Robert de Cormier

Robert de Cormier    


1. In That Great Getting Up Morning - James Levine, Jessye Norman, Kathleen Battle, Mouse Chorus 외 / 12. Oh, Glory - Hubert Laws, James Levine, Kathleen Battle, Mouse Chorus 외 / 13. Calvary / They Crucified My Lord - James Levine, Jessye Norman, Mouse Chorus, Robert de Cormier 외 / 15. Gospel Train - James Levine, Jessye Norman, Kathleen Battle, Mouse Chorus 외 / 18. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands - James Levine,
1. In That Great Getting Up Morning - Chorus, James Levine, Jessye Norman, Kathleen Battle 외 / 11. Great Day - Chorus, James Levine, Jessye Norman, Kathleen Battle 외 / 12. Oh, Glory - Chorus, Hubert Laws, James Levine, Kathleen Battle 외 / 13. Calvary / They Crucified My Lord - Chorus, James Levine, Kathleen Battle, Robert de Cormier 외 / 15. Gospel Train - Chorus, James Levine, Trackback ::


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