John Alldis [지휘자]

John Alldis [지휘자]    
1960s -
1929년 09월 10일


[Disc 1]
1. Exultate Deok - Francois Poulenc / 2. Litanies A La Vierge Noire - Francois Poulenc / 3. Quatre Motets Pour Un Temps De Penitence (3-6) - Francois Poulenc / 4. Salve Regina - Francois Poulenc / 5. Laudes De Saint Antoine De Padoue (8-11) - Francois Poulenc / 6. Ave Verum Corpus - Francois Poulenc / 7. Quatre Motets Pour Un Temps De Noel (13-16) - Francois Poulenc
[Disc 2]
1. Sept Chansons (1-7) - Francois Poulenc / 2. Figure Humaine (8-15) - Francois Poulenc / 3. Chansons Francaises (16-23) - Francois Poulenc / 4. Un Soir De Neige (24-27) - Francois Poulenc / 5. Chanson A Boire - Francois Poulenc
[Disc 1]
1. Cantique De Jean Racine Op.11(pour Choeur Miwte Et Orgue) (Gabriel Faure) - Gabriel Faure / 2. Messe Basse(pour Choeur De Femmes, Soprano Seul Et Orgue): Kyrie Dleison - Gabriel Faure / 3. Messe Basse(pour Choeur De Femmes, Soprano Seul Et Orgue): Sanctus - Gabriel Faure / 4. Messe Basse(pour Choeur De Femmes, Soprano Seul Et Orgue): Bendicths - Gabriel Faure / 5. Messe Basse(pour Choeur De Femmes, Soprano Seul Et Orgue): Agnus Dei - Gabriel Faure / 6. Maria, Mater Gratiae, Op.47-2(duo Pour Tenor Seul, Baryton Seul Et Orgue) - Gabriel Faure / 7. Salve Regina Op.67-1(pour Soprano Solo Et Orgue) - Gabriel Faure / 8. Ecce Fidelis Servus Op.54(pour Les Fetes De Saint Joseph) - Gabriel Faure / 9. Madrigal Op.35(a 4 Voix): Choeur Mixte Et Piano(silvestre) - Gabriel Faure / 10. Pleurs D`or Op.72(duo Pour Soprano, Tenor Et Piano)(samain) - Gabriel Faure / 11. Le Ruisseau Op.22(pour Voix De Femmes, Soprano Seul Et Piano)(anonyme) - Gabriel Faure / 12. Tantum Ergo Op.65-2(pour Tenor Seul, Choeur Mixte, Orgue Et Harp) - Gabriel Faure / 13. Tantum Ergo Op.65-2(pour 3 Soli, Choeur De Femmes Et Orgue) - Gabriel Faure / 14. Tantum Ergo (1904)(pour Tenor Solo, Choeur Miste Dt Orgue) - Gabriel Faure / 15. Ave Verum Corpus Op.65-1(pour Choeur De Femmes Et Organ) - Gabriel Faure
[Disc 1]
1. Immortal, Invisible - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 1. OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 2. Come Thou Almighty King - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 3. This Is My Father's World - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 4. God Of Abram Praise, The - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 5. Holy, Holy, Holy - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 6. Dear Lord, And Father Of Mankind - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 7. Eternal Father, Strong To Save - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 8. HALLOWED BE THY NAME - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 8. Praise God - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 9. O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 10. All Creatures Of Our God And King - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 11. Hark, Ten Thousand Harps And Voices - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 12. THY KINGDOM COME - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 12. Praise To The Lord The Almighty - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 13. What Child Is This - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 14. O Come, O Come Emmanuel - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 15. First Noel, The - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 16. Silent Night - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 17. O Sacred Head - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 17. THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 18. Were You There - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 19. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 20. GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 20. God Of Our Fathers - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 21. We Plow The Fields Together - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 22. Now Thank We All Our God - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 23. For The Beauty Of The Earth - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 24. AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 24. Amazing Grace - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 25. Jesus, Lover Of My Soul - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 26. Just As I Am - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 27. Blest Be The Tie That Binds - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 27. AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 28. Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 29. Rock Of Ages - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 30. I Need Thee Every Hour - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 31. Abide With Me - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 32. O God Our Help In Ages Past - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 33. FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM AND THE POWER AND THE GLORY FOREVER , AMEN - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 33. Jesus Christ Is Risen Today - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 34. All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 35. Crown Him With Many Crowns - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 36. Fairest Lord Jesus - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 37. Onward Christian Soldiers - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 38. Battle Hymn Of The Republic - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra / 39. Sevenfold Amen - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra
[Disc 2]
1. THROUGH WORSHIP - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 1. Come, Christians, Join To Sing/brethren, We Have Met To Worship/rejoice The Lord Is King - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 2. THROUGH PRAISE - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 2. Morning Has Broken/sun Of My Soul/all Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 3. Jesus, The Very Though Of Thee/to God Be The Glory - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 4. Be Thou My Vision - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 4. FOLLOWING THE LIGHT - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 5. THE CHURCH - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 5. O Wondrous Type And Vision Fair/he Leadeth Me - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 6. DEDICATION - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 6. The Church's One Foundation/we're Marching To Zion/i Love Thy Kingdom, Lord - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 7. I Love Thee/take My Life And Let It Be - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 7. COMMUNION AND THANKSGIVING - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 8. THE KINGDOM OF GOD - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 8. Let Us Break Bread Together/come, Ye Thankful People Come - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 9. PRAYER - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 9. Once To Every Man And Nation/lead On, O King Eternal - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 10. THE CROSS OF CHRIST - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 10. Sweet Hour Of Prayer - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 11. There Is A Fountain/alas, And Did My Savior Bleed/what Wondrous Love Is This - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 12. THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 12. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 13. I Hear Thy Welcome Voice/pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior/hark, And Hear My Trumpet Sounding - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 13. REPENTANCE AND ACCEPTANCE OF CHRIST - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 14. CLAIMING ETERNAL LIFE - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 14. I Will Arise And Go To Jesus/how Firm A Foundation/it Is Well With My Soul - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 14. ASSURANCE OF THE FAITH - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 15. Deep River - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 16. How Great Thou Art - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir / 16. AMEN - John Alldis, London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Amen Choir

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