Junior Kimbrough

Junior Kimbrough    


[Disc 1]
1. Sad Days, Lonely Nights / 2. Lonsesome In My Home / 3. Lord, Have Mercy On Me / 4. Crawling King Snake / 5. My Mind Is Rumbling / 6. Leaving In The Morning / 7. Old Black Mattie / 8. I'm In Love / 9. Pull Your Clothes Off / 10. I'm Gonna Have to Leave Here / 11. Sad Days, Lonely Nights
[Disc 1]
1. Lonesome Road / 2. I'm In Love / 3. Everywhere I Go / 4. Burn In Hell / 5. Most Things Haven't Worked Out / 6. Leave Her Alone / 7. I Love Ya Baby / 8. I'm Leaving You Baby
[Disc 1]
1. Meet Me In The City / 2. Done Got Old / 3. Baby Please Don't Leave Me / 4. Lonesome Road / 5. Junior's Place / 6. I Feel Alright / 7. All Night Long / 8. Nobody But You
[Disc 1]
1. You're Gonna Find Your Mistake / 2. How Do You Feel / 3. I Gotta Try You Girl / 4. I'm In Love With You / 5. I Cried Last Night / 6. Keep On Braggin' / 7. Tramp / 8. All Night Long [Instrumental]

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P205384


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