. 2 A-dur: Preude - Francois Couperin / 11. Suite Nr. 2 A-dur: Fuguette - Francois Couperin / 12. Suite Nr. 2 A-dur: Pompe Funere - Francois Couperin / 13. Suite Nr. 2 A-dur: Le Chemise-blanche - Francois Couperin / 14. La Superb - Francois Couperin
[Disc 1]
1. Rejoice In The Lord Alway - Henry Purcell / 2. Remember Not, Lord, Our Offences - Henry Purcell / 3. I Was Glad - Henry Purcell / 4. O Lord, Rebuke Me Not - Henry Purcell / 5. Praise The Lord, O My Soul, and All That Is Within Me - Henry Purcell / 6. Now That The Sun Hath Veiled His Light - Henry Purcell / 7. Hear My Prayer, O Lord - Henry Purcell / 8. My Heart Is Inditing - Henry Purcell
[Disc 1]
1. I. Pavana Con Su Glosa - Antonio De Cabezon / 2. Diferencias Sobre El Canto Llano Del Cavallero - Antonio De Cabezon / 3. O Guardame Las Vacas - Antonio De Cabezon / 4. Dezilde Al Cavallero - Antonio De Cabezon / 5. Las Vacas - Antonio De Cabezon / 6. Ii. Dulec Memoria - Antonio De Cabezon / 7. Iii. Paseabase El Rey Moro - Antonio De Cabezon / 8. Signor Mio Caro - Antonio De Cabezon / 9. Mille Regertz - Antonio De Cabezon / 10. Iv. Pavana Italiana - Antonio De Cabezon / 11. Diferencias Sobre La Gallarda Milanesa - Antonio De Cabezon / 12. Differencias Sober El Canto De Dame La Demanda - Antonio De Cabezon / 13. La Cara Cosa - Antonio De Cabezon / 14. V. Je Prens En Gre La Dure Mort - Antonio De Cabezon / 15. Quien Llamo Al Partir Partir - Antonio De Cabezon / 16. Doulce Memoire - Antonio De Cabezon / 17. Diferencias Sober Las Vacas - Antonio De Cabezon / 18. Vi. Missa Dezilde Al Cavallero : Kyrie - Christe - Kyrie - Antonio De Cabezon / 19. Missa Dezilde Al Cavallero : Hosanna - Benedictus - Hosanna - Antonio De Cabezon / 20. Missa Dezilde Al Cavallero : Agnus Del - Antonio De Cabezon / 21. Vii. Anchor Che Col Partire - Antonio De Cabezon / 22. Il Bianco E Dolce Cigno - Antonio De Cabezon

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