ACTIVE: | 1980s - | FORMED: | 1989년 | STYLE: | | MANIADB: | |
[Disc 1] 1.  Wagner: Die Meistersinger Von Nurnberg - Prelude (바그너: 뉘른베르크의 명가수 - 전주곡) / 2.  Berlioz: Roman Carnival Overture, Op.9 (베를리오즈: 로마의 사육제 서곡, Op.9) / 3.  Rossini: The Barber Of Seville - Overture (로시니: 세빌리아의 이발사 - 서곡) / 4.  Dvorak: Othello Overture, Op.93 (드보르작: 오델로 서곡, Op.93) / 5.  Smetana: The Bartered Bride - Overture (스메타나: 팔려간 신부 - 서곡) / 6.  Verdi: Les Vepres Siciliennes - Overture (베르디: 시칠리아 섬의 저녁 기도 - 서곡) / 7.  Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana - Intermezzo (마스카니: 카발레리아 루스티카나 - 간주곡) / 8.  Rimsky-korsakov: Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op.36 (림스키-코르사코프: 러시아 부활제 서곡, Op.36)
[Disc 1] 1.  Wagner: The Flying Dutchman - Overture (바그너: 방황하는 네덜란드인 - 서곡) / 2.  Glinka: Ruslan And Lyudmila - Overture (글린카: 루슬란과 류드밀라 - 서곡) / 3.  Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini - Overture (베를리오즈: 벤베누토 첼리니 - 서곡) / 4.  Verdi: La Forza Del Destino - Overture (베르디: 운명의 힘 - 서곡) / 5.  Rossini: William Tell - Overture (로시니: 윌리엄 텔 - 서곡) / 6.  Borodin: Prince Igor - Overture (보로딘: 이고르 왕자 - 서곡) / 7.  Puccini: Manon Lescaut - Overture (푸치니: 마농레스코 - 서곡) / 8.  Dvorak: Carnival Overture, Op.92 (드보르작: 카니발 서곡, Op.92)
[Disc 1] 1.  Symphony No.7 "Delle Canzoni": 1. Allegro / 2.  Symphony No.7 "Delle Canzoni": 2. Lento Quasi Andante / 3.  Symphony No.7 "Delle Canzoni": 3. Allegro Impetuoso / 4.  Symphony No.7 "Delle Canzoni": 4. Lento / 5.  Sym. In Un Tempo / 6.  Sym. Per Antigenida: 1. Ritenuto / 7.  Sym. Per Antigenida: 2. Lento / 8.  Sym. Per Antigenida: 3. Allegro / 9.  Sym. Per Antigenida: 4. Lento
[Disc 1] 1.  Sym. No.7 In E Flat / 2.  Elegy In G ("in Memory Of Ivan Samarin") / 3.  Str. Ser. In C, Op.48
[Disc 1] 1.  Chabrier: Espana [샤브리에: 스페인 광시곡] / 2.  Massenet: Le Cid - Act Ii. Ballet Music: Castillane [마스네: 르 시드 - 2막 발레 음악: Castillane] / 3.  Massenet: Le Cid - Act Ii. Ballet Music: Andalouse [마스네: 르 시드 - 2막 발레 음악: Andalouse] / 4.  Massenet: Le Cid - Act Ii. Ballet Music: Aragonese [마스네: 르 시드 - 2막 발레 음악: Aragonese] / 5.  Massenet: Le Cid - Act Ii. Ballet Music: Aubade [마스네: 르 시드 - 2막 발레 음악: Aubade] / 6.  Massenet: Le Cid - Act Ii. Ballet Music: Catalane [마스네: 르 시드 - 2막 발레 음악: Catalane] / 7.  Massenet: Le Cid - Act Ii. Ballet Music: Madrilene [마스네: 르 시드 - 2막 발레 음악: Madrilene] / 8.  Massenet: Le Cid - Act Ii. Ballet Music: Navarraise [마스네: 르 시드 - 2막 발레 음악: Navarraise] / 9.  Glinka: Capriccio Brillante On The Jota Aragonesa - First Spanish Overture [글린카: 화려한 카프리초에 의한 호타 아라고네사 - 스페인 서곡 1번] / 10.  Glinka: Summer Night In Madrid - Second Spanish Overture [글린카: 마드리드의 여름밤 추억 - 스페인 서곡 2번] / 11.  Ravel: Bolero [라벨: 볼레로]
[Disc 1] 1.  Steiner : King Kong - Main Title / 2.  Steiner : King Kong - A Boat In The Fog / 3.  Korngold : The Adventures Of Robin Hood - Main Title. Muted Fanfare / 4.  Korngold : The Adventures Of Robin Hood - Sir Guy And Ronin Hood / 5.  Korngold : The Adventures Of Robin Hood - The Banquet / 6.  Salter : House of Frankenstein - Full Moon / 7.  Deutsch : The Maltese Falcon - The Deal / 8.  Waxman : Rebecca - Selznick International Trademark, Introduction, Foreword, Opening Scene / 9.  Herrmann : Jane Eyre - Rochester / 10.  Rozsa : Spellbound - Spellbound Concerto / 11.  Newman : All About Eve Suite / 12.  Tiomkin : Red River - Main Title / 13.  Tiomkin : Red River - Dunson Heads South / 14.  Thomson : The Plow That Broke The Plains - War And The Tractors / 15.  Copland : The Red Pony Suite - Iv. Walk To The Bunkhouse / 16.  Bernstein : On The Waterfront - Symphonic Suite [Excerpt] / 17.  Rozsa : Ben Hur - Prelude / 18.  Williams : Schindler's List - Main Theme / 19.  Williams : Star Wars - Main Title Theme / 20.  Goldsmith : Alien - Main Theme / 21.  Barry : Out Of Africa - Main Title Theme / 22.  Vangelis : Chariots Of Fire - Main Title Theme / 23.  Elfman : Spider-man - Main Theme And Farewell / 24.  Coates : The Dam Busters - The Dam Busters March / 25.  Goodwin : 633 Squadron - Main Theme / 26.  Bliss : Things To Come - Ii. Interlude. The World In Ruins / 27.  Addinsell: Dangerous Moonlight - Warsaw Concerto / 28.  Arnold : David Copperfield - Mr. Micawber / 29.  Walton : Hamlet - The Ghost / 30.  Frankel : The Curse Of The Werewolf - Iv. Revenge And Escape / 31.  Vaughan-williams : 49th Parallel - I. Prelude / 32.  Nordgren : Smiles Of A Summer Night - Dangerous Wine / 33.  Alfven : A Country Tale Suite - Introduction / 34.  Shostakovich : Alone - Kuzmina Almost Freezes To Death / 35.  Shostakovich : Alone - Overtone Singer / 36.  Shostakovich : Alone - The School Class / 37.  Shostakovich : Alone - The Children Come To Comfort Kuzmina / 38.  Shostakovich : Hamlet - The Ghost / 39.  Prokofiev : Lieutenant Kije Suite - I. The Birth Of Kije / 40.  Morricone : The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - Main Theme / 41.  Honegger : Regain Suite No.2 - Iii. Nuit Dans La Grange / 42.  Honegger : Crime Et Chatiment - Depart Pour Le Crime / 43.  Ibert : Don Quichotte - Iv. Chanson De La Mort / 44.  Ibert : Macbeth Suite - Overture / 45.  Auric : Beauty And The Beast - Mysterious Corridors / 46.  Takemitsu : Face Of Another - Waltz / 47.  Ifukube : Symphonic Fantasia No.1 [Excerpts] / 48.  Devreese : Un Soir, Un Train - Danse De L'auberge / 49.  Kilar : Bram Stoker's Dracula - Mina, Dracula
[Disc 1] 1.  The Son Of Kong : I. Main Title - Max Steiner / 2.  The Son Of Kong : Ii. Ship At Sea - Max Steiner / 3.  The Son Of Kong : Iii. In Dakang - Max Steiner / 4.  The Son Of Kong : Iv. Runaway Blues - Max Steiner / 5.  The Son Of Kong : V. Fire! - Max Steiner / 6.  The Son Of Kong : Vi. An Offer Of Help - Max Steiner / 7.  The Son Of Kong : Vii. Memories - Max Steiner / 8.  The Son Of Kong : Viii. Chinese Chatter - Max Steiner / 9.  The Son Of Kong : Ix. Forgotten Island - Max Steiner / 10.  The Son Of Kong : X. Quicksand - Little Kong - Max Steiner / 11.  The Son Of Kong : Xi. The Styracosaur - Max Steiner / 12.  The Son Of Kong : Xii. The Black Bear - Max Steiner / 13.  The Son Of Kong : Xiii. Finger Fixings - Max Steiner / 14.  The Son Of Kong : Xiv. Campfire At Night - Max Steiner / 15.  The Son Of Kong : Xv. The Olde Temple - Max Steiner / 16.  The Son Of Kong : Xvi. Johnny Get Your Gun - Max Steiner / 17.  The Son Of Kong : Xvii. Finale - Max Steiner / 18.  The Most Dangerous Game : I. Main Title - Max Steiner / 19.  The Most Dangerous Game : Ii. The Wreck - Max Steiner / 20.  The Most Dangerous Game : Iii. The Approach - Max Steiner / 21.  The Most Dangerous Game : Iv. Russian Waltz - Max Steiner / 22.  The Most Dangerous Game : V. Incidental Music - Max Steiner / 23.  The Most Dangerous Game : Vi. Agitato - Max Steiner / 24.  The Most Dangerous Game : Vii. The Iron Door - Max Steiner / 25.  The Most Dangerous Game : Viii. Night - Max Steiner / 26.  The Most Dangerous Game : Ix. The Count Approaches - Max Steiner / 27.  The Most Dangerous Game : X. Misterioso Dramatico - Max Steiner / 28.  The Most Dangerous Game : Xi. The Chase - Max Steiner / 29.  The Most Dangerous Game : Xii. The Chase Continues - Max Steiner / 30.  The Most Dangerous Game : Xiii. The Waterfall - Max Steiner / 31.  The Most Dangerous Game : Xiv. The Fight - Max Steiner / 32.  The Most Dangerous Game : Xv. Escape - Finale - Max Steiner
[Disc 1] 1.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : I. Main Title Part 1 (Ed. Adriano) - Dmitri Shostakovich / 2.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Ii. Beautiful Day - Dmitri Shostakovich / 3.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Iii. Alyosha By The River - Dmitri Shostakovich / 4.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Iv. Stalin's Garden - Dmitri Shostakovich / 5.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : V. Alyosha And Natalia In The Fields - Attack - Dmitri Shostakovich / 6.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Vi. Hitler's Reception - Dmitri Shostakovich / 7.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Vii. In The Devastated Village - Dmitri Shostakovich / 8.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Viii. Forward! - Dmitri Shostakovich / 9.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Ix. Main Title Part 2 - Dmitri Shostakovich / 10.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : X. The Roll Call - Attack At Night - Dmitri Shostakovich / 11.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Xi. Storming Seelov Heights (Zielona Gora) - Dmitri Shostakovich / 12.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Xii. The Flooding Of The Underground Station - Dmitri Shostakovich / 13.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Xiii. The Final Battle For The Reichstag - Kostya's Death - Dmitri Shostakovich / 14.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Xiv. Yussuf's Death - The Red Banner - Dmitri Shostakovich / 15.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Xv. Stalin At Berlin Airport - Dmitri Shostakovich / 16.  The Fall Of Berlin, Op. 82 : Xvi. Finale: Stalin's Speech - Alyosha And Natasha Reunited - Dmitri Shostakovich / 17.  The Unforgettable Year 1919 Suite, Op. 89a : I. Introduction (Ed. L. Atovmyan) - Dmitri Shostakovich / 18.  The Unforgettable Year 1919 Suite, Op. 89a : Ii. Romance (Meeting Of Shibayev With Katya) - Dmitri Shostakovich / 19.  The Unforgettable Year 1919 Suite, Op. 89a : Iii. Scene From The Sea Battle - Dmitri Shostakovich / 20.  The Unforgettable Year 1919 Suite, Op. 89a : Iv. Scherzo - Dmitri Shostakovich / 21.  The Unforgettable Year 1919 Suite, Op. 89a : V. The Assault On The Red Hill - Dmitri Shostakovich / 22.  The Unforgettable Year 1919 Suite, Op. 89a : Vi. Intermezzo - Dmitri Shostakovich / 23.  The Unforgettable Year 1919 Suite, Op. 89a : Vii. Finale - Dmitri Shostakovich
[Disc 1] 1.  Concerto For Violin And Orchestra In B Minor, Op.61 : Allegro - Edward Elgar / 2.  Concerto For Violin And Orchestra In B Minor, Op.61 : Andante - Edward Elgar / 3.  Concerto For Violin And Orchestra In B Minor, Op.61 : Allegro Molto - Edward Elgar / 4.  In The South (Alssio), Concert Overture, Op.50 - Edward Elgar / 5.  Pomp And Circumstance March No.1, Op.39 - Edward Elgar
[Disc 1] 1.  Mchugh: Universal Signature / 2.  Skinner: Son Of Frankenstein - Main Title / 3.  Skinner: Son Of Frankenstein - The Message / 4.  Skinner: Son Of Frankenstein - The General / 5.  Skinner: Son Of Frankenstein - Discovery - Blute Solo / 6.  Skinner: Son Of Frankenstein - The Examination - Looking For A Monster / 7.  Skinner: Son Of Frankenstein - Death Of Ygor / 8.  Skinner: Son Of Frankenstein - Monster's Rampage / 9.  Skinner: Son Of Frankenstein - Finale - The Cast / 10.  Mchugh: Universal Signature / 11.  Salter: The Invisible Man - Main Title / 12.  Salter: The Invisible Man - Two Hours To Live / 13.  Salter: The Invisible Man - Together / 14.  Salter: The Invisible Man - Resting / 15.  Salter: The Invisible Man - The Ghost / 16.  Salter: The Invisible Man - The Return / 17.  Salter: The Invisible Man - End Title / 18.  Mchugh: Universal Signature / 19.  Skinner: Main Title / 20.  Salter: The Telescope / 21.  Previn: Wolf-bane / 22.  Salter: The Kill / 23.  Skinner: Bela's Funeral / 24.  Skinner: Desperation / 25.  Skinner: Sir John's Discovery
[Disc 1] 1.  Symphony No.8 In B Minor (1956) : Andante - Janis Ivanovs / 2.  Symphony No.8 In B Minor (1956) : Allegro - Janis Ivanovs / 3.  Symphony No.8 In B Minor (1956) : Andante - Janis Ivanovs / 4.  Symphony No.8 In B Minor (1956) : Allegro Energico - Janis Ivanovs / 5.  Symphony No.20 In E Flat Major (1981) : Moderato Tranquillo - Janis Ivanovs / 6.  Symphony No.20 In E Flat Major (1981) : Adagio - Janis Ivanovs / 7.  Symphony No.20 In E Flat Major (1981) : Menueto : Reminiscenza - Janis Ivanovs / 8.  Symphony No.20 In E Flat Major (1981) : Allegro Con Brio - Janis Ivanovs
[Disc 1] 1.  Suite No.2 (`silhouettes`), Op.23: Le Savant (The Schlar) - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 2.  Suite No.2 (`silhouettes`), Op.23: La Coquette (The Coquette) - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 3.  Suite No.2 (`silhouettes`), Op.23: Polichinelle (The Buffoon) - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 4.  Suite No.2 (`silhouettes`), Op.23: Le Reveur (The Dreamer) - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 5.  Suite No.2 (`silhouettes`), Op.23: La Danseuse (The Dancer) - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 6.  Suite No.1 In G Minor, Op.7: Variations Sur Un Theme Russe - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 7.  Suite No.1 In G Minor, Op.7: Air De Danse - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 8.  Suite No.1 In G Minor, Op.7: Scherzo - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 9.  Suite No.1 In G Minor, Op.7: Basso Ostinato - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 10.  Suite No.1 In G Minor, Op.7: Marche - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 11.  Suite No.3 (`variations In C Major`), Op.33: Theme (Andante0 - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 12.  Suite No.3 (`variations In C Major`), Op.33: Variation 1 - Dialogue - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 13.  Suite No.3 (`variations In C Major`), Op.33: Variation 2 - Valse - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 14.  Suite No.3 (`variations In C Major`), Op.33: Variation 3 - Marche Triomphale - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 15.  Suite No.3 (`variations In C Major`), Op.33: Variation 4 - Menuet (Xviii Siecle) - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 16.  Suite No.3 (`variations In C Major`), Op.33: Variation 5 - Gavotte - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 17.  Suite No.3 (`variations In C Major`), Op.33: Variation 6 - Scherzo - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 18.  Suite No.3 (`variations In C Major`), Op.33: Variation 7 - Marche Funebre - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 19.  Suite No.3 (`variations In C Major`), Op.33: Variation 8 - Nocturne - Anton Stepanovich Arensky / 20.  Suite No.3 (`variations In C Major`), Op.33: Variation 9 - Polonaise - Anton Stepanovich Arensky
[Disc 1] 1.  Piano Concerto In D Falt Major; Allegro Ma Non Troppo E Maestoso (Aram Il`yich Khachaturian) - Aram Khachaturian / 2.  Piano Concerto In D Falt Major: Andante Con Anima - Aram Khachaturian / 3.  Piano Concerto In D Falt Major: Allegro Brillante - Aram Khachaturian / 4.  Concert Rhapsody For Piano And Orchestra In D Falt Major - Aram Khachaturian
[Disc 1] 1.  Cello Concerto No.1 In G Minor, Op.49/ 1.allegro - Dimitri Kabalevsky / 2.  Cello Concerto No.1 In G Minor, Op.49/ 2.largo, Molto Espressivo - Dimitri Kabalevsky / 3.  Cello Concerto No.1 In G Minor, Op.49/ 3.allegretto - Dimitri Kabalevsky / 4.  Cello Conerto No.2 In G Major, Op.77/ 1.molto Sostenuto-allegro Molto E Energico-tempo I-cadenza... - Dimitri Kabalevsky / 5.  Cello Conerto No.2 In G Major, Op.77/ 2.presto Marcato-cadenza 9l`istesso Tempo-molto Sostenuto) - Dimitri Kabalevsky / 6.  Cello Conerto No.2 In G Major, Op.77/ 3.andante Con Moto-allegro Agitato-molto Tranquillo - Dimitri Kabalevsky / 7.  Symphonic Poem: Spring, Op.65 (Vesna) - Dimitri Kabalevsky
[Disc 1] 1.  Symphony No. 2 In F Sharp Minor, Op. 16 : Andante Maestoso - Allegro - Alexander Glazunov / 2.  Symphony No. 2 In F Sharp Minor, Op. 16 : Andante - Alexander Glazunov / 3.  Symphony No. 2 In F Sharp Minor, Op. 16 : Scherzo : Allegro Vivace - Alexander Glazunov / 4.  Symphony No. 2 In F Sharp Minor, Op. 16 : Intrada : Andante Sostenuto , Finale : Allegro - Alexander Glazunov / 5.  Symphony No. 7 In F Mjaor, Op. 77 ``pastoral`` : Allegro Moderato - Alexander Glazunov / 6.  Symphony No. 7 In F Mjaor, Op. 77 ``pastoral`` : Andante - Alexander Glazunov / 7.  Symphony No. 7 In F Mjaor, Op. 77 ``pastoral`` : Scherzo : Allegro Giocoso - Alexander Glazunov / 8.  Symphony No. 7 In F Mjaor, Op. 77 ``pastoral`` : Finale : Allegro Maestoso - Alexander Glazunov
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