Jimmie Rodgers

Jimmie Rodgers    지미 로저스 / 본명:James Charles Rodgers
1990s -
1897년 09월 08일 / 미국,Meridian, MS
1933년 05월 26일



[Disc 1]
1. A Drunkard's Child / 2. Anniversary Blue Yodel (Blue Yodel No. 7) / 3. Away Out On The Mountain / 4. Blue Yodel No. 3 (She's Long, She's Tall) / 5. Blue Yodel No. 4 (California Blues) / 6. Blue Yodel No. 8 (Mule Skinner Blues) / 7. Blue Yodel No. 9 (Standin' On The Corner) / 8. Blue Yodel No. 10 / 9. Blue Yodel No. 11 / 10. Daddy And Home / 11. For The Sake Of Days Gone By / 12. In The Jailhouse Now / 13. Mississippi River Blues / 14. Moonlight And Skies / 15. Mother, The Queen Of My Heart / 16. My Blue Eyed Jane / 17. My Good Gal's Gone Blues / 18. My Little Lady / 19. Nobody Knows But Me / 20. Old Love Letters / 21. Peach Pickin' Time Down In Georgia / 22. Pistol Packin' Papa / 23. Rock All Our Babies To Sleep / 24. Roll Along, Kentucky Moon / 25. T For Texas (Blue Yodel No. 1) / 26. The Brakeman's Blues (Yodeling The Blues Away) / 27. The Mystery Of Number Five / 28. The Soldier's Sweetheart / 29. The Wonderful City / 30. Those Gamblers' Blues / 31. Train Whistle Blues / 32. Waiting For A Train

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P161023


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