Lynne Dawson [소프라노]

Lynne Dawson [소프라노]    린 도슨
1980s -


6. Brahms : Ein Deutsches Requiem Op.45 - V. Ihr Habt Nun Traurigkeit (Langsam) (브람스 : 독일 레퀴엠 작품번호 45 - 5번. 지금은 너희가 근심하나) - London Classical Players, Lynne Dawson, Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London
25. 바흐: 미사 나단조 / 자비송: 그리스도님, 자비를 베푸소서 - Carol Hall, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Lynne Dawson
40. Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - Symphony..."Already see the daughters...Welcome, welcome mighty King!" (Live) - English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Lynne Dawson, The Monteverdi Choir
2. Christe Eleison - Lynne Dawson
2. J.S. Bach: 바흐: 미사 나단조 / 자비송 - 그리스도님, 자비를 베푸소서 - Carol Hall, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Lynne Dawson
10. Handel : Hercules Act 3 - Aria: 'My Breast With Tender Pity Swells' - Les Musiciens Du Louvre, Lynne Dawson, Marc Minkowski / 11. Handel : Hercules Act 2 - Recit: 'She Knows My Passion' - Claire Giardelli, Lynne Dawson, Marc Minkowski, Michel Maldonado 외 / 12. Handel : Hercules Act 2 - Aria: 'Banish Love From Thy Breast' - Les Musiciens Du Louvre, Lynne Dawson, Marc Minkowski / 13. Handel : Hercules Act 3 - Recit: 'Words Are Too Faint' - Anne Sofie von Otter, Claire Giardelli, Lynne Dawson, Marc Minkowski<
2. 바흐: 미사 나단조 / 자비송: 그리스도님, 자비를 베푸소서 - Carol Hall, English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, Lynne Dawson
1. ````Rubbra: Symphony No. 9, Op. 140, ````Sinfonia Sacra```` - Prelude (Jesus, Chorus) ―```` - BBC National Chorus of Wales, Della Jones, Lynne Dawson, Richard Hickox 외 / 10. ````Rubbra: Symphony No. 9, Op. 140, ````Sinfonia Sacra```` - Viri Galilaei (Chorus)```` - BBC National Chorus of Wales, Della Jones, Lynne Dawson, Richard Hickox 외 / 2. ````Rubbra: Symphony No. 9, Op. 140, ````Sinfonia Sacra```` - Crux Fidelis (Chorus)```` - BBC National Chorus of Wales, Della Jones, Lynne Dawson, Richard Hickox 외 / 3. ````Rubbra: Symphony No. 9, Op. 140, ````Sinfonia Sacra```` - Chorale: Almighty Lord We P
11. Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - 36. Air: How beautiful are the feet - Les Musiciens Du Louvre, Lynne Dawson, Marc Minkowski / 16. 헨델: 메시아 / 3부: 43. 아리아: 내 주님은 살아계시니 - Les Musiciens Du Louvre, Lynne Dawson, Marc Minkowski / 22. Handel: Messiah / Part 3 - 50. Air: If God be for us - Les Musiciens Du Louvre, Lynne Dawson, Marc Minkowski

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