The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir    
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. It's Christmas Once Again / 2. Christmas Day (The Lullaby) / 3. Christmas Joy / 4. Emmanuel / 5. I Believe / 6. Would It Still Be Christmas / 7. The King Has Come / 8. Mary's Song / 9. Sing Hallelujah / 10. Worship The King / 11. His Love Is All I See / 12. Amazing Love
[Disc 1]
1. I'll Sing Of Your Love  featuring Israel Houghton / 2. It All Belongs To You  featuring Jonathan Butler / 3. Made To Live For You / 4. Pastor's Intro / 5. Oh The Cross  featuring Karen Melendez / 6. I Love You / 7. Where Can I Go / 8. (In Everything) We Give Thanks / 9. I Surrender  featuring Onaje Jefferson / 10. New Jerusalem  featuring TaRanda Greene / 11. Helpless  featuring Paul Baloche / 12. Coming Back  featuring Jonathan Butler / 13. Wonderful To Me  featuring Alicia Olatuja / 14. Declare Your Name
[Disc 1]
1. Holy Is The Lord / 2. Oh How I Love The Name / 3. Hallelujah You're Worthy / 4. I Never Lost My Praise / 5. We Fill The Sanctuary / 6. The Lord Thy God / 7. I Adore You / 8. I'll Say Yes / 9. Spirit Fall Down / 10. I Need You Once Again / 11. Hallelujah To The King / 12. Bless Your Name Forevermore / 13. Worthy Is The Lamb
[Disc 1]
1. Thou, Oh Lord / 2. Gloria / 3. I'm Amazed / 4. Heaven On My Mind / 5. Hallelujah Anyhow / 6. I Bless Your Name / 7. King Of Glory / 8. God's Promise / 9. High And Lifted Up / 10. The Light of That City / 11. Worship Medley / 12. Song of Moses
[Disc 1]
1. It's Christmas  featuring Winter Wonderland / 2. Carol Medley / 3. Glory to God In The Highest / 4. Light of The World / 5. Peace On Earth  featuring Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee! / 6. I'll Give Him My Heart  featuring What Can I Give Him? / 7. Oh, Holy Night / 8. Birthday of a King / 9. The Worship Medley / 10. His Plan

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