Emmy The Great

Emmy The Great    에미 더 그레이트 / 본명:Emma Lee Moss
2000s -
1984년 / 영국,London
2006년 / 싱글앨범 'Secret Circus'



[Disc 1]
1. Prelude - Ilan Eshkeri / 2. L.O.V.E.D.A.R.C.Y - Emmy The Great / 3. What Up - Emmy The Great / 4. Only You - Emmy The Great / 5. Comic Books - Emmy The Great / 6. Austenland - Emmy The Great / 7. Austenland Symphony: I. Sonata - Ilan Eshkeri / 8. Austenland Symphony: II. Romanze - Ilan Eshkeri / 9. Austenland Symphony: III. Minuet & Waltz - Ilan Eshkeri / 10. Austenland Symphony: IV. Rondo - Ilan Eshkeri / 11. Date Me (Martin's Theme) (Bonus Track) - Emmy The Great
[Disc 1]
1. Dinosaur Sex / 2. A Woman, A Woman, A Century Of Sleep / 3. Iris / 4. Paper Forest (In The Afterglow Of Rapture) / 5. Cassandra / 6. Creation / 7. Sylvia / 8. Exit Night / Juliet's Theme / 9. North / 10. Trellick Tower
[Disc 1]
1. Absentee / 2. 24 / 3. We Almost Had A Baby / 4. Easter Parade / 5. Dylan / 6. On The Museum Island / 7. War / 8. First Love / 9. Mia / 10. Easter Parade 2 / 11. Bad Things Coming, We Are Safe / 12. Everything Reminds Me Of You / 13. City Song / 14. Edward Is Dedward [Plus Bonus Edward Ep With,] / 15. Bowl Collecting Blood, A [Plus Bonus Edward Ep With] / 16. Two Steps Forward [Plus Bonus Edward Ep With,] / 17. Canopies And Drapes [Plus Bonus Edward Ep With]

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P203730


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