The Red Army Choir

The Red Army Choir    레드 아미 콰이어


[Disc 1]
1. Red Army Choir - Overture / 2. Russian National Anthem / 3. Oh Fields, My Fields, Song Of The Plains / 4. The Sacred War / 5. In The Sunny Clearing / 6. Kalinka / 7. We Sing To Thee / 8. On The Road / 9. Smuglianka / 10. A Partisan's Song / 11. Along The Peterskaya Road / 12. Dark Eyes / 13. Nabucco - Chorus Of The Hebrew Slaves / 14. Ernani - Bandit's Chorus / 15. Spanish Medley / 16. Excert From Boris Godounov / 17. Carmen - March Of The Toreadors / 18. Turandot - Nessun Dorma / 19. Il Travatore - Di Quella Pira / 20. Katioucha / 21. Moscow Nights
[Disc 1]
1. Agapkin: Farewell Of Slavianka / 2. Knipper: O, Field, My Field (Polyushko Pole) [Polyushko Pole] / 3. Pokrass: We Are The Red Cavalry / 4. Traditional: There, Far Away, Beyond The River / 5. Alexandrov: The Sacred War / 6. Alexandrov: There Marched The Soldiers / 7. Blanter: In The Forest By The Combat Line / 8. Blanter: The Sun Set Beyond The Mountain / 9. Shaporin: Chorus Of Soldiers From The Opera 'Decembrists' / 10. Traditional: Song Of The Volga Boatmen / 11. Traditional: Troika / 12. Traditional: The Cliff / 13. Traditional: Hey, There's The Village / 14. Alexandrov: The Volga Burlack's Song / 15. Traditional: Dark Eyes (Ochi Chernye) [Ochi Chernye] / 16. Traditional: The Brave Lads Of The Don / 17. Novikov: On The Road [A Soldier`s Song,] / 18. Solov'yov-sedoy: Moscow Nights

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