
2000s -
1994년 / 미국,Pittsburgh, PA


[Disc 1]
1. Controlled Opposition / 2. The Neoliberal Anthem / 3. 1915 / 4. This Is The New Sound / 5. Bullshit Opportunist / 6. The Ranks Of The Masses Rising / 7. Turn A Blind Eye / 8. Broken Bones / 9. I Don't Wanna / 10. Nothing Recedes Like Progress / 11. Resist / 12. The Ghosts Of Alexandria
[Disc 1]
1. Should I Stay Or Should I Go / 2. The Economy Is Suffering (Let It Die) / 3. Turncoat / 4. This Is The End / 5. Guns Of Brixton/i Fought The Law / 6. Should I Stay Or Should I Go / 7. White Riot
[Disc 1]
1. Good And Ready / 2. The Bright Lights Of America / 3. Vices / 4. The Modern Rome Burning / 5. If You Wanna Steal / 6. No Warning / 7. Spit In The Face / 8. We Are The Lost / 9. Go West / 10. Smartest Bomb / 11. Shadow Of The Dead / 12. The Ink And The Quill / 13. Tar And Sagebrush
[Disc 1]
1. I Tell You But / 2. The Press Corpse / 3. Exodus / 4. Project For A New American Century / 5. Hymn For The Dead / 6. This Is The End (For You My Friend) / 7. One Trillion Dollars / 8. State Funeral / 9. Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man / 10. War Sucks, Let Party! / 11. The W.T.O. Kills Farmers / 12. Cities Burn / 13. Depleated Uranium Is A War Crime
[Disc 1]
1. Their System Doesn't Work For You / 2. Punk by The Book / 3. They Don't Protect You / 4. I Don't Wanna Be a War Hero
[Disc 1]
1. Turncoat / 2. Rank-n-file / 3. Post-war Breakout / 4. Sold As Freedom / 5. Power to The Peaceful / 6. Mind The G.a.t.t. / 7. You Can Kill The Protester, But You Can't Kill The Protest / 8. When You Don't Control Your Government People Want to Kill You / 9. Wake Up! / 10. Tearing Down The Borders / 11. Death of a Nation / 12. Operation Iraqi Liberation [O.I.L.,] / 13. One People, One Struggle
[Disc 1]
1. Angry, Young And Poor / 2. This Machine Kills Fascists / 3. Underground Network / 4. Daddy Warbux / 5. Vieques, Puerto Rico: Bikini Revisited / 6. Stars And Stripes / 7. Watch The Right / 8. The Panama Deception / 9. Culture Revolution / 10. Spaz's House Destruction Party / 11. Bring Out Your Dead / 12. A Start / 13. Until It Happens To You

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