Paul Agnew

Paul Agnew    
1964년 / Glasgow

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Coperario: Send Home My Long Strayde Eies to Mee   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Corkine: 'Tis True, 'Tis Day, What Though It Be?   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Corkine: The Fire to See My Woes For Anger Burneth   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Donne: Come Live with Mee, and Bee My Love   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Donne: Dearest Love I Doe Not Goe   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Donne: Goe Catch a Falling Star   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Donne: So, So Breake Off This Last Lamenting Kisse   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Dowland: O Sweet Woods - The Delight of Solitarienesse   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Dowland: Preludium [lute solo]   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Dowland: Sweet Stay a Whille, Why Will You Rise?   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Ferrabosco: So, So Breake Off This Last Lamenting Kisse   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Hilton: A Hymne to God The Father   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Morley: Who Is It That This Dark Night   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Sidney: Goe My Flocke, Goe Get You Hence   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Sidney: O Deere Life When Shall It Be   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Sir Philip Sidney's Lamentaciion [lute solo]   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
Tessier: In a Grove Most Rich of Shade   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - O Sweet Woods - The Delight Of Solitarienesse (0000)
All Ye Whom Love Or Fortune Hath Betraid   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Awake Sweet Love Thou Art Returnd   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Can She Excuse My Wrongs with Vertues Cloak ?   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Come Again : Sweet Love Doth Now Invite   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Come Ye Heavie States of Night   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Deare, If You Change, Ile Never Chuse Againe   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Fine Knacks For Ladies, Cheape, Choise, Brave and New   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Flow My Teares Fall From Your Springs   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Goe Crystall Teares   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
I Saw My Lady Weepe   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
If Fluds of Teares Could Cleanse My Follies Past   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
If My Complaints Could Passions Move   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Shall I Sue, Shall I Seeke For Grace   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Sleep Wayward Thoughts   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Sorrow Sorrow Stay, Lend True Repentant Teares   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Tymes Eldest Sonne, Old Age The Heire of Ease   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - Flow My Teares (0000)
Blow: Venus & Adonis - Ed. Bruce Wood for the Early English Opera Society - Act 1 - Come Follow, Follow To The Noblest Game   Christopher Robson, New London Consort, Paul Agnew, Philip Pickett
from Blow: Venus & Adonis (1994)
Locke: Psyche - By Matthew Locke. Edited P. Pickett. - "Ye bold"(Locke/ed.Pickett)CyclopsDance(Draghi/Holman)   Christopher Robson, Julian Podger, Michael George, New London Consort
from New London Consort, Philip Pickett - Locke: Psyche (1995)
Locke: Psyche - By Matthew Locke. Edited P. Pickett. - Song of Mars:"Behold the god"   New London Consort, Paul Agnew, Philip Pickett
from New London Consort, Philip Pickett - Locke: Psyche (1995)
Locke: Psyche - By Matthew Locke. Edited P. Pickett. - Song of Venus and Mars:"Great God of War"   Catherine Bott, New London Consort, Paul Agnew, Philip Pickett
from New London Consort, Philip Pickett - Locke: Psyche (1995)
Ferrabosco II: Nay, Nay, You Must Not Stay (Ed. Holman)   Jacob Heringman, Musicians Of The Globe, Paul Agnew, Philip Pickett
from Philip Pickett, Musicians Of The Globe - Ben Jonson's The Masque Of Oberon (1997)
Johnson: Now My Cunning Lady, Moon (Ed. Holman)   Andrew King, Joseph Cornwell, Musicians Of The Globe, Paul Agnew
from Philip Pickett, Musicians Of The Globe - Ben Jonson's The Masque Of Oberon (1997)
Nelham: Buzz, Quoth the Blue Fly (Ed. Holman)   Andrew King, Joseph Cornwell, Musicians Of The Globe, Paul Agnew
from Philip Pickett, Musicians Of The Globe - Ben Jonson's The Masque Of Oberon (1997)
Humfrey: Masque of Neptune and Amphitrite - "Great Nephew Aeolus"   Andrew King, Musicians Of The Globe, Nicky Kennedy, Paul Agnew
from Philip Pickett, Musicians Of The Globe - The Enchanted Island - Music For A Restoration "Tempest" (1998)
Humfrey: Masque of Neptune and Amphitrite - "My Lord, Great Neptune"   Andrew King, Musicians Of The Globe, Nicky Kennedy, Paul Agnew
from Philip Pickett, Musicians Of The Globe - The Enchanted Island - Music For A Restoration "Tempest" (1998)
Humfrey: Masque of Neptune and Amphitrite - "See, See, the Heavens Smile"   Andrew King, Musicians Of The Globe, Nicky Kennedy, Paul Agnew
from Philip Pickett, Musicians Of The Globe - The Enchanted Island - Music For A Restoration "Tempest" (1998)
Weckmann: Weine Nicht, Es Hat Uberwunden (Weep Not, The Lion Of The Tribe Of Juda)   Julian Podger, Paul Agnew, Purcell Quartet, Robert Woolley
from Robert Woolley - Weckmann: Sacred Concertos And Harpsichord Works (1999)
Weckmann: Zion Spricht, Der Herr Hat Mich Verlassen (Zion Said, The Lord Hath Forsaken Me)   Julian Podger, Paul Agnew, Purcell Quartet, Robert Woolley
from Robert Woolley - Weckmann: Sacred Concertos And Harpsichord Works (1999)
Behold a Wonder Heere   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Flow Not So Fast Ye Fountaines   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
I Must Complaine, Yet Do Enjoy   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
If That a Sinners Sighes Be Angels Foode   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
In Darknesse Let Me Dwell   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Lady If You So Spight Me   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Lend Your Eares to My Sorrow Good People   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Love Those Beames That Breede   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Say Love If Ever Thou Didst Finde   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Shall I Strive with Wordes to Move   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Stay Time a While Thy Flying   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Thou Mightie God, When Davids Life by Saul, When The Poore Criple   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Time Stands Still   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Weepe You No More Sad Fountaines   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
What If I Never Speede   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love   Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew
from Christopher Wilson, Paul Agnew - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (2001)
Lully Persee Les Talens Iyriques Christophe Rousset (Jean Baptiste Luiiy)   Jean-Baptiste Lully
from Jean-Baptiste Lully, Paul Agnew - Persee/ Les Talens Iyriques/ Christophe Rousset (2002)
Handel : Cantata 1a. Caro Autor Di Mia Doglia HWV.182a - Caro Autor Di Mia Doglia (헨델 : 칸타타 1a. 내 슬픔을 만든 이여 - 내 슬픔을 만든 이여)   Emmanuelle Haim, Le Concert d'Astree, Patricia Petibon, Paul Agnew
from Emmanuelle Haim, Le Concert d'Astree - Handel : Arcadian Duets (2002)
Handel : Cantata 1a. Caro Autor Di Mia Doglia HWV.182a - Dagli Amori Flagellata (헨델 : 칸타타 1a. 내 슬픔을 만든 이여 - 큐피드의 채찍에 쫓겨)   Emmanuelle Haim, Le Concert d'Astree, Patricia Petibon, Paul Agnew
from Emmanuelle Haim, Le Concert d'Astree - Handel : Arcadian Duets (2002)
Handel : Cantata 1a. Caro Autor Di Mia Doglia HWV.182a - No, Che D'Altrui Che Di Te   Emmanuelle Haim, Le Concert d'Astree, Patricia Petibon, Paul Agnew
from Emmanuelle Haim, Le Concert d'Astree - Handel : Arcadian Duets (2002)
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 14. Recitative: Go on, illustrious Pair! - 15. Air: While yet thy Tide of Blood runs high   Gabrieli Players, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Handel: Saul (2004)
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 29. Recitative: This but the smallest Part of Harmony 30. Accompagnato: By thee this Universal Frame   Gabrieli Players, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Handel: Saul (2004)
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 40. Air: O Lord, whose Providence Ever wakes for their Defence   Gabrieli Players, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Handel: Saul (2004)
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3 - 69. Accompagnato: Wretch that I am - 70. Accompagnato: 'Tis said, here lives a Woman - 71. Recitative: With me what would'st thou?   Gabrieli Players, Neal Davies, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Handel: Saul (2004)
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3 - 72. Air: Infernal Spirits   Gabrieli Players, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Handel: Saul (2004)
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3 - 73. Accompagnato: Why hast thou forc'd me from the Realms of Peace   Gabrieli Players, Neal Davies, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Handel: Saul (2004)
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3 - 79. Air: O let it not in Gath be heard   Gabrieli Players, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Handel: Saul (2004)
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3 - 85. Recitative: Ye Men of Judah, weep no more   Gabrieli Players, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Handel: Saul (2004)
Allemande   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Aubade: Le Reveil De Calliste   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Avertisti Faciem   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Caccia Amorosa   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Clamavi De Tribulatione Mea   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Come Thou Glorious Object   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Courante   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Erravi, Domine   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Factum Est Silentium   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Gigue   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Graves Tesmoins De Mes Delices   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Heureux S?jour De Partenisse   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Laetatus Sum   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Morte Dolce   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
N'esp?rez Plus Mes Yeux   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Ne Crains Point Le Serein   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Objet Dont Les Charmes Si Doux   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Pavane   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Qual Musico Gentil   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Sarabande   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Suavitas Et Dulcedo   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Variations On Mein Junges Leben Hat Ein End   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Weep No More   Paul Agnew
from Paul Agnew - Music From The Time Of Rembrandt (2005)
Purcell : Dido And Aeneas Act.III Scene I. - Come Away Fellow Sailors (퍼셀 : 디도와 아에네아스 3막 1장 - 이리오라, 선원들이여)   Emmanuelle Haim, European Voices, Le Concert d'Astree, Paul Agnew
from Emmanuelle Haim, Le Concert d'Astree - Purcell : Dido And Aeneas (2005)
Monteverdi : L'Orfeo, Act.I - 'Alcun Non Sia Che Disperato In Preda', Ritornello   Christopher Maltman, Emmanuelle Haim, Le Concert d'Astree, Pascal Bertin
from Monteverdi : Orfeo (2005)
Monteverdi : L'Orfeo, Act.I - 'Che Poi Che Nembro Rio Gravido Il Seno', Ritornello   Carolyn Sampson, Christopher Maltman, Emmanuelle Haim, Le Concert d'Astree
from Monteverdi : Orfeo (2005)
Monteverdi : L'Orfeo, Act.I - 'E Dopo L'aspro Gel Del Verno Ignudo'   Christopher Maltman, Emmanuelle Haim, Le Concert d'Astree, Pascal Bertin
from Monteverdi : Orfeo (2005)

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