The New York Dolls

The New York Dolls    뉴욕 돌스
1970s -
1971년 / 미국,New York, NY
1973년 / 앨범 New York Dolls
PROFILE:멤버 : 데이비드 요한센, 실 실베인, 스티브 콘테, 브라이언 딜레니, 브라이언 쿠닌,
샘 야파


[Disc 1]
1. Looking For A Kiss (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 2. Puss 'N' Boots (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 3. Subway Train (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 4. Bad Girl (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 5. You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory/lonely Planet Boy (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall London - Ex) / 6. Private World (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 7. Vietnamese Baby (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 8. Dialogue (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 9. Frankenstein (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 10. Babylon (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 11. Dialogue (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 12. Trash (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 13. Jet Boy (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 14. Personality Crisis (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E) / 15. Human Being (2004 / Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London - E)

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artist: 281,459 | album: 582,008 | song: 5,463,032 | CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 KR
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