Ian Dury

Ian Dury    이언 듀리 / 본명:Ian Robins Dury
1970s - 2000s
1942년 05월 12일 / 영국,Upminster, Essex
1974년 / 싱글앨범 "Rough Kids"
2000년 03월 27일


[Disc 1]
1. Wake Up & Make Love With Me / 2. Sweet Gene Vincent / 3. I'm Partial To Your Abracadabra / 4. My Old Man / 5. Billericay Dickie / 6. Clevor Trever / 7. If I Was With A Woman / 8. Blockheads / 9. Plaistow Patricia / 10. Blackmail Man / 11. Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll (bonus track) / 12. Razzle In My Pocket (bonus track) / 13. You're More Than Fair (bonus track) / 14. England's Glory (Live,bonus track)
[Disc 2]
1. Wake Up & Make Love With Me / 2. Sink My Boots / 3. Apples / 4. England's Glory / 5. Tell The Children / 6. I Made Mary Cry / 7. Sweet Gene Vincent [Backing Track] / 8. Blackmail Man / 9. My Old Man / 10. Something's Going To Happen In The Winter / 11. Wifey / 12. Sink My Boats (Alternate Ver.) / 13. I'm Partial To Your Abracadabra / 14. If I Was With A Woman / 15. Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll / 16. Clevor Trever / 17. Blockheads

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P167525


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