Michel Renard

Michel Renard    


1. Haydn : Sinfonia Concertante For Flute, 2 Horns, 2 Violins, Viola, Cello & Double Bass (Attrib.) Hob.I/D13 - I. Allegro Moderato (하이든 : 플루트, 2대의 호른, 2대의 바이올린, 비올라, 첼로와 더블 베이스를 위한 교향적 협주곡 - 1악장) - Alain Moglia, Andre Fournier, Daniel Bourgue, Gabin Lauridon 외 / 1. Weber : Trio For Flute, Cello And Piano In G Minor Op.63 - I. Allegro Moderato (베버 : 플룻, 첼로와 피아노를 위한 3중주 사단조 작품번호 63 - 1악장) - Martine Joste, Maxence Larrieu, Michel Renard / 12. Martinu : Nonetto H.374 - I. Poco Allegro (마르티누 : 9중주 - 1번) - Daniel Bourgue, Gabin Lauridon, Gas
12. Miserere a 5: No. 1, Miserere mei, Deus - Catherine Greuillet, Christophe Laporte, Marie-Pierre Wattiez, Meike Augustin 외 / 13. Miserere a 5: No. 2, Amplius lava me - Catherine Greuillet, Christophe Laporte, Marie-Pierre Wattiez, Meike Augustin 외 / 14. Miserere a 5: No. 3, Ecce enim in iniquitatiibus - Catherine Greuillet, Christophe Laporte, Marie-Pierre Wattiez, Meike Augustin 외 / 15. Miserere a 5: No. 4, Aseperges me hyssopo - Catherine Greuillet, Christophe Laporte, Marie-Pierre Wattiez,

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