Y&T    와이 앤 티
1970s -


[Disc 1]
1. Open Fire / 2. Go For The Throat / 3. 25 Hours A Day / 4. Rescue Me / 5. Summertime Girls / 6. Forever / 7. Barroom Boogie / 8. I Believe In You / 9. Black Tiger / 10. Summertime Girls
[Disc 1]
1. Hard Times / 2. Lucy / 3. Don`T Be Afraid Of The Dark / 4. Girl Crazy / 5. City / 6. Come In From The Rain / 7. Red Hot & Ready / 8. She`S Gone / 9. Let It Out / 10. Ten Lovers / 11. Goin` Off The Deep End / 12. Surrender
[Disc 1]
1. Contagious / 2. L.A. Rocks / 3. Temptation / 4. Kid Goes Crazy / 5. Fight for Your Life / 6. Armed and Dangerous / 7. Rhythm or Not / 8. Bodily Harm / 9. Eyes of a Stranger / 10. I'll Cry for You [Instrumental] (Instrumental)

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P150688


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