Michael George

Michael George    


6. Vaughan Williams: Serenade To Music - Ann Murray, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Catherine Wyn Rogers, Christopher Maltman
1. Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett - Concerto: Audi coelum - Andrew King, Catherine Bott, Christopher Robson, John Mark Ainsley 외 / 1. Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett - Versiculum: Deus in adiutorium - Catherine Bott, Christopher Robson, John Mark Ainsley, Michael George 외 / 10. Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett - Quia fecit mihi magna - John Mark Ainsley, Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett 외 / 11. Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett - Et misericordia -
1. Elgar : The Dream Of Gerontius Op.38 Part II. - Introduction - Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Brian Kay, Catherine Wyn Rogers, Huddersfield Choral Society 외 / 10. Elgar : The Dream Of Gerontius Op.38 Part.II - Praise To The Holiest (엘가 : 제론티우스의 꿈 작품번호 38 2부 - 거룩한 분을 찬양하라) - Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Brian Kay, Catherine Wyn Rogers, Huddersfield Choral Society 외 / 11. Elgar : The Dream Of Gerontius Op.38 Part.I - Prelude (엘가 : 제론티우스의 꿈 작품번호 38 1부 - 전주곡) - Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Brian Kay, Catherine Wyn Rogers, Huddersfield Choral Societ
4. J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 - Part One - For the first Day of Christmas - No. 8 Aria (Baß): "Großer Herr, o starker König" - Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett
1. The Dream of Gerontius, Op. 38, Pt. 2: Andantino - Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Brian Kay, Catherine Wyn Rogers, Huddersfield Choral Society 외 / 10. The Dream of Gerontius, Op. 38, Pt. 2: "Praise to the Holiest" (Chorus) - Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Brian Kay, Catherine Wyn Rogers, Huddersfield Choral Society 외 / 11. The Dream of Gerontius, Op. 38, Pt. 1: Prelude - Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Brian Kay, Catherine Wyn Rogers, Huddersfield Choral Society 외 / 11. The Dream of Gerontius, Op. 38, Pt. 2: "Thy Judgment Now Is Near" (Angel, Soul) - Anthony Rolfe Johnson<
12. Locke: Psyche - By Matthew Locke. Edited P. Pickett. - Dialogue of despairing lovers:"Break, break, break" - Andrew King, Catherine Bott, Julia Gooding, Michael George 외 / 14. Locke: Psyche - By Matthew Locke. Edited P. Pickett. - "Ye bold"(Locke/ed.Pickett)CyclopsDance(Draghi/Holman) - Christopher Robson, Julian Podger, Michael George, New London Consort 외 / 15. Locke: Psyche - By Matthew Locke. Edited P. Pickett. - Song of the invisible singers... - Andrew King, Catherine Bott, Michael George, New London Consort 외 / 26. Locke: Psyche - By Matthew Locke. Edited P. Pickett. -
11. Timon of Athens, Masque: Come let us agree (Cupid, Bacchus, Chorus) - Collegium Musicum 90, Collegium Musicum 90 Choir, Iestyn Davies, Michael George 외 / 15. Dioclesian, Z. 627, Masque: Come, come away (Bacchanalian, Silvan) - Collegium Musicum 90, Michael George, Nathan Berg, Richard Hickox / 20. Dioclesian, Z. 627, Masque: The Second Entry. Make room (Bacchus, Bacchanalian I, Bacchanalian II, Chorus) - Collegium Musicum 90, Collegium Musicum 90 Choir, Matthew Brook, Michael George 외 / 24. Dioclesian, Z. 627, Masque: The Third Entry. Tell me why (Shepherd, Shepherdess) -
13. Lambardi: Canto del Dio Pane e i suoi Silvani - Andrew King, Christopher Robson, John Mark Ainsley, Michael George 외 / 2. Giramo: Canzonetta delle Ninfe e il Pastore - Catherine Bott, Christopher Robson, Michael George, New London Consort 외 / 4. Lambardi: Canto di Fortuna, Tempo, Fama e Invidia - Andrew King, Catherine Bott, Christopher Robson, Michael George
1. Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett - Concerto: Audi coelum - Andrew King, Catherine Bott, Christopher Robson, John Mark Ainsley 외 / 1. Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett - Versiculum: Deus in adiutorium - Catherine Bott, Christopher Robson, John Mark Ainsley, Michael George 외 / 10. Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett - Quia fecit mihi magna - John Mark Ainsley, Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett 외 / 11. Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett - Et misericordia -
21. Purcell: The Knight of Malta - original version, 1699 - At the close of the ev'ning - Christopher Hogwood, David Thomas, Geoffrey Shaw, Michael George
11. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 11. Bacche bene venies - Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett, Stephen Charlesworth / 14. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 14. "Aristippe, quamvis sero" - David Roblou, Michael George, Stephen Charlesworth / 21. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 21. Hebet sidus - Andrew Lawrence-King, Michael George / 3. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 3. Licet eger cum egrotis - Michael George, Pavlo Beznosiuk / 9. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 9. Tempus transit gelidum - Michael George, Tom Finucane

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