Usaf Heritage Of America Band

Usaf Heritage Of America Band    유에스 에어포스 허리티지 오브 아메리카 밴드
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. Riders For The Flag - John Philip Sousa / 2. His Honor - Henry Fillmore / 3. Gloria - Frank H.losey / 4. The Screamer - Frederick A. Jewell / 5. Bullets And Bayonets (Sousa) - Lowell Graham / 6. King Karl King (Fillmore) - Lowell Graham / 7. The Big Cage - Karl L. King / 8. Circus Echoes - Arthur W. Hughes / 9. Shield Of Liberty - Joseph J. Richards / 10. The Invincible Eagel (Sousa) - Lowell Graham / 11. Voice Of America (King) - Lowell Graham / 12. Black Jack - Fred K. Huffer / 13. Nobles Of The Mystic Shrine (Sousa) - Lowell Graham / 14. Sarasota (King) - Lowell Graham / 15. The New York Hippodrome (Sousa) - Lowell Graham / 16. Gardes Du Corps - Robert B. Hall / 17. Smilin` Jack - Robert S. Keller / 18. Royal Scotch Highlanders (King) - Lowell Graham / 19. The Black Horse Troop (Sousa) - Lowell Graham / 20. Bugles And Drums - Edwin Franko Goldman / 21. New Frontiers (King) - Lowell Graham / 22. The Magnet (Losey) - Lowell Graham / 23. The Bride Elect (Sousa) - Lowell Graham / 24. Brooke`s Triumphal - Roland F. Seitz / 25. The Stars And Stripes Forever (Sousa) - Lowell Graham

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