Amen [Hardcore Punk Band]

Amen [Hardcore Punk Band]    
1990s -
1994년 / 미국,Los Angeles, California
1995년 / Slave


[Disc 1]
1. Coma America - Single Version (Single Version) - AMen / 2. Down Human - AMen / 3. Drive - AMen / 4. No Cure For The Pure - AMen / 5. When A Man Dies A Woman - AMen / 6. Unclean - AMen / 7. I Don't Sleep - AMen / 8. Tv Womb - AMen / 9. Private - AMen / 10. Everything Is Untrue - AMen / 11. The Last Time - AMen / 12. Fevered - AMen / 13. Broken Design - AMen / 14. Resignation / Naked And Violent - AMen
[Disc 1]
1. Ok Killer / 2. Refuse Amen / 3. Justified / 4. The Price Of Reality / 5. Mayday / 6. Under The Robe / 7. Dead On The Bible / 8. Too Hard To Be Free / 9. Ungrateful Dead / 10. Piss Virus / 11. The Waiting / 12. Take My Head / 13. In Your Suit / 14. Here'S The Poison
[Disc 1]
1. Liberation For... / 2. Hello (One Chord Lovers) / 3. California'S Bleeding / 4. The Abolishment Of Luxury / 5. Money Infection / 6. Westwood Fallout / 7. Oblivion Stereo / 8. Please Kill Me / 9. Exterminate! / 10. We Got The Bait / 11. Neutron Liars / 12. Sorry, Not Sorry / 13. Bring Me The Heads / 14. F*** In La / 15. The Summer Of Guns

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COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 ~ 2022 matia, crevasse, and xfactor's (contact : email)
artist: 281,459 | album: 582,008 | song: 5,463,032 | CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 KR
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