Roberta Alexander

Roberta Alexander    

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Gershwin : Porgy And Bess Act.I - Leavin' For The Promise' Land   New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Roberta Alexander, Zubin Mehta
from Zubin Mehta, New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Gershwin : An American in Paris, Selections from Porgy and Bess & Cuban Overture (2020)
Gershwin : Porgy And Bess Act.I - My Man's Gone Now (거슈윈 : 포기와 베스 1막 - 나의 남자는 이미 가버렸네)   Gregg Baker, New York Choral Artists, New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Roberta Alexander
from Zubin Mehta, New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Gershwin : An American in Paris, Selections from Porgy and Bess & Cuban Overture (2020)
Gershwin : Porgy And Bess Act.I - Overflow (거슈윈 : 포기와 베스 1막 - 어서와 친구들)   Gregg Baker, New York Choral Artists, New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Roberta Alexander
from Zubin Mehta, New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Gershwin : An American in Paris, Selections from Porgy and Bess & Cuban Overture (2020)
Gershwin : Porgy And Bess Act.I - Summertime (거슈윈 : 포기와 베스 1막 - 썸머타임)   New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Roberta Alexander, Zubin Mehta
from Zubin Mehta, New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Gershwin : An American in Paris, Selections from Porgy and Bess & Cuban Overture (2020)
Gershwin : Porgy And Bess Act.II - Bess You Is My Woman Now (거슈윈 : 포기와 베스 2막 - 베스 그대는 나의 여인)   Gregg Baker, New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Roberta Alexander, Zubin Mehta
from Zubin Mehta, New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Gershwin : An American in Paris, Selections from Porgy and Bess & Cuban Overture (2020)
Gershwin : Porgy And Bess Act.III - O, Lawd, I'm On My Way (거슈윈 : 포기와 베스 3막 - 오 주여, 제가 곧 가겠습니다)   Gregg Baker, New York Choral Artists, New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Roberta Alexander
from Zubin Mehta, New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Gershwin : An American in Paris, Selections from Porgy and Bess & Cuban Overture (2020)
J.S. Bach: St. John Passion, BWV 245 / Part One - No.9 Aria(Sopran): Ich folge dir gleichfalls"   Peter Schreier, Roberta Alexander, Staatskapelle Dresden
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
J.S. Bach: St. John Passion, BWV 245 / Part Two - No.35 Aria (soprano): " Zerfließe, mein Herz "   Peter Schreier, Roberta Alexander, Staatskapelle Dresden
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 1 "Riposate, Vezzose Ragazze!" [Don Giovanni, Leporello, Masetto, Zerlina, Donna Elvira, Donna Anna, Don Ottavio]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberová, LàSzlò PolgàR (베이스), LàSzlò PolgàR (테너)
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 2 "Crudele!... Non Mi Dir" [Donna Anna, Don Ottavio]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Edita Gruberová, Hans-Peter Blochwitz, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Roberta Alexander
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 2 "Don Giovanni, A Cenar Teco" [Il Commendatore, Don Giovanni, Leporello, Chorus]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) LàSzlò PolgàR, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Robert Holl, Roberta Alexander
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 2 "In Quali Eccessi, O Numi" [Donna Elvira]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Roberta Alexander, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 2 "L'Ultima Prova" [Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni, Leporello]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) LàSzlò PolgàR (베이스), LàSzlò PolgàR (테너1), Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Roberta Alexander
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 1 "Dalla Sua Pace" [Don Ottavio]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Hans-Peter Blochwitz, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 1 "Finch' Han Dal Vino" [Don Giovanni]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Thomas Hampson
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 1 "Là Ci Darem La Mano" [Zerlina, Don Giovanni]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Barbara Bonney, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Thomas Hampson
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 1 "Madamina! Il Catalogo è Questo" [Leporello]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) LàSzlò PolgàR (베이스), LàSzlò PolgàR (테너), Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 1 "Notte E Giorno Faticar" [Donna Anna, Don Giovanni, Leporello, Il Commendatore]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Edita Gruberová, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Robert Holl, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 1 "Or Sai Chi L'Onore" [Donna Anna]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Edita Gruberová, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Thomas Hampson
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 2 "Deh! Vieni Alla Finestra" [Don Giovanni]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 2 "Già La Mensa è Preparata" [Don Giovanni, Leporello]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) LàSzlò PolgàR, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Thomas Hampson
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 2 "Il Mio Tesoro Intanto" [Don Ottavio]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Hans-Peter Blochwitz, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Act 2 "Vedrai, Carino" [Zerlina]   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Barbara Bonney, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Thomas Hampson
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
Mozart : Don Giovanni : Overture To Act 1   작곡:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
from Barbara Bonney, Edita Gruberova - Mozart : Don Giovanni [Highlights] (2004)
A Nun Takes The Veil   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Als Luise Die Briefe   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
An Chloe   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Avanti Urania   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Caboca De Caxanga   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Ching-a-ring Chaw   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Crossword Puzzle   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Did You Ever Cross Over To Sneden`s   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Feldeinsamkeit   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Good Thing Going   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Heart, We Will Forget Him   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
La Bonne Cuisine   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Memories   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Must The Winter Come So Soon   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Nocturne   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Old Poem   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Piccola Serenata   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Ruhe Meine Seele   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Salve Regina   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Sole E Amore   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Solitary Hotel   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Sure On This Shining Night   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
The Monk And His Cat   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
Tom Sails Away   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)
With You   Roberta Alexander
from Roberta Alexander - ...a Retrospective (2003)

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