Ewa Podles

Ewa Podles    


[Disc 1]
1. A Girls`s Desire Op.74 No.5 (Frederic Chopin) - Ewa Podles / 2. The Handsome Lad Op.74 No.8 - Ewa Podles / 3. The Ring Op.74 No.14 - Ewa Podles / 4. Lithuanian Song Op.74 No.16 - Ewa Podles / 5. My Sweetheart Op.74 No.12 - Ewa Podles / 6. Songs And Dnaces Of Death : Lullaby (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky) - Ewa Podles / 7. Songs And Dnaces Of Death : Serenade - Ewa Podles / 8. Songs And Dnaces Of Death : Trepak (Russian Dance) - Ewa Podles / 9. Songs And Dnaces Of Death : The Fields Marshal - Ewa Podles / 10. Studies : Etude In C Sharp Minor Op.2 No.1 (Alexander Scriabin) - Ewa Podles / 11. Studies : Etude In C Sharp Major Op.8 No.1 - Ewa Podles / 12. Studies : Etude In E Major Op.8 No.5 - Ewa Podles / 13. Studies : Etude In D Sharp Minor Op.8 No.12 - Ewa Podles / 14. Studies : Etude In F Sharp Major Op.42 No.3 - Ewa Podles / 15. Studies : Etude In C Sharp Minor Op.42 No.5 - Ewa Podles / 16. Studies : Etude In E Flat Major Op.42 No.8 - Ewa Podles / 17. Studies : Etude In Nonas Op.65 No.1 - Ewa Podles / 18. Studies : Etude In Septims Op.65 No.2 - Ewa Podles / 19. Studies : Etude In Quints Op.65 No.3 - Ewa Podles / 20. Songs : Christ Is Risen Op.26 No.6 (Sergei Rachmaninov) - Ewa Podles / 21. Songs : Etude In How Long Since Love Op.14 No.3 - Ewa Podles / 22. Songs : In The Silence Of The Night Op.4 No.3 - Ewa Podles / 23. Songs : Everything Passes Op.26 No.15 - Ewa Podles / 24. Songs : She Is Beautiful As Noon Op.14 No.9 - Ewa Podles / 25. Songs : Spring Streams Op.14 No.11 - Ewa Podles
[Disc 1]
1. Konchakovna`s Cavatina (From Prince Igor) (Alexander Borodin) - Ewa Podles / 2. Young Maiden`s Song (Field Of The Dead) (From Alexander Nevsky) (Sergei Prokofiev) - Ewa Podles / 3. Joan`s Aria (From The Maid Of Orleans) (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky) - Ewa Podles / 4. Voina`s Arioso (From The Cantata Moscow) - Ewa Podles / 5. Varvara`s Limericks And Dance (From Not Only Love) (Rodion Konstantinovich Shchedrin) - Ewa Podles / 6. Jocasta`s Aria (From Oedipus Rex) (Igor Stravinsky) - Ewa Podles / 7. Songs And Dances Of Death - Lullaby (Modest Mussorgsky) - Ewa Podles / 8. Songs And Dances Of Death - Serenade - Ewa Podles / 9. Songs And Dances Of Death - Trepak (Russian Dance) - Ewa Podles / 10. Songs And Dances Of Death - The Field : Marshal - Ewa Podles

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