Kurt Herbert Adler

Kurt Herbert Adler    

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O Holy Night [Minuit chrétien]   작곡:Adolphe Charles Adam Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, National Philharmonic Orchestra, Placide Cappeau de Roquemaure
from Luciano Pavarotti - Pavarotti Forever (2007)
Panis Angelicus   작곡:César Franck Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, National Philharmonic Orchestra, Traditional,
from Luciano Pavarotti - Pavarotti Forever (2007)
Ave Maria, "Ellens Gesang Iii", D839   작곡:Franz Schubert Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, National Philharmonic Orchestra, Walter Scott
from Luciano Pavarotti - Pavarotti Forever (2007)
Panis Angelicus   Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, The National Philharmonic Orchestra, Wandsworth School Boys Choir
from Luciano Pavarotti - 101 Pavarotti (2011)
Ave Maria, 'Ellens Gesang Iii', D839   Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, The National Philharmonic Orchestra
from Luciano Pavarotti - 101 Pavarotti (2011)
Ave Maria: Arr. From Bach's Prelude No.1 Bwv 846   Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, The National Philharmonic Orchestra, Wandsworth School Boys Choir
from Luciano Pavarotti - 101 Pavarotti (2011)
O Holy Night (Minuit Chrétien)   Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, The National Philharmonic Orchestra
from Luciano Pavarotti - 101 Pavarotti (2011)
Gesù Bambino   Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, The National Philharmonic Orchestra
from Luciano Pavarotti - 101 Pavarotti (2011)
Mille Cherubini In Coro (Arr. After Schubert)   Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, The National Philharmonic Orchestra
from Luciano Pavarotti - 101 Pavarotti (2011)
Le Sette Ultime Parole Di Nostro Signore Sulla Croce Qual Giglio Candido   Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, The National Philharmonic Orchestra
from Luciano Pavarotti - 101 Pavarotti (2011)
Agnus Dei   Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, The National Philharmonic Orchestra
from Luciano Pavarotti - 101 Pavarotti (2011)
Wade: Adeste Fideles   Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, National Philharmonic Orchestra, The London Voices
from The Classical Album 2015 [omnibus] (2014)
Wade: Adeste Fideles   Kurt Herbert Adler, Luciano Pavarotti, National Philharmonic Orchestra, The London Voices
from We Wish You A Merry Christmas (2007)

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