John Renbourn

John Renbourn    
1960s -
0000년 / 영국,Torquay, England


[Disc 1]
1. Searching For Lambs / 2. Sandwood Down To Kyle / 3. Bogey's Bonnie Belle / 4. Lark In The Clear Air / 5. The Martinmass Wind / 6. Cobblers Jig / Maltese Brawl / 7. I Live Not Where I Love / 8. The Verdant Braes Of Screen / 9. Ship Of Fools / 10. Travellers' Prayer
[Disc 1]
1. Hermit / 2. Old Mac Bladgitt / 3. Caroline's Tune Goat Island / 4. Three Pieces Of O'caroline/lamentation Of Owen Roe O'neil/lord Inchiquin/mrs Pow / 5. Princess & The Puddings / 6. Pavanna (Anna Bannana) / 7. Toye For Two Lutes / 8. Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home / 9. John's Tune (Bonus Track) / 10. Faro's Rag (Bonus Track) / 11. Bicycle Tune (From U.s. Edition) (Bonus Track) / 12. Wormwood Tangle (Bonus Track) / 13. Light Traveller (Bonus Track) / 14. Reflections (Bonus Track) / 15. Introspection (Bonus Track)
[Disc 1]
1. Swallow Flight / 2. Light Traveller / 3. Reflections (1) / 4. Reflections (2) / 5. Freedom Road / 6. Introspection / 7. Passing Time / 8. Portrait Of A Village / 9. Summer Song / 10. Glastonbury / 11. Little Hands / 12. Deserted Streets
[Disc 1]
1. The Earle Of Salisbury / 2. The Trees They Do Grow / 3. Lady Goes To Church / 4. Morgana / 5. Transfusion / 6. Forty-eight / 7. My Dear Boy / 8. White Fishes / 9. Sweet Potato / 10. Seven Up
[Disc 1]
1. White House Blues / 2. Buffalo Skinners / 3. Kokomo Blues / 4. Little Sadie / 5. Shake Shake Mamma / 6. Willy O'winsbury / 7. The Cuckoo / 8. Come On In My Kitchen / 9. Country Blues / 10. Faro Annie / 11. Back On The Road Again
[Disc 1]
1. Another Monday / 2. Ladye Nothinges Toye Puffe / 3. I Know My Babe / 4. Waltz / 5. Lost Lover Blues / 6. One For William / 7. Buffalo / 8. Sugar Babe / 9. Debbie Anne / 10. Cant Keep From Crying / 11. Day At The Seaside / 12. Nobodys Fault But Mine
[Disc 1]
1. Medley: Pavanne ‘belle, Qui Tiens Ma Vie/ Tourdion / 2. Truth From Above / 3. Le Tambourin / 4. Plains Of Waterloo / 5. Maid On The Shore / 6. Douce Dame Jolie / 7. Bold Young Farmer / 8. Sidi Brahim
[Disc 1]
1. A) Trotto/b) Saltarello / 2. A) Lamento Di Tristan/b) La Rotta / 3. A) Veri Floris/b) Triple Ballade / 4. A) Bransle Gay/b) Bransle De Bourgogne / 5. A) Alman/b) Melancholy Galliard / 6. Sarabande / 7. Lady And The Unicorn / 8. A) My Johnny Was A Shoemaker/b) Westron Wynde/c) Scarborough Fa / 9. My Johnny Was A Shoemaker (Vocal Version) / 10. Three Dances (Medley): A) Brentzel Gay/b) La Rotta/c) The Earle Of Sali
[Disc 1]
1. Waltz / 2. Kokomo Blues / 3. I Know My Babe / 4. Beth`s Blues / 5. National Seven / 6. Can`t Keep From Crying* / 7. Noah And Rabbit** / 8. After The Dance** / 9. White House Blues / 10. Down On The Barge / 11. Country Blues / 12. Lord Franklin / 13. Caroline`s Tune / 14. The Hermit / 15. Plainsong / 16. The Pelican / 17. Sweet Potato / 18. The Cuckoo
[Disc 1]
1. Judy / 2. Beth`s Blues / 3. Song / 4. Down On The Barge / 5. John Henry / 6. Plainsong / 7. Louisiana Blues / 8. Blue Bones / 9. Train Tune / 10. Candy Man / 11. The Wildest Pig In Captivity / 12. National Seven / 13. Motherless Children / 14. Winter Is Gone / 15. Noah And Rabbit / 16. Another Monday / 17. Ladye Nothing`s Toye Puffe / 18. I Know My Babe / 19. Waltz / 20. Lost Lover Blues / 21. One For William / 22. Buffalo / 23. Sugar Babe / 24. Debbie Anne / 25. Can`t Keep From Crying / 26. Day At The Seaside / 27. Nobody`s Fault But Mine
[Disc 1]
1. Sally Free And Easy / 2. The Cherry Tree Carol / 3. The Snows / 4. High Germany / 5. People On The Highway / 6. Willy O' Winsbury / 7. No Love Is Sorrow / 8. Jump Baby Jump / 9. Lady Of Carlisle
[Disc 1 / Side A]
1. Wedding Dress / 2. Omie Wise / 3. Will The Circle Be Unbroken / 4. When I Get Home / 5. Rain And Snow / 6. Helping Hand / 7. So Clear / 8. Reflection
[Disc 1]
1. A Maid That's Deep In Love / 2. When I Was In My Prime / 3. Lord Franklin / 4. Cruel Sister / 5. Jack Orion
[Disc 1]
1. Light Flight / 2. Once I Had A Sweetheart / 3. Springtime Promises / 4. Lyke-wake Dirge / 5. Train Song / 6. Hunting Song / 7. Sally Go Round The Roses / 8. The Cuckoo / 9. House Carpenter / 10. Sally Go Round The Roses (2001 Re-recording) / 11. Sally Go Round The Roses (2001 Re-recording (Longer)) / 12. Cold Mountain / 13. I Saw An Angel
[Disc 1 / Side A]
1. Let No Man Steal Your Thyme / 2. Bells / 3. Hear My Call / 4. Pentangling / 5. Mirage / 6. Way Behind The Sun / 7. Bruton Town / 8. Waltz
[Disc 1]
1. Market Song / 2. No More, My Lord / 3. Turn Your Money Green / 4. Haitian Fight Song / 5. A Woman Like You / 6. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat / 7. Three Dances: Brentzel Gay/La Rotta/The Earle Of Salisbury / 8. Watch The Stars / 9. So Early In The Spring / 10. No Exit / 11. The Time Has Come / 12. Bruton Town / 13. Sweet Child / 14. I Loved A Lass / 15. Three-Part Thing / 16. Savoy / 17. In Time / 18. In Your Mind / 19. I'Ve Got A Feeling / 20. The Trees They Do Grow High / 21. Moon Dog / 22. Hole In The Coal
[Disc 1]
1. East Wind - Bert Jansch / 2. Piano Tune - Bert Jansch / 3. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat - John Renbourne / 4. Soho - Bert Jansch / 5. Tic-tocative - Bert Jansch / 6. Orlando - Bert Jansch / 7. Red's Favourite - John Renbourne / 8. No Exit - Bert Jansch / 9. Along The Way - Bert Jansch / 10. The Time Has Come - Bert Jansch / 11. Stepping Stones - John Renbourne / 12. After The Dance - John Renbourne
[Disc 1]
1. The Waggoner`S Lad - Bert Jansch / 2. Black Water Side - Bert Jansch / 3. The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face - Bert Jansch / 4. 900miles - Bert Jansch / 5. The Gardener - Bert Jansch / 6. Pretty Polly - Bert Jansch / 7. Nottamun Town - Bert Jansch / 8. Henry Martin - Bert Jansch / 9. Jack Orion - Bert Jansch
[Disc 1]
1. Judy / 2. Beths Blues / 3. Song / 4. Down On The Barge / 5. John Henry / 6. Plainsong / 7. Louisiana Blues / 8. Blue Bones / 9. Train Tune / 10. Candy Man / 11. The Wildest Pig In Captivity / 12. National Seven / 13. Motherless Children / 14. Winter Is Gone / 15. Noah And The Rabbit / 16. The Wildest Pig In Captivity (Instrumental) / 17. Cant Keep From Crying / 18. Blues Run The Game

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