Gary Usher

Gary Usher    

소프트 락


[Disc 1]
1. Beyond A Shadow Of Doubt / 2. In The Land Of Change / 3. Grey Soft Black And Blue / 4. Point Of View / 5. Dolkys Verse / 6. Sleepy Land / 7. Butterflyin / 8. High N Dry / 9. Ships / 10. Bo And His Beard / 11. Everything Turns Out Right / 12. So Long / 13. Slippin (Bonus Track) / 14. We May Make It Yet (Bonus Track) / 15. Walk A Mile (Bonus Track) / 16. Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt (Bonus Track) / 17. In The Land Of Change (Bonus Track) / 18. Grey Soft Black And Blue (Bonus Track) / 19. We May Make It Yet (Bonus Track) / 20. Walk A Mile (Bonus Track) / 21. Go Rocket Go (Bonus Track)
[Disc 1]
1. Marker / 2. Caroline No / 3. You Still Believe In Me / 4. Busy Doin Nothin / 5. Pet Sounds / 6. Medley Fall Reaks And Back To Winter Good Vibrations Heroes / 7. The Warmth Of The Sun / 8. God Only Knows / 9. Please Let Me Wonder / 10. Friends / 11. In My Room
[Disc 1]
1. Caroline No / 2. You Still Believe In Me? / 3. Busy Doin Nothin / 4. Pet Sounds / 5. Fall Breaks/good Vibrations/heroes And Villains / 6. The Warmth Of The Sun / 7. God Only Knows / 8. Please Let Me Wonder / 9. Friends / 10. In My Room

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