Omar & The howlers

Omar & The howlers    오마 앤 더 하울러스
1970s -
1980년 / "Big Leg Beat"


[Disc 1]
1. Magic Man - Omar & the howlers / 2. East Side Blues - Omar & the howlers / 3. Border Girl - Omar & the howlers / 4. Hard Times In The Land Of Plenty - Omar & the howlers / 5. Bad Seed - Omar & the howlers / 6. Wall Of Pride - Omar & the howlers / 7. Mississippi Hoo Doo Man - Omar & the howlers / 8. Big Chief Pontiac - Omar & the howlers / 9. Tears Like Rain - Omar & the howlers / 10. Monkey Land - Omar & the howlers / 11. Snake Oil Doctor - Omar & the howlers / 12. Muddy Springs Road - Omar & the howlers / 13. Boogie Man - Omar & the howlers / 14. You Made Me Laugh - Omar & the howlers / 15. Jimmy Reed Highway - Omar & the howlers
[Disc 2]
1. I Want You - Omar & the howlers / 2. Snake Rhythm Rock - Omar & the howlers / 3. Burn It To The Ground - Omar & the howlers / 4. Got My Heart Set On You - Omar & the howlers / 5. Work Song - Omar & the howlers / 6. Alligator Wine - Omar & the howlers / 7. Do It For Daddy - Omar & the howlers / 8. I'm Wild About You - Omar & the howlers / 9. That's Your Daddy Yaddy Yo - Omar & the howlers / 10. Stone Cold Blues - Omar & the howlers / 11. Girl's Got Rhythm - Omar & the howlers / 12. Life Without You - Omar & the howlers / 13. World Of Trouble - Omar & the howlers / 14. Sugar Ditch - Omar & the howlers / 15. Built For Comfort - Omar & the howlers

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