17. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 3. Veris dulcis in tempore - Michael George, Tom Finucane / 19. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 5. Dic, Christi veritas - Michael George, Simon Grant, Stephen Charlesworth / 23. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 9. O varium Fortune lubricum - Michael George, Stephen Charlesworth / 25. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 11. Sic mea fata - Michael George, Philip Pickett / 26. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 12. In taberna quando sumus - Catherine Bott, Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett / 29. Anonymous: Carmina Burana - 3. Licet eger cum egrotis
44. Serenade to Music - Ann Murray, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Catherine Wyn Rogers, Christopher Maltman 외
10. Monteverdi: Il ballo delle ingrate, SV 167 - 6. Ecco ver noi l'adolorate squadre - Catherine Bott, Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett 외 / 12. Monteverdi: Il ballo delle ingrate, SV 167 - 8. Dal tenebroso orror del mio gran regno - Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett / 7. Monteverdi: Il ballo delle ingrate, SV 167 - 3. Bella madre d'amor - Catherine Bott, Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett / 8. Monteverdi: Il ballo delle ingrate, SV 167 - 4. S'invan su l'arco tendi - Michael George, New London Consort,
24. Blow: Venus & Adonis - Ed. Bruce Wood for the Early English Opera Society - Act 3 - Adonis, Adonis - Catherine Bott, Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett / 7. Blow: Venus & Adonis - Ed. Bruce Wood for the Early English Opera Society - Act 1 - Venus!...Adonis!... - Catherine Bott, Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett / 9. Blow: Venus & Adonis - Ed. Bruce Wood for the Early English Opera Society - Act 1 - Adonis Will Not Hunt Today - Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett
11. Monteverdi: L'Orfeo - Act 4 - Benché severo ed immutabil fato - Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett
7. Anonymous : Carmina Burana - IX. Tempus Transit Gelidum - Michael George, Tom Finucane / 9. Anonymous : Carmina Burana - XI. Bacche Bene Venies - Michael George, New London Consort, Philip Pickett, Stephen Charlesworth