EOS Orchestra

EOS Orchestra    


[Disc 1]
1. Pastorela: First Suite La Lucha / 2. Pastorela: First Suite Caminata / 3. Pastorela: First Suite El Indio / 4. Pastorela: First Suite Pieza Tranquila / 5. Pastorela: First Suite Danza General / 6. Suite For Small Orchestra Pastorale / 7. Suite For Small Orchestra Havanaise / 8. Suite For Small Orchestra Divertissement / 9. Concerto For Two Pianos And Orchestra Allegro / 10. Concerto For Two Pianos And Orchestra Scherzo / 11. Concerto For Two Pianos And Orchestra Andante / 12. Concerto For Two Pianos And Orchestra Galop / 13. The Wind Remains Overture / 14. The Wind Remains Setting The Stage / 15. The Wind Remains El Sue?o / 16. The Wind Remains Entrance Of The Girl / 17. The Wind Remains ¿quien Lo Dice? / 18. The Wind Remains Clown Dance / 19. The Wind Remains The Mask & The Stenographer / 20. The Wind Remains ¿d?nde Vas? / 21. The Wind Remains Te He De Ilevar / 22. The Wind Remains Te He De Ilevar / 23. The Wind Remains D?nde Vas? / 24. The Wind Remains Servant's Dance / 25. The Wind Remains Si, Mi Hijo / 26. The Wind Remains Una Musica De A?os / 27. The Wind Remains Una Musica De A?os / 28. Secret Words Once A Lady Was Here / 29. Secret Words In The Woods / 30. Secret Words April Fool Baby / 31. Secret Words Farther From The Heart / 32. Secret Words My Sister's Hand In Mine / 33. Secret Words Secret Words

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