Robert Craft

Robert Craft    

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Oedipus Rex : Prologue   Igor Stravinsky
from International Piano Quartet, Tristan Fry Percussion Ensemble - Oedipus Rex/ Les Noces / Robert Craft (2004)
Introducing Creon   Igor Stravinsky
from International Piano Quartet, Tristan Fry Percussion Ensemble - Oedipus Rex/ Les Noces / Robert Craft (2004)
Introducing Tiresias   Igor Stravinsky
from International Piano Quartet, Tristan Fry Percussion Ensemble - Oedipus Rex/ Les Noces / Robert Craft (2004)
Introducing Jocasta   Igor Stravinsky
from International Piano Quartet, Tristan Fry Percussion Ensemble - Oedipus Rex/ Les Noces / Robert Craft (2004)
Introducing The Messenger   Igor Stravinsky
from International Piano Quartet, Tristan Fry Percussion Ensemble - Oedipus Rex/ Les Noces / Robert Craft (2004)
Epilogue   Igor Stravinsky
from International Piano Quartet, Tristan Fry Percussion Ensemble - Oedipus Rex/ Les Noces / Robert Craft (2004)
Les Noces : Scene One   Igor Stravinsky
from International Piano Quartet, Tristan Fry Percussion Ensemble - Oedipus Rex/ Les Noces / Robert Craft (2004)
Scene Two   Igor Stravinsky
from International Piano Quartet, Tristan Fry Percussion Ensemble - Oedipus Rex/ Les Noces / Robert Craft (2004)
Scene Three   Igor Stravinsky
from International Piano Quartet, Tristan Fry Percussion Ensemble - Oedipus Rex/ Les Noces / Robert Craft (2004)
Scene Four   Igor Stravinsky
from International Piano Quartet, Tristan Fry Percussion Ensemble - Oedipus Rex/ Les Noces / Robert Craft (2004)
The Firebird : Introduction   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - The Firebird/ Petrushka/ Robert Craft (2005)
The Firebird : Scene I (2-21)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - The Firebird/ Petrushka/ Robert Craft (2005)
The Firebird : Scene Ii   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - The Firebird/ Petrushka/ Robert Craft (2005)
Petrushka : First Tableau (23-25)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - The Firebird/ Petrushka/ Robert Craft (2005)
Petrushka : Second Tableau   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - The Firebird/ Petrushka/ Robert Craft (2005)
Petrushka : Third Tableau (27-29)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - The Firebird/ Petrushka/ Robert Craft (2005)
Petrushka : Fourth Tableau (30-39)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - The Firebird/ Petrushka/ Robert Craft (2005)
The Rite Of Spirng (Ballet) (1-12)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - The Rite Of Spring/ The Nightingale/ Robert Craft (2005)
The Nightinagle (13-40)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - The Rite Of Spring/ The Nightingale/ Robert Craft (2005)
Apollo (1-10)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, London Symphony Orchestra - Three Greek Ballets (2005)
Agon (11-26)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, London Symphony Orchestra - Three Greek Ballets (2005)
Orpheus : Scene I (27-30)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, London Symphony Orchestra - Three Greek Ballets (2005)
Orpheus : Scene Ii (31-38)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, London Symphony Orchestra - Three Greek Ballets (2005)
Orpheus : Scene Iii   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, London Symphony Orchestra - Three Greek Ballets (2005)
Pulcinella (1-19)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, London Symphony Orchestra - Pulcinella Etc/ Robert Craft (2006)
The Fairy`s Kiss (20-23)   Igor Stravinsky
from Robert Craft, London Symphony Orchestra - Pulcinella Etc/ Robert Craft (2006)
Three Russian Sacred Choruses (1-3)   Igor Stravinsky
from Fred Sherry, Stephen Taylor - Symphony Of Psalms/ Three Russian Sacred Choruses/ Robert Craft (2006)
Mass (4-8)   Igor Stravinsky
from Fred Sherry, Stephen Taylor - Symphony Of Psalms/ Three Russian Sacred Choruses/ Robert Craft (2006)
Cantata (9-15)   Igor Stravinsky
from Fred Sherry, Stephen Taylor - Symphony Of Psalms/ Three Russian Sacred Choruses/ Robert Craft (2006)
Babel   Igor Stravinsky
from Fred Sherry, Stephen Taylor - Symphony Of Psalms/ Three Russian Sacred Choruses/ Robert Craft (2006)
Symphony Of Psalms (17-19)   Igor Stravinsky
from Fred Sherry, Stephen Taylor - Symphony Of Psalms/ Three Russian Sacred Choruses/ Robert Craft (2006)
Jeu De Cartes (1-3)   Igor Stravinsky
from Mark Wait, Robert Craft - Later Ballets/ Robert Craft (2007)
Danses Concertantes (4-8)   Igor Stravinsky
from Mark Wait, Robert Craft - Later Ballets/ Robert Craft (2007)
Scenes De Ballet (9-15)   Igor Stravinsky
from Mark Wait, Robert Craft - Later Ballets/ Robert Craft (2007)
Variations   Igor Stravinsky
from Mark Wait, Robert Craft - Later Ballets/ Robert Craft (2007)
Capriccio For Piano And Orchestra (17-19)   Igor Stravinsky
from Mark Wait, Robert Craft - Later Ballets/ Robert Craft (2007)
Concerto For String Quartet And Orchestra In B Flat : Largo - Allegro   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
Concerto For String Quartet And Orchestra In B Flat : Largo   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
Concerto For String Quartet And Orchestra In B Flat : Allegretto Grazioso   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
Concerto For String Quartet And Orchestra In B Flat : Hornpipe   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
Suite For Paino, Op.25 : Praludium   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
Suite For Paino, Op.25 : Gavotte - Musette - Gavotte   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
Suite For Paino, Op.25 : Intermezzo   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
Suite For Paino, Op.25 : Menuett; Trio; Menuett Da Capo   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
Suite For Paino, Op.25 : Gigue   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
Lied Der Waldtaube   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
The Book Of The Hanging Gardens, Op.15 (11-25)   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
A Conversation With Arnold Schoenberg   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble - Concerto For String Quartet Etc/ Robert Craft (2004)
Six A Cappella Mixed Choruses (1-6)   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Robert Craft - Six A Cappella Mixed Choruses (2005)
String Quartet No.2, Op.10 (7-10)   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Robert Craft - Six A Cappella Mixed Choruses (2005)
Suite In G For String Orchestra (11-15)   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry String Quartet, Robert Craft - Six A Cappella Mixed Choruses (2005)
Serenade, Op. 24 (1-7)   Schönberg
from Stephen Varcoe, Charles Neidich - Serenade, Variations/ Robert Craft (2008)
Variations For Orchestra, Op. 31 (8-19)   Schönberg
from Stephen Varcoe, Charles Neidich - Serenade, Variations/ Robert Craft (2008)
Fugue In E Flat Major, Bwv 552, "St. Anne"   Schönberg
from Stephen Varcoe, Charles Neidich - Serenade, Variations/ Robert Craft (2008)
Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele, Bwv 654   Schönberg
from Stephen Varcoe, Charles Neidich - Serenade, Variations/ Robert Craft (2008)
Komm, Gott Schopfer, Heiliger Geist, Bwv 631   Schönberg
from Stephen Varcoe, Charles Neidich - Serenade, Variations/ Robert Craft (2008)
Herzgewachse, Op.20   Arnold Schönberg
from Robert Craft, Philhamronic Orchestra - Pierrot Lunaire/ Robert Craft (2007)
Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (2-22)   Arnold Schönberg
from Robert Craft, Philhamronic Orchestra - Pierrot Lunaire/ Robert Craft (2007)
Four Orchestral Songs, Op.22 (23-26)   Arnold Schönberg
from Robert Craft, Philhamronic Orchestra - Pierrot Lunaire/ Robert Craft (2007)
Chamber Symphony No.1, Op.9   Arnold Schönberg
from Robert Craft, Philhamronic Orchestra - Pierrot Lunaire/ Robert Craft (2007)
Five Pieces For Orchestra, Op.16 (1-5)   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry, Robert Craft - Five Pieces For Orchestra/ Cello Concerto/ Piano Quartet/ Robert Craft (2006)
Cello Concerto (6-8)   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry, Robert Craft - Five Pieces For Orchestra/ Cello Concerto/ Piano Quartet/ Robert Craft (2006)
Brahms, Orch. Schoenberg : Piano Quaret In G Minor Op.25 (9-12)   Schönberg
from Fred Sherry, Robert Craft - Five Pieces For Orchestra/ Cello Concerto/ Piano Quartet/ Robert Craft (2006)
Six Songs, Op.8, For Soprano And Orchestra (1-6)   Schönberg
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - Choral Works/ Robert Craft (2007)
Friede Auf Erden, Op.13   Schönberg
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - Choral Works/ Robert Craft (2007)
Six Pieces, For Male Chorus A Cappella, Op.35 (8-13)   Schönberg
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - Choral Works/ Robert Craft (2007)
Ei, Du Lutte   Schönberg
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - Choral Works/ Robert Craft (2007)
Kol Nidre, For Rabbi-narrator, Mixed Chorus And Orchestra, Op.39   Schönberg
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - Choral Works/ Robert Craft (2007)
Moses Und Aron : Excerpts From 'The Golden Calf And The Altar' (16-18)   Schönberg
from Robert Craft, Philharmonia Orchestra - Choral Works/ Robert Craft (2007)
A Survivor From Warsaw, Op. 46   Schönberg
from Rolf Schulte, David Wilson-Johnson - Violin Concerto/ Robert Craft (2008)
Prelude To Genesis, Op. 44   Schönberg
from Rolf Schulte, David Wilson-Johnson - Violin Concerto/ Robert Craft (2008)
Dreimal Tausend Jahre, Op. 50a   Schönberg
from Rolf Schulte, David Wilson-Johnson - Violin Concerto/ Robert Craft (2008)
De Profundis (Psalm 130), Op. 50b   Schönberg
from Rolf Schulte, David Wilson-Johnson - Violin Concerto/ Robert Craft (2008)
Ode To Napoleon, Op. 41   Schönberg
from Rolf Schulte, David Wilson-Johnson - Violin Concerto/ Robert Craft (2008)
Violin Concerto, Op. 36   Schönberg
from Rolf Schulte, David Wilson-Johnson - Violin Concerto/ Robert Craft (2008)
Symphony, Op. 21 (1-2)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
5 Canons On Latin Texts, Op. 16 (3-7)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
3 Volkstexte (Traditional Rhymes), Op. 17 (8-10)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
3 Songs, Op. 18 (11-13)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
Trio, Op. 20 (14-15)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
Quartet, Op. 22 (16-17)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
Variations For Piano, Op. 27 (18-20)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
6 Pieces, Op. 6 (Revised Version) (21-26)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
4 Pieces For Violin And Piano, Op. 7 (27-30)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
3 Pieces For Cello And Piano, Op. 11 (31-33)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
Concerto For Nine Instruments, Op. 24 (34-36)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
Schubert, Orch. Webern: German Dances (37-42)   Anton von Webern
from Twentieth Century Classics Ensemble, Robert Craft - Symphony Etc/ Robert Craft (2005)
Piano Quartet In G Minor, Op.25 Allegro (Johannes Brahms)   Johannes Brahms
from Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach - The Music Of Arnold Schoenberg/ Robert Craft (2006)
Piano Quartet In G Minor, Op.25 Intermezzo. Allegro, Ma Non Tanto   Johannes Brahms
from Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach - The Music Of Arnold Schoenberg/ Robert Craft (2006)
Piano Quartet In G Minor, Op.25 Andante Con Moto   Johannes Brahms
from Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach - The Music Of Arnold Schoenberg/ Robert Craft (2006)
Piano Quartet In G Minor, Op.25 Presto. Rondo Alla Zingarese   Johannes Brahms
from Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach - The Music Of Arnold Schoenberg/ Robert Craft (2006)
Prelude And Fugue In E-flat Major, Bwv 552 "St. Anne" Prelude (Johann Sebastian Bach)   Johannes Brahms
from Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach - The Music Of Arnold Schoenberg/ Robert Craft (2006)
Prelude And Fugue In E-flat Major, Bwv 552 "St. Anne" Fugue   Johannes Brahms
from Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach - The Music Of Arnold Schoenberg/ Robert Craft (2006)
Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele, Bwv 654   Johannes Brahms
from Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach - The Music Of Arnold Schoenberg/ Robert Craft (2006)
Komm, Gott, Schopfer, Heilger Geist, Bwv 631   Johannes Brahms
from Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach - The Music Of Arnold Schoenberg/ Robert Craft (2006)
German Dances D820 (Franz Schubert)   Johannes Brahms
from Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach - The Music Of Arnold Schoenberg/ Robert Craft (2006)
Serenade No.13 In G Major K.525 `Eine Kleine Nachtmusik` (Track 1-4) (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)   W.A.Mozart
from George Szell, Robert Craft - Serenade No.13 G-dur Kv525 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Etc (2002)
Blasersernade In C Minor K.388 (384a) (Track 5-8)   W.A.Mozart
from George Szell, Robert Craft - Serenade No.13 G-dur Kv525 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Etc (2002)
Serenade In B Major K.361 (370a) `Gran Partita` (Track 9-15)   W.A.Mozart
from George Szell, Robert Craft - Serenade No.13 G-dur Kv525 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Etc (2002)
Ser In B Flat, K. 361 (370a): Gran Partita I. Largo - Molto Allegro   W.A.Mozart
from Philadelphia Woodwind Quintet, Ensemble Wien-Berlin - Serenade No.10 "gran Partita",etc/ Craft (2001)

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