[Disc 1]

All The Ways To Find Nothing / 2.

Let Me Go Away / 3.

Every Place Is Your Playground / 4.

Can You Hear Me Tonight? / 5.

Comedian (for The Late Mr. Lee Ju IL) [고 이주일씨 추모곡] / 6.

Weird Birds Are Flying In Your Mind / 7.

O / 8.

Bad Habit Grows In Me But It Won't Eat Up My Universe / 9.

I Have No Fun / 10.

Sugar Coated Wings / 11.

Giggle Bee / 12.

Warm Hello From The Sun / 13.

G For Green / 14.

Ice Cream / 15.

Bye Bye Bye (Why Did I Attempt Suicide With A Toy Gun 2) / 16.

Will You Be My Friend